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We pan to the office of the boss, Leonheart as he is taking a conference call.

Leonheart: The Main Event is about to start, so I will be brief.

Leonheart: So you are sure he hasn't been released?

Leonheart: What do you mean you don't know? Are you some kind of idiot!

Leonheart It's a yes or no question, is he out or is he not?

Leonheart: It makes no difference, the show is almost over and Security is extra tight. My vision for OCW is just about complete and if I may say so, this is a complete success!

Leonheart: Off with you it's time for me to go to work!

Leonheart: Yes, yea, Goodbye mother.

Leonheart ends his call as he reclines in his chair. A smile develops on his face as he leans further back, he is proud of himself.


The Camera pans to OCWFED Commentators Charles Scaggs and "Big" Al Poling.

It is now time for the Main Event. The World Champion takes on the #1 Contender Patolomai. And in the tradition of Chill Faktor a 3rd entry will be voted on by you the OCW Fans!

One can barely prepare for a Mastadon Samoan, but The Champ also has to prepare for a wildcard? This is rubbish!

Don't you hate Paul Pugh?

Of Course I do but that doesn't change the fact that this is unfair! GHOST DOG, POWER AND EQUALITY!




Main Event

The Winner as voted by you with 29%

Paul Pugh (C) vs. Patolomai vs. ???????

Download The Match Here

The Camera pans to the announce team!

