The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
The intermission period of the OCW 14 Anniversary Show is suddenly interrupted with a familiar tune. As Capo’s theme music fills the room, fans start to race back to their seats as cheers erupt at the prestigious Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. As Capo enters, the crowd is thrown into even more of a frenzy.
The highly influential OCW rookie struts down to the ring in rare form. On his way to the ring, Capo can be seen taking selfies with fans, throwing back a couple of flutes of champagne while shouting “Salud” to his fans.
The atmosphere of the room calms as two beautiful ladies take Capo’s blazer and cigar, and plant kisses on his cheeks. Two more ladies sit on the ropes as Capo enters the ring.
Capo stands in the center of the ring. His stature is phenomenal, his physique is stupendous as he stares into the crowd with a new found vibrancy and energy. His constituents begin to chant:
Crowd: Rookie of the year! Rookie of the Year! Rookie of the year! Rookie of the year!
The crowd pops heavy as the energy and emotion intensify.
Capo: Take the boss outta Brooklyn, can’t take the Brooklyn out the boss!
Crowd pops….
Capo: What’s going on OCW?
Capo: laughs...Youse thinks youse know Capo Huh...You're all FEDS!..Lemme get outta town…(scumbag laugh)
scumbag bag laughs fill the room…
Capo: Youse know I came to TALK—MY—-ISH! [Capo does his signature hip thrusts as the ladies start to scream]
Crowd applauds—Female fan yells “TALK DAT ISH DADDY”
Capo: sigh…..THE BITCH MADE ERA…..
Crowd goes crazy…..
Capo: I’m still smellin' weak gimmicks and teen spirit….(chuckles) I walking by the locker room this evening and some schmuck runs out chasing another schmuck with a can of
Crowd laughs…
Capo: You should have seen their costume... I mean I know Halloween just passed, but some of these guys don’t know if they wanna be Luchadors or BILLY [expletive] JEAN!
Capo: RIP to MJ…
Crowd laughs and applauds fill the room…
Capo: I been reading the magazines….These sad interviews….Who makes up these storylines? Where is the Ambition?
Capo: Gimmick Wrestlers: The B^^^^ Made Era…
Crowd approves and pops with applauds…
Capo: Everybody trying to get over, let me catch a punk tryna get over…
Crowd approves…
Capo: You know while I was gone, I had a long time to think about my return.
Capo: I just wanted to come back at the right time.........Some may say I flaked…..
Capo: Some said…...Some said….”Capo is doin too much”
Capo You know what I said?
Crowd: WHAT?
Crowd approval fills the room….
Capo: Before I left, I did the damn thing….I challenge anyone backstage to come out and call me a liar….
Capo waits a few moments, but no one shows…
Capo: If there is anyone who challenges my dedication, sportsmanship, readiness, preparedness, loyalty or AMBITION then please come forward now.
Capo waits a few moments, but no one shows…
Capo: It seems like it was just yesterday I stepped into the ring, a young superstar in the making and faced Archer...I faced some of the toughest opponents early in my career. I threw that crazy Clash Party that you all came out to and witnessed me put a grown [expletive] man through a pool table…
The crowd is half and half as some approve while others start to discuss…
Capo: I got it out the mud...And what...They gimmie their [expletive] to kiss.
Capo: I worked with a lot of you. I supported you relentlessly….
Crowd erupts!!
Capo stands with pride as the Crowd approvals fill the room.
Capo: I walked out into this ring and stood face to face with The Great Malu…I went toe to toe with the Irish and Dragon….Shout out to Justin Jehst…
Capo: While you boys stood backstage….Pointing fingers….Jivin’...Tryna’ Get Over——Lemme Catch
Capo points the mic at the crowd—-
Capo: I’m baaaaaaaaaaaacck! Scumbag laugh….
Scumbag laughs fill the room as Capo begins his exit
Capo drops the mic…..
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Ok..ok..OK...ENOUGH Andrew Dice Ghey! |
Stacy Clark waits patiently in the ring upon a spindly chair. She bobs her head a little as B17’s music blares over the system.
Girl we need some, girl we need some action!
B17 waltzes his way to the ring with some occasional hand flailing. Kids and grandmas threw their hands into the air to celebrate while middle aged men gave a collective shudder.
Bingo rolls into the ring as Clark prepares herself. She motions to an opposite chair and hands B17 a mic.
Clark: The Living Bingo Color, B17!
B17 nods with a small smile on his face.
Clark: But, you seem different?
B17’s smile fades and his eyes dart around as the crowd goes silent.
B17: HAHA. Clark, whatever do you mean? Huh?
Bingo wiped away the sweat beads rolling down his face.
Clark: Well, obviously. It’s not really there anymore is it?
Bingo: I’m...I’m. I’m not certain what you’re getting at.
Clark: You’re wig. You’ve lost it.
Bingo: I HAVEN’T LOST IT! IT WAS STOLEN FROM ME! Have you seen it! Have you seen my wig?
Clark holds up both hands and motions for Bingo to calm down: It’s ok, Bingo.
B17 takes a deep breath: No! It's not! I have three names!
B17 holds up four fingers.
B17: Code Jackman. The vulture who tried to scavenge from a defenseless man.
