(Previously Recorded)
Opening up into the familiar “The Clocktower” restaurant, we see El Parca sitting at a table in the corner of the restaurant back toward the wall. Parca can see everyone coming in and out of the restaurant as it appears he’s waiting for someone. Some time goes on and in comes Dennis Dillinger, Dillinger looking around finally notices Parca and walks over to him.
Dennis with that smug smirk and confidence pulls a chair out and sits down as he starts conversing with Parca.
Dennis: Ah! Primero. My very own prime rib. Thrilled to see you at my favorite restaurant. Big weekend coming up, the OCW Anniversary show! Big show means big money, you know what I mean?
Parca rolls his eyes before letting out an annoyed sigh.
Dillinger’s smile fade and he lets out a childish scoff
Dillinger: Oh cmon! Not you too! Between you and Garcia, I feel like nobody enjoys the Clocktower as much as I do.
Parca: It’s not that… Yes Dennis, you’re right it’s a huge weekend for us in DDE. We got Ross taking on Rust Cohle for the North American Championship and I finally get to end these annoying escapades with Colin. But humor me, Dennis.
Dennis: The comedy game is for carnies and hacks, Primero.
Parca begins looking around the restaurant taking in the lavish aesthetics and scenery in the place. He turns his attention back to a glass of wine in front of him and picks it up, mesmerized by how the glass looks and the liquid inside of it he focuses back on Dennis.
Parca: Look at this glass Dennis, beautiful isn’t it? At a certain point in time, this glass was nothing, just pieces of sand waiting to be pushed together by the processes which made it into this wonderful piece of drinkware. Now you’re probably wondering, why am I going so in-depth about this one singular glass?
Dennis shakes his head, confused and exasperated, but listens as Parca carries on.
Parca: Well Dennis, while I was watching the rerun of Turmoil, which was a spectacular show, might I add. I noticed you and Garcia in this restaurant, I also heard that pompous, annoying, insufferable, ungrateful lowlife dare make comparisons of Julius Caesar about himself. He’s crossing the rubicon? He’s looking to end his rookie year with gold around his waist, eh?
Dennis, sensing the frustration and anger in Parca’s tone, tries to calm his client down. He smiles and shakes his head, searching for the words.
Dennis: This has all gotten too far out of hand. Remember last year when I- when WE- backed up the truck for the kid? We know what his potential is… and god dammit I will not be made a fool out of. I didn’t spend all this money on his look, his branding, his future, just to have it all crumble because all of us can’t get along.
Parca: That’s the issue Dennis. ALL of us? Look at what’s happened ever since some of these experiments didn’t come to fruition? Dane Xavier? Christ, man couldn’t handle a single loss and his ego snapped in half, and poof he was gone, Dennis. Now Garcia decides he wants to play the hero, he decides he wants to be the frontrunner and the center of attention. Why?
Parca: Investments usually return something, Dennis they make it worthwhile. What exactly has Christian Garcia given back to us? Better yet, what has he given back to ME?
Dennis: These things take ti-
Parca leans forward and cuts off his manager, continuing on, the octaves raising in his voice with each pause.
Parca: Instead, he lost his golden ticket at the Tag Team Championships, which caused me to have to deal with his mental breakdown. All because he couldn’t get the job done! THAT resulted in me not being fully there against Tony.
Dennis: Primero, you and I are on the same page. What happened at Summercide was far less than ideal, you know that and mark my words you will get another shot at that championship-
Parca, now firmly ranting through DIllinger’s weak-breathed defenses, continues on.
Parca: He then carries on and moans and groans about how he wants this, he wants that, when he was just meant to be a helping hand. Is this all about Garcia? Is that it, Dennis? Are you out of the Primero business?
Dillinger smacks the table at the accusation.
Dennis: Who was the one that came to you while you were taking a backseat to that inbred cornhusker last year? Who was the one who reminded you who the hell Primero was in the first place? DDE IS THE PRIMERO BUSINESS. I know things haven’t split as evenly as you’d have liked, and I apologize, but you’re the marquee of Dillinger Enterprises and don’t you accuse me of EVER compromising Dillinger Enterprises best interests.
Parca chuckles before grabbing the wine glass he mentioned beforehand and takes a sip from it. Relishing in the taste his eyes are locked on the glass then places it down before looking back on to Dennis, who looks around and calms himself down before they continue.
Parca: Am I? Good. If so, Garcia is done. Out, our return on the Investment will be the fact Ross will beat him bloody and hopefully lifeless so we never deal with him again. I have a new right hand man and that’s Gonzalo Munoz, but you have nothing to fret Dennis.
Parca: Me and Ross? We’re professionals. We’re not emotional timebombs like the kid. He’s like Reese, they don’t have the mindset that we do, Dennis. We understand that we don’t need to be the best of friends to make money and bring notoriety to DDE.
