The camera cuts to Cheryl, already a little too excited, probably because of the excess of champagne from all of the celebrating done by the members of Showblitz.
Making an unusual effort to keep up in her high heels as she walked, Cheryl approached a room designated for ‘The Crown’. She looked to a sign that had ‘Dilly Dilly!’ written on it, and knew she must have been in the right place.
Cheryl wanted to wish Dennis good luck in his match against Danny, her best friend. Although a little dizzy, Cheryl was fine and knew exactly what she needed to say to Dennis that night.
When she arrived, Cheryl did not bother knocking on the door and simply turned the dressing room knob as if she were entering her own room. Cort Marshal, Christian Shepherd, Large Edward, and Seb Abbot were engaged in a serious game of ‘Go Fish!’.
Well, Edward was playing ‘Go Fish!’ while the rest of them were ‘trying’ to get a game of Spades started. All four men looked up as the intoxicated blonde entered the room. Abbot quickly stood and looked the woman up and down.
Abbott: You lost? I can help you find your way. Or help you find your way to an orgasam, I ain’t too picky.
Cheryl took a few steps away from Seb. Shepherd closed his eyes and shook his head.
Ed: Seven!
Cheryl: Dennis here?
Cort pointed toward a door at the far end of the dressing room that had Madison’s name on it.
Seb: Yes, a dressing room within a dressing room is a thing. They like their privacy. Pre match ritual, I’m told.
Christian: Going over notes most likely.
Cort: Coming up with the best game plan to ensure that Dennis retains.
Ed: Squatting on salami!
Everyone in the room looked to Ed and just stared. After several moments of awkward silence, the door to Madison’s room opened. Out stepped Dennis in his ring gear. With the Turmoil Championship draped over his shoulder, he approached the group.
Dennis: Is she taking all of your money, gentlemen?
Christian: We were just about to take a break.
Seb: We were? What’s so special about this bird huh? She got beer flavoured nipples or something?
Christian lightly elbowed Seb before walking out of the room. The rest of The Crown followed, leaving Cheryl alone with Dennis.
Dennis: It would seem that your rivalry with Lotus Flojo is far from over. I find myself...envious of you, Cheryl.
Dennis walked by Cheryl and sat in Ed’s seat. He looked at the cards that Ed was using, and then to the hands that his allies had. Dennis blinked several times, realizing there were two separate games going.
Cheryl: I suppose she is my rival. But why are you jealous, Dennis? You’ve never had-
Dennis: Never. Having one would imply that I have an equal. Someone out there other than me who understands even the slightest of nuances taking place in that ring? Someone who analyzes opponents and adapts as well as I do? Never…
Dennis: I am alone, in that regard. I find myself...bored of people shortly after the match begins. I approach wrestling like I would a game of chess, Cheryl. Most opponents fight me with one or two strategies in mind, or none at all…while I arrive with ten or more.
Dennis: So regardless of how things look to my opponent or those watching...the match is already over. I've won.
Dennis: That’s why Madison assembled this group. The King, The Queen, The Bishop, The Knight, The Rook, and The Pawn. Each of us does their part, making up for the shortcomings of the others.
Cheryl takes a seat beside Dennis and places a hand on his knee.
Cheryl: All that tough talk. But, I can tell you miss your friends in...ah, what was it? I couldn’t get you to shut up about it when I met you. Oh! Revolution Inc. But you did what you felt was right, because an OCW where Drago and Nate Ortiz exist leaves no room for you at the top. You had to shed Kass as well. Madison has given you so much, and yet...took away everything.
Dennis frowned.
Dennis: I regret nothing. My actions have benefited all of OCW. The friends i’ve lost were a necessary sacrifice. I gave this company a future! Without me...we'd be watching Nate Ortiz reruns for the one hundredth time with Sensation acting like this shit is brand new. I pushed this company forward. Me...
Dennis: So, are you here on behalf of Danny? Is he prepared to admit that he’s not ready for this? I would understand if we wishes to take me up on my offer to not go through with this.
Cheryl: Oh not at all. He has no doubt in his mind that he can win.
Dennis: Then… why have you come?
Cheryl: I wanted to wish you good luck ... not that you need it, but Danny has surprised a lot of people since he got here. Don't underestimate him. And... well, he's like family to me so I also wanted to ask you not to humiliate him in case things don’t happen as he expects.
Cheryl: There's something else…
Dennis: Go on.
