Cutting backstage from the previous segment we see none other than Hollywoods own, Justin Jehst, decked out in workout gear, performing some bicep curls with a resistance band around his foot. The crowd pop as he lights up the arena X-Tron.
As the camera slowly zooms out we see he is joined by none other than Jim Black.
Jim: Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time, Justin Jehst!
Another chorus of cheers erupts from the fans in attendance. Jehst continues to chew gum and pump his arms full of blood.
Jim: Justin, I wanted to get your thoughts on what happened last week between you and Grimm.
Jehst stops pumping and whips the band over his shoulder to rest. He turns to Jim.
Jehst: What happened last week, Jemima Jimmy Jam, is the Jehst Man got screwed out of a chance to put a nail in Kasstianities coffin!
He makes a comedic motion of hammering a stake into the air.
Jehst: What Grimm did was impulsive and against the entire plan we set out...but I get it. He wanted to hurt Parker for humiliating him and mocking his call for Deliverance!!
Jim has to duck as Jehst throws his arms out with flair to accentuate his point, playfully mocking his oddball-ally. He slowly brings them back to his side before continuing, chewing his pink gum as he goes.
Jehst: I get it - I understand that urge. So I put my fi-fi’s back in my bag, threw that thing in the dumpster outback, and sent that hulking masked bastard a gift basket of my favourite Californian delicacies and self-care products!
Black brings the mic back to himself to ask another question.
Jim: And what of TY Sparks? I know you have some unfinished business with him.
Jehst immediately becomes more serious as the microphone is shifted his way.
Jehst: TY!!!
The crowd boo the Lost Boy’s name.
Jehst: I know you have a match against the human-dumpster-fire that is Ryu Matsumoto tonight.
Another round of jeers.
Jehst: But just know, I haven’t lost that fire - I haven’t lost that desire - I haven’t lost a God-damned drop of that want - NO - that NEED - to get in the ring with you one more time!
His eyes widen as he peers into the camera lens.
Jehst: And it doesn’t matter if you come out of The Clash with Light Heavyweight gold around your waist, a championship won by countless greats in OCW history - or if you come out empty-handed; we need to settle this.
Pause for dramatic effect and gum-chewing.
Jehst: When we met at the Anniversary show I took your skill for granted - but now I know what you’re capable of. Next time I’ll be ready. And you may have your little group of misfits with you, but I’ll be in the ring with THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of Jehsticles behind me, giving me their support!
Blasting approval from the crowd echoes through the arena.
Jehst: Pick a place, pick a time, pick a match type - I’ll be there...Balls in your court now.
Finishing up his monologue, Jehst takes the gum from his mouth, rolls it up, and tosses it behind him, floating beautifully into a bin against the far wall. He winks at Jim after his display of skill, pulls his shades down onto his face and struts off-camera, leaving Jim holding the mic.
Previously Recorded
We tune in to see what looks to be a courtroom, much like something you’d find on one of those small claims court shows, with cameramen wandering around the room.
Up front, we see current day Mugen waving kindly to everyone passing by in a fantastic looking suit with the hash tag #FreeMugen beautifully stitched into the cuffs of his shirt. Seated behind him are Drago and The Overlord.
The Overlord: This is foolish.
Drago: We do good on case, we get current you out of jail, then we put you back in timeline where you belong? Happy?
The Overlord’s grimace only grows. Mugen turns around to face the pair.
Mugen: Old sports, today is the day!
Drago flashes a thumbs up while The Overlord remains unfazed.
Bailiff: All rise!
Everyone in attendance stands up.
Bailiff: The honorable Graham Greene III presiding.
Drago and Mugen look at each other in shock.
Drago: I’m thought he just security!
Lo and behold, Graham Greene III wearing his finest judicial attire, his robe sporting the Union Jack front and center. He formally greets the bailiff and is about to proceed to his podium when he notices his friends waving at him.
GGIII: Boys!
He makes a dash toward them, exchanging hugs and handshakes.
Mugen: Where have you been?
GGIII: Mate, turns out I’ve got real talent doing this judge thing. Feels good slamming that mallet, know what I’m sayin’?
GGIII: I’m like a black Judge Judy or somefin.
Drago: Well, great that means we gonna wi-
GGIII: Now then mate. Just because we’re old chaps don’t mean I can’t call this down the middle. You boys gotta make your case, and make it good.
Mugen turns to Drago.
Mugen: ...You did get us a good attorney right?
Drago scratches his head.
Drago: Here’s the thing. I’m contact people all over, say they no touch this with ten foot pole. So uh…..I got us man named Johnnie.
Mugen: Wait a minute. Johnnie? Like Johnnie Cochran?
Drago: Well…...his initials are almost the same…...and there was only one option left. I’m don’t think he have any formal training, but it so crazy….it just might work.
A defeated Mugen melts back into his seat. GGIII returns to his podium while Drago stands around waiting for the man he hired.
Drago: He late.
???: No my name is Jonny D.
