John is sat next to Parker wrapping his hands prior to the N1C match
John: Look man I know we had a rough few weeks but this is our time. This is our chance to get back at Sanctum and all that’s in our way is The Wolves. Just one of us has more accolades than both of them combined.
John looks Parker in the eyes
John: This is our moment. Tonight, we can silence the doubters. We do this, they’ll have no choice but recognize we are a threat.
John: Me and you are going to show this tag division how to wrestle properly and that starts tonight. We will give it our all and those tag titles will be coming home with TWC one day.
Even though John looks excited for the match, Elliot is still sitting calmly, with a solemn look on his face.
Parker: Soon, John…
Parker: Soon, one part of our dream will be accomplished. The other part? Well, whenever they give Marcus the shot he deserves, maybe then it'll come true.
Parker: Tonight, though… Tonight we give the dogs the war they crave.
Elliot, hearing the crowd's commotion in the arena, then gets up from his bench.
Parker: Sounds like that's our cue. Let's go, John. Time for some action.
John looks at Parker then back at the camera and grins
John: Tony, Jacob remember Marcus still got eyes on you. Especially you Tony after that little stunt you pulled sabotaging us. TWC got eyes on you all. One last note I know you had a scuffle with Reese recently. If he tries getting involved tonight he can get dropped right next to the Wolves.
The Camera Pans To The Commentary Team
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We have new #1 Contenders! |
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Oh lord! |
Yelling and slamming of chairs can be heard outside of the locker room that the cameras are positioned in. Inside the locker room listening to all the commotion is Gonzalo Munoz. As the door of the locker is kicked open, literally. In storms an outraged El Parca. Ripping off his finger and wrist tape his eyes look like they are filled with anger.
Picking up a nearby chair and hurling it at the wall while screaming obscenities in Spanish. Parca picks up the chair he threw and starts banging it on the floor until it breaks and the seat falls off. Tossing down the frame and looking around he finally notices Gonzalo.
Gonzalo: Calma te, Primero. You are not supposed to throw a tantrum for these mamaos.
Parca: HOW CAN HE SCOOP!........W-what did you just say to me?
Gonzalo, sitting forward in his chair once again repeats himself.
Gonzalo: Calmos, amigo. I was just saying that you are El Primero. You have to act better than that. Show them who you really are. Have you forgot who you are ?
Parca: I-I of course I haven’t forgotten who I am! I know exactly what I’m here to do what are you on about?
Gonzalo: You underestimated him. He got you. But it could have gone either way. This little fool might have won twice, if he saw you throwing stuff around.
Parca: Now who the hell do you think you’re talking to? I gave you a job, yo-you can’t talk to me like this!
Gonzalo stands up and walks a few feet closer to El Parca as he himself picks up another nearby chair.
Gonzalo: Come on, let's relax a bit and talk man to man.
Gonzalo sets up the chair and puts it down and motions for Parca to take a seat. Begrudgingly Parca sits down in the chair as Gonzalo returns back to his.
Gonzalo: Let us get something straight here Primero. You did not give me a job, you gave me an opportunity. An opportunity that I will not lose sight of like this little complaining diva Christian Garcia.
Gonzalo: But for tonight, it’s over, it’s done. You took your eye off the prize, foot off the gas, and paid the consequences for it. No one could have helped you or stopped you other than yourself. I think you needed that loss.
Parca hunching over putting his arms propped up with his elbows on his thighs and placing his head in his hands. He lets out a deep breath as Gonzalo continues.
Gonzalo: Your attention has been too scattered the past few weeks. All over the place. You’re worried about DDE, Garcia, Chris Greene, and Colin Locke. Now that's a lot to think through. You weren't fully focused on one target.
Parca: You’re right… I was too distracted. Again. I made the same mistake that I did against Tony at Summercide… How could I be so foolish?
Gonzalo leans back in his chair with a smirk on his face knowing he got some sense into Parca as Parca continues on.
Parca: I’ve been too preoccupied with worrying about DDE and everything from here and the sun. I let Colin get the better of me I thought since I already beat him once I could waltz in there willy nilly and have an easy day at the office.
Gonzalo: It's a part of the Game, Primero. But what isn’t a part of the game is not having your full attention where it was needed. You brought me in to be your personal Sicario, your righthand man. I won’t make the same mistakes that Garcia made with this opportunity. Instead, I’ll do one even better.
Parca shifting position leans back with a confused look on his face.
Parca: Oh? What do you mean?
Gonzalo chuckles as he points at Parca’s knees.
Gonzalo: You know how to collect arms, we know this for a fact. That's fine. You know how to dive, springboard, and everything in-between as a luchador. But what you don’t know? The sweet satisfaction of hearing your opponent scream in agony, thinking that if he holds on, he might never walk again. Who would risk all that..? Ripping leg ligaments, muscles, and everything there is in somebody’s knees and legs. That is the true satisfaction.
Gonzalo: This "setback" ? This is nothing for you, for us. If you want to be the greatest technical wrestler OCW has ever seen. You need to be able to target any body part and ruin it with ease.
Parca is seen rubbing his chin with a more curious facial gesture.
Parca: So what are you recommending? That you train me how to start targeting legs?
Gonzalo: Recommending? Haha no. I am telling you, we will train together. Unlike your first teacher, what was his name again ? Ice.. sut.. suts.. Ai.. Aisu ?
Gonzalo rolls his eyes.: Anyways, unlike him I will help you train and I will not betray you. I told you ever since you gave me the opportunity to be your sicario. I am here to help show OCW just how great THEIR El Primero truly is.
Gonzalo: So, you have two options, you can still have your temper tantrum and break all the chairs you want, yell at everyone you want and I’ll sit and watch. Or, we can leave right now, go get something to eat, and tomorrow we begin training for your new chapter Del Primero.
Gonzalo gets up out of his seat and walks over to Parca extending his hand.
Gonzalo: So, what will it be, hombre ?
Parca taking a second to himself lets out a deep exhale as he looks up at Gonzalo. He puts his hand with him as Gonzalo lifts him up out of his seat. The two embrace and afterward they take a few steps back.
Parca: You’re right. I can and will be better. I’m grateful to have someone like you around me, Gonzalo. Not many people would tell me the truth like that. I needed to hear it, and I’m reminded why I need to do better for DDE.
Gonzalo: There is only one greatest technical wrestler in OCW. There is only one El Primero. The only one. Let's show them.
The two men nod at one another as Parca grabs his bag and the two leave the locker room. The cameras pan down and fade to black.