After the match, the scene opens up with FloJo sitting against the wall with a blank stare on her face. Cassidy Valentine and Nick Bates walk over the try and comfort her.
Cassidy: Hey, Lotus! Are you okay?
Bates: Look, it's gonna be alright. They'll be more opportunities down the line...
Cassidy: Uhhh....Lotus!
Cassidy: What's that "N" Word we used to call them?!
Bates: Wait...Cass-
Cassidy: NORMIES!!!
Bate: Oh thank god...
All of this was in vain when Flojo's eye's begun to water up.
Flojo: *sniff*
Cassidy: Flo, don't cry...We'll get'em for sure. I mean I've killed two of them at least.
Cassidy: Can we get a hug?
Bates: Yeah, y'know? For the Culture!!
Scene ends with the two of them pushed away by Flojo. with Cassidy and Bates looking on while Flojo gather her things and left.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Ya can't win them all! |
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Stiff upper lip lil trooper!..................SYKE! |
We pan back to the courtroom, where Odessa Ebony is standing ready to call another witness.
Odessa: I’d like to call Tiberius Dupree to the stand as a character witness.
The Golden Galactic Galavanter strides to the witness stand, he’s sworn in on a gold framed picture of himself.
Odessa: In your own words describe the kind of person Ryu Matsumoto is.
Dupree: There are no words to describe the Trash that is Ryu Matsumoto, nor would I claim any ownership of such words. But if I must...I often refer to him as the Time Usurper, the Minute Masochist, the Disgusting Transdimensional Dung Beetle...
He stands up overly passionate, Judge Jones gives him the eye, Tibby sits back down.
Dupree: A Skidmark on the Thong of Time itself. The truth is he should be put down like a rabid chihuahua!
Odessa: That will be all for me.
Buddy Burns and YSL stand up for their cross examination.
The two form an Eiffel Tower with their hands and start gyrating their hips suggestively.
Buddy: I’m gunna cross examine deez nutz all over this bitch.
YSL: Rhyme Tyme coming at you with the double team.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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NO!! |
We return to the Roadhouse with Archer analysing the pool table, stroking the pristine felt, revelling in the snow white markings. Everything about it was perfect, right down to the lacquered mahogany finish, the silk string pockets. It was glorious.
Archer: Yes, this is perfect. A table fit for a king, fit for my exquisite taste and often boasted about pool abilities. Wigless-17… Hand me my stick!
Ashley glares and swings with vigor at Archer. He catches it and they share a stare of disdain.
Archer: Austin! Rack up! This is the first time you will feel such exquisite and well manufactured balls in your hands!
Ashley snorts.
Ashley: Austin has handled more balls than Madison.
Lee: And no one is sure what you are...And no I already called #Trademark on breaking so you rack them. You do not get to buy the table, the balls and use and overpriced piece of wood for a cue and break first.
Lee: Ash rack the balls
Lee picks up the Cue ball slamming it down on the table as he begins to line his shot up, awaiting Ashley to do what she does best and rack the balls. Ashley removes the rack and #Austin hits the first shot missing every ball sending it flying through the air hitting Ashley in the face.
Lee: It's almost like balls are drawn to your face by a force field or something.
Austin ducks under the table as Ashley throws the ball back at Austin, only for her to miss sending the ball hurling into Capo’s party. Hitting a waitress in the back of the head.
Lee: #Muligan by the way Archer. “They” distracted me.
Karissa Dawson walks over picking the cue ball back up as she returns the ball back to the table.
Karissa: Seeing how I haven't broken anything in the past hour, do you think I could actually start working now or do I have to go sit back in the corner again…
Ashley: Just stand behind the bar and do not touch anything.
Karissa runs over jumping in the air to give Ashley a hug for allowing her to work at the bar. But Ashley saw it coming and steps to the side sending Karissa crashing into the floor.
Archer: What are we employing here? Disgraceful…
Ashley: You hired her, doughboy.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh for Petes sake! |
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It's bedlam at the Roadhouse! And now live from Japan its |
B17 vs Bill Ding *C*
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He got all of it! |
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Game ball! |
The scene opens in the backstage area of The Clash PPV arena where interviewer Stacy Clark stands with microphone in hand.