Parca: Christian Garcia was never my friend. DDE, you, me, all of us are out of the Investment business. He thinks he’s Julius Caesar crossing the rubicon? He’s more like Pompey walking into Egypt, he won’t walk out with his head.
Dennis, sweating a little bit, picks up a nearby handkerchief and wipes his forehead, afterward he picks up a glass of water, taking a sip. He puts it down and looks back toward Parca.
Dennis: Parca, I wish it were that simple. I’ve still got more meetings and more to talk about with the kid before we just throw all the time I’ve invested out the window. You have to understand that.
Dennis: Even still, you are my number 1 interest right now. Ross gets it. You get it. I will MAKE Garcia get it. I can make him understand his place in all of this. Get him back on board.
Parca: It’s time to sell that stock, Dennis. You say you get it, but I’m telling you what it is. I’m the one who can take this organization into the stars and farther Dennis, don’t you forget that. I was the rookie sensation, I was the double champion who carried BOTH titles for a year, I am the blueprint for success and glory.
Parca: I am the greatest masked wrestler OCW will ever be graced with. I wasn’t bullshitting when I said I was the only living legend, cause it’s true I am the future of this company and I hope you see that Dennis.
A waiter walks over to the two men as Parca glances over to the waiter staring at him in the eye.
Parca: Good. Now, unlike Garcia I know the value of a good meal. So, let’s order and put this all behind us shall we.
Parca looks back over to Dennis as he raises his wine glass in the air for a cheers. Dennis picks up his glass and the two clink together. Dennis opens his mouth to speak, but confliction quickly closes it. He lets out a worried smirk as the cameras back up and begin to fade to black.
The Camera Pans To The Commentary Team
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An advertisement for the Season 16 Awards is playing, showing some of the biggest and craziest moments from the previous year. As the awards flash by to show a teaser for “Holy Sh!t Moment of the Year”, we see a quick image of Terra Daturas spraying the green mist into the face of Valkyrie.
As the image quickly cuts, the view zooms out to see someone watching the advertisement. It is Terra herself, who is leaned forward with a blank look on her face. She lifts her hand and rolls the green capsule around in her hand, presumably filled with the organic fluid.
Sue: Sometimes you’re harder to find than a chameleon in a tiedye convention!
Terra seems to not hear Sue and continues blanking out. Sue notices the capsule and laughs a little to herself.
Sue: I know I can be a pain in the butt hon but there’s no need to take poison! Or… Spray my eyes like that dinosaur in Jurassic Park.
Terra hears the joke and comes to, shaking her head slightly and turning around to frown at her partner. She places the capsule back in a small plastic container and looks at the ground.
Sue: No, no! Don’t be silly I was just kiddin’. I know you’d never do anything like that to me.
Terra shakes her head, still embarrassed and looking at the floor.
Terra: Do you believe me?
Sue: Huh? Now why wouldn’t I believe you Terra?
Terra: Last year, all those things I did. I still believe I had to. I had no choice.
Terra: Marisa, Sarah, Ashley, Kumiko… They all treated me as if I was not a human, just like them.
Terra: I may not agree with all of the things I did in those moments, but I believe I was in the right. I never did anything that I was not provoked to do.
Terra shakes her head and she attempts to hide her eyes further as they tear up.
Terra: But now my actions and my emotions are being lauded to the world in a glorified clip-show. Nobody knows the truth.
Sue grabs Terra by the chin and lifts her head, so that she’s looking at Sue. Terra tries to close her eyes, but eventually opens them to see Sue Plex staring right back at her.
Sue: Darlin’ I might be from one horse town but I have a tv for the stuff that happened before I got to sitti backstage watchin’ it all happen on those rinky-dink monitors.
Sue: Look, I know a lot of people think me and my cousin are as bright as the dark side of the moon… Along with the obsession we wear the same size of pants…
Sue: But guess what? None of that matters because I know deep down who and what I am. I know where I’ve been, where I am right now…
Sue: I also know, deep down all about you Terra… And that’s how I know that the next place I’m goin’ sure as heck ain’t gonna be anywhere you’re not goin’ too.
Terra first smiles, then laughs together with Sue, grabbing her other hand.
Terra: You are so kind. I am so lucky to have met you.
Terra wipes her eyes and leans in as the two share a quick kiss. Sue darts back to her feet, full of energy.
Sue: Now… That reminds me, I’m not an elephant, so I forget from time to time…
Sue: So remember that time you took me to your, pardon the pun, terrarium? Big word I know but you can’t spell it with Terra so it got lodged in my brain like beaver in a dam… Well, I done some googlin’ and…
Terra’s eyes light up as she begins to follow Sue’s words. With a wildly excited swing of the arm, Sue gestures for Terra to follow her.
Sue: I may or may not have managed to get those flowers you like…
Terra climbs to her feet and rushes towards Sue as they exit the room and the scene fades.
The Camera Pans To The Commentary Team
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