Crowe removes the ropes from Pyra's wrists and she slides out of the ring, coming to a standing stop stood over the fallen Blackbeard, who is trying to gather his bearings, the shadow of winters looming over him...he reaches an arm up towards Pyra....
Blackbeard: M.....Mary......
Pyra kicks his hand away and punches him hard in the face, splitting his eye open and knocking him out in the process, she proceeds to rip the engagement ring off her finger.
Winters kneels down next to him and begins to wipe the blood running from his cheek all over his face.
Pyra furiously strips off her wedding dress, to the amusement of the crowd, and screws it into a bunch and throws it down onto her fallen 'groom'.
She then drops the engagement on the floor next to him, and reaches under the ropes and grabs the smouldering cigar which he dropped earlier, she inhales a big toke, re-igniting the embers, exhaling the smoke in his face, which is covered by part of the wedding dress.
Pyra: Sorry my 'love'.....You're just not my type!!!
She flicks the cigar onto the wedding dress, it sizzles for a moment before going up in flames as Winters and Pyra both take a step backwards.
Blackbeard begins to writhe around on the floor, the dress taking most of the fire but the burning heat doing the damage, The Sanctuary slowly turn and walk away from the blazing mound on the floor, and motion to Connie who leaves with them, as Silver stumbles his way around the other side of the ring to Blackbeard and starts frantically beating at him with his jacket trying to extinguish the flames as EMT's woith fire extinguishers rush into the scene.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Good god! |
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Only OCW! |
All the timelines have converged, the Time Usurper and his Trash Force are on trial for atrocities known across all universes. We are referring to Ryu Matsumoto, sworn foe of Tiberius Octavian Dupree.
In this reality Ryu is facing sexual misconduct allegations, in other realities he’s building his army of Trashleks or confidently exploiting a galaxy for all it’s resources. The OCW Universal World Lightheavyweight Champion knows Spider works best with his back against the proverbial galactic wall so he will not lower his guard.
Dupree: Tonight is another chapter in a war beyond the comprehension of the common man. Only we know what’s really at stake here….
The camera pans to show Dupree prepping for his match, which basically includes looking in the mirror at himself.
Dupree: I hate you Ryu, not like how Trump hates Obama, more like how Paris Hilton hates hard work. You disgust me on a level that would put a skyscraper on a short list.
Dupree: I wish something beyond death for you, because in all honesty you would find a way to cheat that too....
Dupree: You cheat the universe at every turn with the confidence of a sleazy used car salesman. You promote Trash on a universal scale poisoning all timelines and realities with it’s malicious mediocrity.
Dupree: If there was a way to banish you to a void fitting of your disgustingness I would...unfortunately I’ll just have to settle on kneeing you across all dimensions until you spontaneously combust.
Tibby cracks his universally accepted classic half smile.
Dupree: Tonight I ascend…..
The camera fades, it is then followed up by a BUFFBLASTER commercial from another timeline.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Dupree is ready! |
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But is Ryu Ready? |
The Camera Pans To The Slightly Less Scorched Ramp!
The All State Arena crowd rises to its feet as the former World Heavyweight Champion stands before them. Dressed in a much more flashier attire than we saw on his return, he seems to be prepared for battle. A smile cuts his face as he begins to speak.
Pugh: ...People of Illinois. We’ve got a problem. Not a big problem - granted, but still a problem nonetheless. Rosemont Horizon… your glory days have returned! Rejoice because tonight… due to my influence - OCW is back on the road!
He smiles
Pugh: ...and what’s more - they decided that this place was the best place to start this revolution… great huh? Give yourselves a round of applause!
He stops as the crowd build up an applause break - cheering for themselves and the city of Chicago
Pugh: fucking morons.
He shakes his head
Pugh:’re a bunch of narcissistic Scrum Goblins… you’re only interested with getting your stupid dumb chants on stupid dumb RushTV… Sorry YOUTUBE TONIGHT. Up there with the weight loss vlogs and the unboxing videos… you people make me sick.
Boos radiate around the sold out arena as he continues
Pugh: ...every last one of you. You’re all pathetic. Cramming your disgusting bodies into your extortionately priced merchandise, desperately living your lives vicariously through people like ME! ...and this applies to you savages as well.
He points to the back
Pugh: Sitting back there, discussing how many flips you’re going to do… slapping five with each other because 14 people know what your finisher is called… This company is rotten to the goddamn core… so what’s the problem I’m talking about?
He shrugs his shoulders and dusts one off
Pugh: ...H2O.
There’s a break in the Boos as they pop for H2O.
Pugh: So because the animals backstage can’t be trusted to stick to their match time allowances, this goddamn show is currently fifteen minutes short… and you know how we fix that Chicago?