Stacy: Welcome back to The Clash 2018, LIVE from Rosemont, Illinois!!!
The Chicago crowd in the background cheers loudly.
Stacy: Ladies and gentlemen, I have with me here a new face in OCW, a man who will make his in ring debut on RIOT 490; may I introduce to you, JUSTIN JEHST!
The ruggedly handsome showman walks into frame wearing a pink business shirt, half buttoned, and revealing a small amount of trimmed chest hair. His black dress pants look freshly ironed, as they should be. Justin slides his pink lens aviators down his nose and winks at the camera before addressing Stacy.
Justin: Miss Stacy, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.
He kisses the interviewers hand causing her to blush.
Stacy: You too, Mr. Jehst. Now tell me, what are your thoughts on becoming one of the newest Rookies to enter OCW?
Justin: Stacy, to me, “Rookie” is just a label they give to the new kids on the block, and that’s fine. Call me a “Rookie”, a “Newb”, a “Turd Sandwich”; it DOESN’T MATTER!!
Justin: Ya see, I came into this Federation looking for opportunities not only to test The Jehst’s mettle, but to ascend into the ranks of glory alongside Hall of Famers! I wanna be remembered for putting on the best damn shows ever witnessed, giving the fans something to look forward to every week!
The crowd in the background cheer.
Justin: And I could have gone other places, Stacy, oh yes indeed! But I came HERE to OCW, BAYBAYYY!!!
Justin: And before I made my decision I did some research and found some astounding talent on the roster that have done incredible things; people I just had to meet and face off against!
Justin: There are people who can make robots! A duo of TIME TRAVELLERS for Pete’s sake! There is even a man who created an entire city purely through the use of a musical genre...ROCK – AND – ROLL!!!
The crowd cheer at the sly mention of their fan favourite International Champion.
Justin: So ya see, Stacy, there was only really one clear choice for me - - - O...C...W!!!
The crowd begin a feint OCW chant in the background that gets louder and louder. Justin pauses as he hears it, letting it swell and continue for a moment until it begins to die down.
Stacy: Well I’m sure you’ll get your chance to step in the ring with the greats of this company. Now, I have to ask you about your debut match on RIOT 490. You’ll be stepping into the ring with the man who has been putting on his Invitational challenges week after week, I speak of none other than Chaz Hendrix.
A low rumbling of boos begins to emanate from the Chicago crowd. Justin gently takes the microphone from Stacy’s hand.
Justin: Stacy, I apologise, but I’m gonna need this for a second.
Justin: CHAZ HENDRIX!! - - - In two days time, you will be in the ring with a man who has given up EVERYTHING in order to be here; a man with all of it on the line! That gives me a FIYAH in mah TUM TUM!
Justin: Ya see, Chaz, this Tuesday night, LIIIIVE in MADISON SQUAAAARE GAAARRDEN, me and you, mano a mano, the MISTREL of the MAT, the BARDIC BRAWLER, HOLLYWOOD MAULER, is gonna TAKE – YOU – OUT!
Justin: And I know you’re hoping I mean “on a date”, but BAYBAY that’s not how the Jehst Man rolls!
Justin: Chaz, I never got an invitation from you, and frankly I’m a little offended! So in two days time you better bring your A game daddio, because all my Jehsticles in the crowd and watching ALL – AROUND – THE WOORRRRRLLLLLDDD are gonna witness the PISS TAKING, HIP SHAKING, WRIST BREAKING, SUBMISSION MAGICIAN smack you from pillar to post and put you down for the 1...2...3!
Justin: And after that's all done and dusted, and your skinny, prepubescent body is lying motionless on the mat, the OCW roster and the rest of the world will know that JUSTIN JEHST has FINALLY ARRIVED!!!!
Justin pauses as the crowd cheers and whistles, loving the OCW newcomers’ charisma and confidence, and also the prospect of Chaz Hendrix taking a beating.
Justin slowly hands the microphone back to Stacy, spins around to face the other way, almost in a Michael Jackson style, and struts out of frame as the camera focus’ on Stacy’s face, eventually fading to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well someone is excited! |
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He better be he is in the big leagues now! |