Cheryl: Madison spoke to me as if she knew something, as if she was alerting me. I don’t want trouble with her, Dennis. I despise most women here, but I respect her. I'm not afraid of her by any means, but I definitely don't wanna be on her blacklist.
Cheryl: Since the last PPV, I think I'm already on this list ... I don’t know what to do… There’s you, there’s her, not to mention the marriage and…
The champagne was probably the one to blame for Cheryl barely finishing her sentences and making no sense at all. By then she was already crying and trying to speak at the same time, making incomprehensible sounds to any sober person who listened. The dramatic scene was exaggerated and probably funny to anyone watching, but at that moment, to her, everything was very serious.
???: I knew it! Deeeeeeeeeeen, I’m going to kill you!
A loud sigh could be heard from Madison’s dressing room. She storms out of the room with a compact mirror in each hand. Madison looked between both mirrors, changing the angle each time. Cheryl quickly wipes her eyes.
Madison: You promised to warn me! It’s in my hair, I know it is!
Madison crossed her arms as Dennis and Cheryl quickly stood up from their seats.
Madison: No wonder it took you so long to find me a towel.
Cheryl: I think I need to go now. I have to give Danny some support and make sure that he's ready for you. I’m sure the match will be awesome. See you around, bye-bye!
Cheryl: Bye Madison! Looking good as always sweetie...
Her eyes still a little red and a little dizzy, Cheryl looked at herself in the mirror quickly and then withdrew from the dressing room, leaving the couple alone.
Madison: I imagine her eyes are red from the smell that Seb’s loose women left behind. He’s making so much more money now as a Champion. WHY does he insist on going cheap with his dates?
Dennis slowly shrugs. Madison held her hand out, waiting for her Champion to take hers in his own.
Madison: Anyway, I’ve been at your side for many of these Championship defenses. I always get nervous. It always feels like the first time, because it can easily become the last. No reign is forever, after all.
Dennis: This reign. Our Championship reign is the closest thing to forever that this company will ever see, Madison. I am the most gifted wrestler this company has ever seen. I have the most gifted strategist this company has ever seen at my side. But enough of this ass kissing, my Queen.
Madison: Let us save it for the celebration.
Dennis takes Madison’s hand.
Dennis: The Execution grounds have been prepared. The Kingdom shall bear witness as their King beheads an upstart. I will make an example of Danny Boyd, to any who wish to stand in our way.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The Turmoil Champion is ready for war! |
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Danny Boyd has one hell of a hill to climb! |
The Camera pans to the ramp!
Eerie Sunshine grabs a mic from a stagehand at ringside. She takes out her pack of Marlboros, pats her pockets for her lighter and realizes something.
Eerie: Anna has my damn lighter….son of a bitches’ tit.
The crowd eats up her use of the English language.
Eerie: Speaking of bitches, Heather “I ate paint as a kid-now I’m a skitzo” Angelo, you think you scare me with that craziness you spit. Yeah you took Anna out for a few weeks, but it ain’t sh*t she can’t handle or ain’t handle before….
Eerie looks at her unlit Marlboro as if it’s a foreign object.
Eerie: Betty Ford fights to fight, me and Anna we been here fistin’ hoes since day one. We the Balls of the Bombshell Division, bar none.
She grips her imaginary sack to the enjoyment of the degenerates at home.
Eerie: So it don’t matter if you talk to yourself a thousand times. It don’t matter if the million stupid voices in your head scream all at won’t stop what I plan to do to you. It won’t stop me from making The Clash your burial grounds!
Eerie: Come Catch Deez!
Eerie aggressively awaits a reply as she bounces off the ropes in preparation for battle.
Heather gestures for a mic as the ring announcer tosses her a mic. She catches it and turns as Eerie is standing toe-to-toe with her.
Heather looks undisturbed by Eerie’s lack of personal space. A slow smirk grows on the cold face of Heather Angelo as Eerie speaks a kind few words to provoke her.
Heather: Hello, Eerie. Last time I saw you was at Lution. Oh those pretty memories. The similar memory you share with your beloved partner, Anna.
Heather: Oh which reminds me. This lighter that you speak of…
Heather pulls Betty Ford’s custom made lighter from out her bra. The very one that dropped out of her pocket after Heather spiked her head to the ground.
Eerie is either enraged for Anna dropping it or Heather having it. Either way she’s pissed she can’t light her smoke.
Heather: You want it…
Heather tosses it to the crowd. The audience searches the area in which it landed like “Walkers” finding a new meal to eat.
