The camera pans back the interview area set up for Jim Black and his guests throughout the night in the back of the Key Arena. We see that this time it's Cody Storm that is set to be interviewed.
Jim Black: "Cody can we hear your thoughts on your big match up tonight with Sean McGee?"
Jim looks around quickly, covering his mouth, making sure that McGee wasn't anywhere nearby to hear Jim refer to him by his government name.
Jim Black: "What does tonight mean to you?"
Cody Storm: "Tonight means everything to me. It's been said by some that this title shot means everything to me; more than oxygen, and I have to agree. Tonight you're going to see one man fall in that ring so that the other can go on living and ascending. Tonight you're going to see a man die in that ring."
With that Cody turns his back to the camera and walks off down the hallway leaving the show to move on to what's next.
The Camera pans to OCWFED Commentators Charles Scaggs and "Big" Al Poling.
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The Son of God is focused. |
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The Son of God vs The Black Superman, it sounds like a DC Comic! |
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What's with you and the comics? |
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WHAT!!! I like to read comic books! |
A familiar voice seems to be having a melt down as we journey backstage once more to the office of Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esq. M.D., where we find the Director of Bombshell Talent & Operations verbally berating Molly.
Molly, rubbing the back of her neck, still sore from such an impactful move, can do nothing but take the director's berating, while Jessica Jessie lay a broken heap on the ground, her red SuperGirl cape draped over her body as though she were a corpse ready to be exhumed.
Lindsay sits back down, removing her glasses and massaging her temples, in an attempt to relieve some of her stress.
Lindsay: [calmly] It was supposed to be a handicap match, Molly.
Molly: I know…
Lindsay: It should have been so simple, Molly.
Molly: I know….
Molly: I…
Lindsay: That is the problem with this generation. NOW, NOW, NOW, I WANT IT NOW. Damn anyone else's planning or consideration. You should be ashamed. LOOK AT MY CHAMPION!
The camera pans down to Jessica, who has a snot bubble growing and shrinking in her right nostril.
Lindsay: If you value your career AT ALL, you will figure out a way to fix what you have ruined. I REFUSE to let your insolence go unpunished. For the sake of your job, and your future, I suggest you have a power point for me by Thursday's show.
Lindsay waves Molly out the door.
Lindsay: Or else you will know the WRATH of Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esq. M.D.!
Lindsay buries her head in her desk and the scene fades.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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So they had a plan all along huh! |
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Of course they did, why the hell would they let that Barbarian women win? She has no class, just a big ass! |
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Oh real classy Al! |
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I ain't hating, I am just stating! |
Elimination Match 37%
Bedlam (C) vs. Sherwood Jamison vs. Luke Fuentes vs. Mr.Westerfield
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Now that's what I call Hardcore! |
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That was AWESOME! |
We pan back to Multnomah County Inverness Holding Cells where Tiberius Dupree has just spent his first night in jail. It's early Friday morning in the central booking cell in Portland, everyone is crowded around the majestic magenta of betterness as he shares a life changing anecdote.
Dupree: See last year around this time, I turned my back on the people that made me one of the biggest stars in OCW history. And this year at Chill Faktor I would have liked to set things straight, but I guess karma has a funny way of finding it's way back around.
Dupree: I'm sure some of you have done some things that you wish you hadn't. But we can't take those things back, you have to move forward knowing the repercussions of such mistakes.
All the inmates, except a few passed out from hangovers, pay very close attention to every word.
Dupree: I don't like to use the word "Redemption" because that would be too cliche' for this story. Even though I loved that movie Shawskank Redemption, complete betterness...
Everyone nods eagerly in approval.
Dupree: I won't lie, of course I want revenge on Mugen for dyeing my hair purple, and calling the INS on me.
Dupree: Sure I want to slap that poser in a Dragon Slayer till his spine snaps in two, but that's just a portion of what I want... What I really want is to show my maturation, from where I was last year at Chill Faktor to where I am now...
Dupree: My friend Patolomai, helped me share my betterness with the world again, and it felt true, it felt right. Finding out who you truly are isn't an overnight process, it's not something that magically happens. It takes hard work and perseverance.
Butch and his buddy pat Tibby on his back.
Dupree: I appreciate you guys sharing your stories with me, and listening while I share mine. I don't care what anyone tells you, your all good guys in my book...even you Butch.
He cracks his classic half smile in Butch's direction.
Dupree: Because It's not where your at, it's about where you plan to go.
Just as Tibby finishes a guard approaches the cell, everyone turns as the hear the keys jingle.
Guard: Tiberius Dupree, your free to go.
After a couple of hand shakes and respectable nods as Tibby is finally released.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He's out but can he make it here tonight! |
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It was pre-recorded dummy of course he will be here tonight. What..What is wrong with you? |