They continue to boo him
Pugh: Well you can eat my scrum if you think sending some of the blue brand spot monkeys out here will fix it - we don’t need people clicking onto one of the cat videos listed on the right hand side of the Youtube page you’re watching me on…
He smiles
Pugh: instead, you ask the only qualified man in the back to come out here and fill the time… like the goddamn professional that he is. So Chicago - you’re welcome… you get to witness me wrestle tonight…
The crowd splits into boos and cheers as Pugh begins to remove his scarf
Pugh: Now I’m told that it’s a year to the day since I made a certain rookie famous with the most impressive match of his career… and I’m also told that that same rookie thinks that he’s good enough to beat me now...
So looks like we’ve come to that part of the show where the Captain of this Ship and Wrestling’s Last Hope needs to teach one of these flippy little kumquats a lesson in manners. H2O… I hope you believe in miracles, because you’re gonna need one to survive what I’m about to do to you…
A classic stare down begins with these two men. Pugh, as usual, is in no laughing mood. Harvey spits his gum out and replies with a serious look of his own.
We can see some unpleasant words exchange personally between the two and the tension builds.
The crowd chanting H-2-O snaps Harvey’s attention away from his biggest rival. He backs away and ask for mic from the ring announcer.
He returns to the impatiently waiting Paul Pugh and begins to speak.
H2O: Look who’s back to crash the party? It’s Wrestling’s Last Hope Pepe Le Pugh!
H2O: You sound beautiful for an old man, Pugh. You look beautiful, Pugh. With your new “Gofundme” Brand shirt. C’mon. Let’s face it, no one is investing in your campaign to be the last hope of anything!
H2O: And by God! While you were away, you joined The Betterness Hair Plug For Men!
The crowd laughs.
H2O: You come back here and give this big ol’ soliloquy about a crippled OCW. How it used to be this and it used to that. You beat up on little kids and disrespect their mothers. You think that’s what this company hopes for in this “grand” return you made here?
H2O: Please! I know there’s no more room around that peanut head of yours. So I’ll do the thinking for you.
Pugh folds his arms and just smirks.
H2O: In the meantime, take some of those Betterness plugs off that weird thing between your shoulders and save the room for your brain to process some intelligence.
H2O: These big screens and big lights are for guys like Ding and B-17.(Chuckles)You must not have seen the man who beat you for that Light Heavyweight Title. His entrance is bigger and brighter than Big Ed, Ding and KD put together.
H2O: I know you didn’t like that flashy entrance? Like it or not, these lights are especially made for The Past The Present and The Future of this company. H-2-O!
H2O walks away from Pugh and absorb the energy this audience is giving him. H2O takes his shades and tosses it to the crowd.
He then slowly takes off his jacket and drops it ringside. The audience gets louder in excitement.
H2O demeanor gets real serious.
H2O: It’s been one year since the last encounter. You taught me several things. Be humble, stay true to yourself and never try to be bigger than who and what you really are.
H2O: Now here you are trying to be bigger than who are. You’re washed up old man. You’re a different man insulting people who bought all your merchandise and helped you put food on the table. Humble? Let’s not go there.
H2O: So no more insults and no more jokes. I’m not afraid of you then and I’m damn not afraid of who you’ve become now.
H2O walks to his corner knowing he’s in for another battle. A battle than nearly destroyed his career last year.
Pugh still stands in the very spot in which Harvey started his jabbing.
H2O: Welcome back...let’s dance.
Pugh unfolds his arms and screams at the referee to ring the bell
Paul Pugh vs H20
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Hahahaha! |
* Katherine is seen speeding into the back. The crew in the back run for dear life. Katherine steps out screaming for Sophia *
Katherine: Sophia! Sophia! Where is that little thot!?
* Stacey Clark runs up *
Stacey: Katherine you have to be careful someone could get hurt.
Katherine: So! I want her, I want to hurt her. I'd put my career on the line for one more shot.
Stacey: Oh you want another title shot?
Katherine: No you loud mouth thot, I just want to beat her. I've been champion this is just my ego running crazy.
Stacy: So you just want a match and if you lose your career is over?
Katherine: Yep,well not just any match. A extreme rules match! C'mon Sophia don't make me come beat a answer out of you!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Is she aware that Sophia is injured and not here right now? |
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I mean do you want to go tell Katherine that information? (Scaggs mouths the word NO) Well then! |
Ryu Matsumoto vs Tiberius Dupree *C*
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Backstage, Cort and Ed celebrate after their title win. Cort raises his the title up in the air before bringing it down and kissing it.
Cort: WHO! WHO! TELL ME, WHO doubted us! Whoo... didn't be-LIEVE? And most importantly who is gonna stop us now that we got the gold? Check the lettering, boys: c-h-a-m-p-s, CHAMPS!
Ed: Belts belts belts belts belts.
Ed smacks his title aggressively.
Cort: We got 'em, you want 'em, come get 'em! Anybody! Anytime! We've proven we're the best, better than the rest, we will put you under car-di-ac arrest! Disciples of Pain... don't feel down. Don't be mad that we took the trophies and then your belts! Just be happy that you can now enjoy a safe, long-lasting career where you belong... somewhere down the card from us.
Cort and Ed high-five and walk offscreen; as they exit, you can hear Cort shout from off-camera.
Cort: Look at all this GOLD, baby!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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You bias is disgusting! |