Eerie diverts her attention from the crowd and back to Heather.
Heather: I told you once already that you don’t need that disease that sticks from your mouth. Let alone that flame you wish to have to ignite it.
Heather: All you need is what stands before you. I’ll be your pack of Marlboros. I’ll be your flame and I’ll be the one who tears you apart from the inside perra estupida!
Heather slaps the cigarette out of Eerie’s mouth.
The fans erupt as a new player in the Bombshell division stands between the two towering wreck “females”. Mab’s aura is one of distinct serenity, much to the chagrin of both Eerie Sunshine and Heather. For a moment, nothing is happening - the three women are just standing, looking at each other - a three way standoff.
More seconds pass, the crowd whipping up into an anticipation frenzy as they wait to discover what’s going to happen. Queen Mab nods at Eerie who raises a microphone to her mouth.
Before she can speak, darkness engulfs the arena as a flurry of camera flashes go off - the fans eager to see what’s transpiring. Just then, a flash of light, followed by another, before the lights completely return.
When they do - Eerie Sunshine is laying on the mat, completely flattened. A look of concern comes across Heather’s face - did Mab do this?
She begins to question Mab as the confusion around the arena becomes more and more evident. Heather walks over to Mab and begins getting into her face - raising her voice but not quite enough that the microphones can pick it up.
Queen Mab shakes her head before the lights fail again. This time though, there seems to be more confusion in the ring as the lights flicker back and forth.
On this occasion too, the darkness lasts much longer - almost an eternity before they flicker back to life to reveal Queen Mab standing on the ramp - Heather face down in the ring next to the fallen Eerie Sunshine. She grins.
Queen Mab: Thy wit is a very bitter sweeting; it is a most sharp sauce…
The lights fail again as members of the OCW production team flood the ring to check on the fallen Bombshells.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What the hell just happen? |
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I ain't got a clue! |
Mugen vs Kassidy Hayes *C*
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a mess! |
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Such Carnage! |
An Hour or Two have passed as the pool game has continued to rage on as every ball somehow is still on the table. Ashley has been standing by watching shooting daggers at Austin as he continues to hit her almost with every shot, Karissa just standing behind the bar as she is just happy to be included.
Austin Lee begins to line up his next shot as he connects sending the ball flying off the table and rolling into Capo’s party…..again...
Lee: This is what happens when you buy expensive shit that neither of us are good enough to use. Add in the fact I have to use this busted stick and look at this shit. So much noise I can't even focus.
Capo after finally having enough, walks in with yet another Cue ball. This time, he is tossing it up and down in his hands.
Lee: About time the waiter showed up around here. #TradeMarked bottle of Jack Daniels for me and bring Archer the cheapest whiskey you can find!!
Lee snatches the ball from Capo placing it down on the table as he steps to the side turning his back to Capo as he awaits Archer’s shot.
Lee: I don't understand how Capo has hired worse help for his party than this place usually has. Not surprised though Capo himself seems incompetent as it is. Such a tool he had to throw his own party and only his family showed up to support him.
Lee begins to laugh as he turns back around unaware of the fact that Capo was still standing behind him.
Capo: So let me get this straight. You are blaming your performance at my party on cheap equipment and bad service. You also just insulted me by calling me a waiter.
The two begin to exchange words back and forth...
Capo after having grown tired of listening to Austin speak, picks him up and connects with a 110th Street Slam through the pool table, bringing the battle to an end as Austin lays on the ground motionless.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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DAM! |
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Thats how you close an argument. |
That camera cuts backstage to a shaky camera and a voice heard off screen.
???: This thing on?
As the camera stabilizes Tobin Frost is seen on screen still in ring gear and visibly upset by the results of his match.
Tobin: Good, the big guy is off figuring out some things but I just had to get this off my chest. Bad Company got one over tonight, no other way to spin it. But that does make us 1-1. And when a series is tied they don’t call it a day they call it a rubber match.
Tobin rubs his hands together.
Tobin: But don’t worry about a thing because boys because we’ll get our rematch on our time. You aren’t dealing with a scrub like Mez here fellas. KD is a certified, ring bearing Hall of Famer. And my resume stands up against damn near anyone. So we’ve earned the right to pick that…
Tobin stares directly into the camera.
Tobin: Enjoy your victory tonight, bask in it because you’re going to learn what I know all too well. It’s harder to keep a championship than it is to win it.
Tobin puts his hand in front of the camera as the scene fades.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Payback is coming! |
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But when? |