B17: Archer, the kingpin who wants to tap into powers he doesn’t understand.
B17: And...oh...and the man who tried to end my career. Austin Lee.
B17: You’ve tried to rob me, tried to hide my wig from me. But I feel it. I can sense its suffering.
B17 looks directly into the camera: No wig left behind.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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(Rolls His Eyes) It's just a dam wig....get a new one! |
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HOW DARE YOU SIR! You didn't have that same energy when someone stole your Grandmother's dentures! DID YOU! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The scene opens on a most spooky Halloween night. The streets are littered with children going from house to house, demanding their neighbors for candy. We focus on two figures walking together towards what looks to be an abandoned school. Upon closer examination, the figures are the Women’s Champion, Dragana and the challenger, Aerith.
Dragana is dressed as Joan of Arc, complete with heavy armor that clunks around with each step made. Aerith makes her appearance as a highland cow.
The pair walk up to the school’s entrance and Dragana starts shaking her head. Aerith turns to her friend and smiles.
Aerith: What’s the matter? Afraid of going….back to school?
She gets closer to Dragana and does the “spooky fingers”.
Aerith: Ooooooohhhhhhh.
Dragana: >_<
Dragana grits her teeth and shakes her head. Aerith reaches out to open the heavily boarded door. She shakes it around.
Aerith: Hmm. Locked. That's odd.
She looks around for another entrance when the pair are interrupted by a loud smash. They look back at the entrance and see that one of the doors has fallen to the ground.
Aerith: That’s our ticket! Come on let's go!
A terrified Dragana looks as if she wants nothing else but to hide inside of her armor like a turtle. Aerith grabs her by the shoulder and leads her inside.
The pair duck into the school, creepy ambient music and noises fill the halls. The haunted house business had certainly improved since they were at school. The warrior and her trusty cow plod along, a nervous giggle begins to bubble from Aerith as the pair start to clutch at each other as they inch their way along the hall..
Aerith: Look what we have here…
They walk into one of the classrooms. The desks are dusty, and most of them have been tipped over and taken apart. The dim lighting causes Dragana to awkwardly grab her phone from underneath the armor and use the flashlight function to inspect the area.
The board has the phrase “I will not talk in class” written repeatedly. The Silent Queen looks over her shoulder to find that Aerith is nowhere to be seen. Her already pale complexion grows even paler as she scrambles to look for her friend in the classroom.
She looks to what appears to be a closet. She takes a deep breath and lets it out as she slowly opens the door, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth to brace herself for any surprises. After leaving the door open for a few moments, slowly opening an eye to find….nothing much outside of a few markers and writing utensils.
She takes one of the markers and curiously removes the cap, causing her to cough due to the dust. She puts the marker up to her nose and smells it. Dragana instantly starts coughing and almost gagging due to the horrible smell. She tosses the marker back in the closet.
The Women’s Champion turns around….
Aerith: MOO!
Dragana: Ah!
The startled Dragana falls flat on her tuchus, dropping her phone. Aerith laughs.
Aerith: See what I did there? Moo instead of Boo? Haha!
Dragana: -_-
Dragana picks her phone back up and stumbles back to her feet looking rather annoyed. The pair proceed back to the hallway. Most of the doors appear to have been sealed off now, including the one they knocked their way in.
Aerith: This haunted house sure is realistic, huh? Dragana… Dragana?
This time, Dragana has somehow gotten separated from the group, Aerith blinks, and looks to her right.
Aerith: How the heck did she do that? I don’t understand…
Aerith blunders onward, running a hand along the wall, she recoils in disgust.
Aerith: It’s warm! Oh god why is it warm?!?!
From the roof, something drips onto her arm, that was enough. Aerith began running, not truly looking where she’s gone, the head of her costume slips off, thankfully, it’s attached by a cord.
The decapitated highland cow flees through the house, screaming her lungs out as she weaves in and out of the various method actors. She comes to a halt in a dark corridor, doubled over, panting as she struggles for breath.
She looks from side to side, seeing nothing but lockers and darkness around her. She leans up against one of the lockers to attempt to calm herself down. But her attempts to relax herself are dashed by the sound of a locker slowly opening right next to her.
Dragana’s face is uncovered from the shadows, and she plants her hand on Aerith’s shoulder, causing her to scream and out of instinct, turn around and plant the Women’s Champion with the double knees to the face, Jacob’s Ladder. She slams the locker door shut and turns around with her back facing the locker.
Aerith: Wait….
Aerith slowly opens the locker and Dragana slumps to the floor, the sounds of her armor crashing echo throughout the school.
Aerith: Oh no!!!!
She gets down to a knee, looking horrified.
Aerith: I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were just….
Dragana: …
The Women’s Champion looks to be motionless. Aerith shoves her around a bit to try to wake her up, and eventually Dragana starts to move. She slowly and painfully sits up, putting her hand up to her face. She grunts in pain as Aerith helps her to her feet. Dragana gets helped along the passageway by Aerith, suddenly, from the dark, an actor jumps out.
Aerith: F*** off you whalloper!
The actor blinks and slinks back into his position as the scene fades out, Aerith once again apologising profusely.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well hell thats not good! |
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Not so close to competition! |