Previously Recorded….
The camera pans over to the outside of the legendary Colosseum in Rome, Italy. In front of a large structure is a giant line of people anxious to enter. A few minutes later, the amphitheater is filled to the brim with restless spectators.
Looking down to the ground, we see The Troupe adorned in gladiatorial armor and swords, next to Bubba. Bubba has a giant centurion helmet on his dome.
Surrounding the group are several cameramen adjusting their positions. A man with thin shades and an even thinner mustache approaches The Troupe.
Director: Is this lion trained? We have trainers on set to make sure we are all safe.
Terra flashes a smile at the cat, who rolls over onto the ground and sticks his tongue out like the goofball he is.
Terra: He has been trained with love. I can assure you he will do great!
Elsa: Maybe FloJo say that he savage or something. I not like name she call him.
Terra: If Ms. Jolene wants to say that Bubba belongs back at the zoo, or that we are ne’er-do-wells...Then we shall show her….
Terra purses her lips in giddy anticipation.
Terra: That love is a battlefield.
Dragana tries to stop herself from bursting into laughter, while Elsa lets out a small laugh. Terra looks quite proud of herself.
Director: Right. So one of you ladies has to say the name of the brand at the end of the take. The pronunciation has to be perfect, because this fragrance IS perfection.
The director looks at Elsa.
Director: You try.
Elsa: Aksendie. Asendy.
The fancy director sighs in disappointment. He turns to Terra.
Director: How about you?
Terra: Acce- Ah. Aaaaahhhh….
Terra sneezes on her shoulder.
Terra: Excuse me.
Elsa: Gesundheit.
The annoyed director finally turns to Dragana.
Director: You look like you have a nice voice. You try.
Dragana: …
Dragana anxiously adjusts her helmet.
Elsa: She not talk too much.
The director rolls his eyes.
Director: You three figure it out. Get the lion behind the gate.
He walks off while The Troupe take their positions. Bubba trots over to one of the entrances and the gate closes. The director sits on his fancy chair behind the camera. He silently counts down from five until…..
Director: Action!
The crowd comes alive, with audience members jumping in excitement and waving their arms around. The camera pans down to The Troupe standing together, ready for battle. The view pans upward again to show Johnny Law sitting all the way up top, holding his thumb up. He slowly turns his wrist, extending his thumb downward.
The gate quickly opens, and Bubba slowly comes out with his teeth bared. He lets out a piercing roar that sets the crowd at a fever pitch. The Troupe steel themselves while Bubba charges at them. He gets within ten feet of the trio before he abruptly stops.
The crowd immediately goes silent. Bubba sniffs something of interest, approaching Terra and giving her a hug. The trio drop their weapons and all take turns petting the lion. Dragana turns to the camera, saying to the camera in a whisper….
Dragana: Accendi.
The crowd comes alive again and throws flowers at the group. Johnny Law turns his thumbs down into two thumbs all the way up.
Director: Cut!
Terra leans down to Bubba and hugs him back as the cameras stop rolling.
Terra: You are quite the actor, Bubba! Such a fantastic entertainer!
Elsa: Why FloJo think Bubba is vicious is strange… Bubba is so loving!
Dragana and Terra look over to Elsa and smirk, holding back a laugh.
Terra: Were you not the one who was once terrified of our Bubba?
Terra starts laughing after teasing her friend.
Elsa: Hey! Since when are you one making jokes?!
All 3 women laugh and follow Bubba off set together as the crowd continues to cheer.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Woah! Yea! |
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NO! No Dammit NO! |
Previously at The Combat Center
As the camera pans up from the floor we can hear the sounds of bodies hitting the ring mat. The camera is now pointing through the ropes as The OCW World Heavyweight Champion H2O is sparring with Elijah Sanders.
H2O has Elijah locked up in the corner pinning his back hard against the turnbuckle.
Harvey has his eyes locked into Elijah’s eyes. But when Harvey looks into the eyes of his trainee he sees Bobby Minio.
Elijah: Arrgh..Mr. Ocean...we’ve been fighting...for a few hours already...ARRRRG AHHHH!
Harvey stumbles away from Elijah and wipes the sweat dripping off his chin. He snaps out of his daydream and looks at the concern over Eli’s face.
H2O: Sorry, Kid. I don’t know what got over me. That’s..that’s enough for today.
H2O walks over towards the ropes and rolls out of the ring. He walks over towards the water fountain and takes a drink.
Eli: You feeling ok Mr. Ocean?
H2O: Forgot I where I was for a second. It won’t happen again.
Eli: Yeah. One thing that Mr. Dimsmore and yourself have preached to me was that this business can be just as mentally tough as it is physical.
H2O: I’d be lying to you if it wasn’t. You won’t believe me if I told you that it took me two seasons to get my mind right.
Eli: But look at you now. You’re The OCW World Heavyweight Champion. So you must’ve figured out how to handle it. I hope I am able to take in what you two have been showing me and translate it to a solid career.
H2O: In due time kid. Let’s call it a night.
Stacy Clark: Kassidy Hayes! Open up. You agreed to this interview!
Clark continues to hammer away at the door. Her frustration becomes more evident with each passing moment.
Clark: Kass--
The door is wrenched open.
Clark: Oh. B. I'm...looking for Kass.
B17: The Master is resting. He does not wish to speak with you! Now bego--
A weak voice echoes faintly from behind B17.
Kass: No….no...I have strength enough…. For this. The world deserves to know.
B17 yields the entrance to Clark to reveal Kassidy Hayes broken and in a wheelchair. He's wearing a neckbrace, obviously still feeling the effects from a diabolical assault at the hands of the traitorous CQC.
Clark: What is this bullshit? You can't seriously expect me to believe this?
Kass: The assault on my life has left me scarred and deformed. I only seek justice for tonight.
B17 hushes Kass and uses a handkerchief to wipe the corners of his mouth.
B17: Shh, shh. Rest. B17 will take of this.
Kass: Thank…Thank you, my child.
B17: Tonight I will fight for Kasstianity, tonight I will face Quartz and Wrex, and tonight I will conquer in the name of Kassidy Hayes...again.
Kass smiles in his chair, clutching the CCW Championship.