The camera pans to reveal a vanilla midget sitting next to them. He is wearing an absolutely hideous green suit, a black undershirt and a orange tie combo. This filthy midcard filler and his disgusting presence is pointing at himself like everyone should recognize him, but….
Mugen/Overlord: ....
Drago: Him.
Jonny D: Hey guys!
Mugen: Of all the people. AGH!
Mugen’s basic instinct is to strangle him, but Drago pulls him off. He didn’t expect the Overlord to also join in. This stops when an earthquake starts from the force of Judge Greene’s gavel hits the sounding board.
This sends shockwaves throughout the whole courtroom and even a picture frame in the backdrop falls over.
Mugen: Drago mind explaining who this guy is.
Drago: Like he said his self. Jonny D.
Jonny D: Yeah I’m Jonny D we know each other. We fought in the main event of Riot once with Wheeler and Matsuda.
Mugen: I don’t recognize this guy, but I HATE him Drago.
This unrecognizable man who calls himself Jonny D is clearly nervous pulling back on his collar a bit to the glaring of both Mugens.
Jonny D: Don’t worry I’m here to help you guys. I know the legal system. I watched a 13 minute Youtube video on it and I got out of jail once and I passed Go and got $200. Win win!
Drago: Look he best shot. We good?
Jonny D: Yeah I got this great defense. Like we can just appeal to their emotional senses.
The “lawyer” opens his briefcase and it’s just a bunch of pictures of dogs.
Jonny D: This doggo name is Meeko and nobody would send his owner to jail isn’t that right?
Drago: Puppy.
Mugen: So do you even know what’s going on?
Jonny D: No, but I think I have a very convincing argument.
Mugen: Dog pictures?
Jonny D: Have you been on the internet?
Mugen: THAT’S NOT MAC! That’s all cat pictures! YOU’RE SO FIRED!
Jonny D: You can’t be serious!
Overlord: We’re serious.
Mugen: Mr. Greene, please escort this mysterious individual posing as our lawyer out of the premises we’ll defend this case ourselves.
Jonny D: You can’t do this I’m Jonny D!!!
The giant behemoth of a judge grabs “Jonny D” by the throat.
Jonny D: I’m sorry Graham. Don’t throw me out. I promise-
GGIII: Too late bruv. You are getting expelled.
Jonny D: Mugen! You can’t fire me. You have to uphold the court. You have to at least address me by name. Wait, wait no this is brutality. You can’t do it.
GGIII: Wrong Jonny D this is not a brutality…. This is a judgetality.
Graham Greene III tosses the much smaller man off screen probably through a bunch of walls and stuff. Papers and debris are flying on screen as all that can be heard is “I’m Jonny D! And the D stands for Lawyer!” that fades and fades and fades and eventually silence. The prosecution snicker at the moment thinking they have this case in the bag.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!(Jumps from his seat) |
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Scene opens to Cort Marshall leaning on an arena wall, scowl on his face. His eyes would be burning with passion… if you could see them behind his signature Aviator sunglasses. He’s ready for his chance to once again become OCW Pride Champion.
At the same moment a black Lincoln Continental pulls into the underground parking lot, and out steps the current, and tonight defending, OCW Pride Champion, Tre Golden. Who is wearing a blue and white pinstripe suit… with a Golden tie of course. He pops his trunk, and retrieves his treasure which he perches on his left shoulder. He begins to make his way to the lockeroom area.
Cort sees him approaching and tries to quickly get inside not wanting a confrontation when he’s trying to focus.
Tre: What’s the matter? Scared?
Cort immediately turns back to Tre, gritting his teeth.
Cort: I’m not scared. I’m focused. I gotta be… if you haven’t noticed, I’m fighting a cult.
Tre: Yeah, and you’re fighting me, too. For this.
He pats the title.
Tre: You better be taking it--and me--seriously. There’s nobody else to get in the way this time. It’s not a triple threat, it’s not a tag, it’s just me and you in that ring, only on PPV.
Cort: Last time we went one-on-one, I came out on top.
Tre: Yeah, and we’re both different people now aren’t we.
Tre: The craziest thing is Cort, I don’t hate you, I’m honestly disappointed.
Tre: I respected you, as a competitor first, but more importantly as a person.
Tre: You could’ve been a competitor earlier in life but you made the choice to serve our country….. and it made you mentally strong, and at the same time weak. You’re paranoid.
Tre: You let Shepard get into your head homie, he convinced you that because he was a piece of garbage that was formerly your friend, that every single person that gets close to you, will stab you in the back.
Tre: I told you to be patient and that you’re time to whip his ass would come, but you held on to this steadfast mindset that he was rewarded for his bullshit. So you were going to be just like him.
Tre: but Karma is a bitch Cort, and she comes for everyone, where has Shepard been?
A period of silence between the two men.
Tre: I thought so…. Keep your focus tonight Cort, you need it.
Tre: Or I’m gonna go straight through you.
Tre brushes past Cort and enters the arena. Cort’s gaze lingers on the departing champ as he sets his jaw in defiance.