Backstage of the arena, the sound of the sizeable Italian crowd roars through the walls and halls of the building. The camera pans into a side room where The One Man Wrestlution, Bobby Minio, stands in his street clothes before a suitcase.
He takes a deep breath, his eyes shifting side to side as a reaction to the sound of his people here in the homeland, the anxiety beginning to pump through his veins and into his brain. Hesitantly, he reaches forward, unzipping the suitcase as the camera pan around so the lid of the suitcase obscures its contents. A golden glow emanates, painting Minio’s face and widening eyes. He reaches in.
Bobby Minio: First, because I cannot lose this opportunity tonight...
Bringing out a large tupperware container, with a reddish colored item piled inside.
Bobby Minio: Mom’s spaghetti. The most important item for this trip.
He burps the container, breathing in the smell of home, a smile flashing across his face just before he seals it again and sets it aside. He reaches in again.
Bobby Minio: A staple of my gear tonight…
Bringing out his set of gold chains with his right hand, his left reaching up to pull his cornicello and malocchio necklaces from under his shirt collar before pulling his other chains down over his head. He reaches back in.
Bobby Minio: An artifact from my long history with this two faced son of a bitch, Harvey Ocean…
The orange bandana, once stolen by H2O before given back to Minio as a sign of respect after one of their many battles. He reaches back in.
Bobby Minio: To ensure that I will not give up tonight, that I’ll push until my body breaks down and push the puddle of Minio that remains after THAT to continue until I’ve sealed the deal…
Bringing out a jewelry case the size of a CD case, which he opens to reveal Minio side plates for the OCW Championship, his golden microphone emblem highlighted prominently. He stares for a few moments before setting it down to the side with the orange bandana. He steps back, his hands resting on his hips.
Bobby Minio: and lastly… while this isn’t Wrestlution, this is MY WRESTLUTION, the Clash, a show that took my OCW career into the next level and put me on this path, this runaway train directly towards the Hall of Fame… Custom entrance and ring gear. Made special for tonight, for this match…
He reaches forward, slamming the suitcase shut before nodding confidently towards it.
Bobby Minio: … but we’ll save that for later. Now, I spend the foreseeable future stretching every joint and muscle in my body to make goddamned sure it’s ready and able for what comes later.
He grabs a foam roller from beside his suitcase and begins to sprawl down on the floor. Just as he’s about to begin his routine he turns, looking at the camera with a furrowed brow.
Though he’s silent, his look says enough, it’s time for the camera man to leave, and he obliges, hurriedly turning out of the room and moving down the hall as the feed cuts back to the ringside area.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
![]() |
Wham bam! |
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2 Shot maaaaan! |
Previously Recorded
We return to the tense courtroom where we have returned from the Jonny D mishap and a recess. Mugen wipes the sweat off his forehead and shakes his head with a bit of a smile on his face forming.
GGIII: So how would you like to proceed bruv?
Mugen: I feel that since we weren’t capable of getting anybody in time, I think I’m smart enough to be lawyering for myself.
GGIII: Alright, acting like yous a real lawyer I see. Think you like a black Johnnie Cochran or something.
Mugen hesitates before he nods with a slight smile on his face.
Mugen: I’d like to make my opening statement today.
GGIII motions for Mugen to carry on.
Mugen: Justice, J-U-S-T-I-C-E. THIS is what every man and woman want, NO, DESERVE in our court system because we are in AMERICA. The land that I love, the land that each and every one in this room loves and what we also love is THE TRUTH. The truth shall set me free today, oh yes it will.
Mugen jumps on to his chair to a gasp from the room.
Mugen: I, the Living Legend Larry Mugen refuse to be confined anymore by these false accusations made about me in recent times. I hope after I free your mind from the myths of my theoretical criminal past, you will finally be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and you will truly achieve success in this world.
Mugen gets off the chair and motions to the people behind him.
Mugen: My first witness, I’d like to bring in a man of class and of high society. My wonderful Anger Sponsor, Versus.
We see the OCW Legend Versus get up from his seat and move towards the witness stand.
Bailiff: Do you swear or affirm that the evidence you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Versus: Yuppers, the whole truth.
Mugen moves towards the stand and looks at Versus sternly. Mugen pulls out a pair of Burberry glasses from the inside pocket of his suit.
Mugen: Versus, would it be correct for me to say that we haven’t always been on best of terms?
Versus: That would be correct. Yup.
Mugen: Would it be correct for me to say that we even wrestled at one point in a undisclosed location in Eastern Europe?
Versus: That would also be correct. Yup.
Mugen: So as a person who hasn’t always seen eye to eye with me, I think we can all agree that my witness here would certainly not hold back on anything regarding my personal life.
Mugen reaches into his inside jacket pocket and pulls out a laminated card.
Mugen: May I present, Evidence #1, my “Kindness Card” validated by none other than the man right here, Versus.
Mugen: This was given to me by you correct?
Versus: Yup.
Mugen: And this was given to me because I completed your courses and you felt that I had passed with flying colors in my rehabilitation correct?
The Overlord is heard mumbling to himself “rehabilitate deez dummy”.
GGIII: We will have order in the court okay bruv? Carry on.
Versus: That is correct. You were deemed to be 100% Kind and in fact the King of Kindness.
Mugen: So as the King of Kindness, not only would I always pay for my child support on time if I had a child, but I would also never speed through the busy streets of New York City needlessly. Correct?
Versus: I would agree with that statement.
Mugen: No further questions!
Mugen saunters back to his table awaiting the prosecution’s next move.
Prosecutor #1: We have no further questions either.
The prosecution start nervously mumbling to each other at this moment realizing they may not have a real case. Mugen looks back at Drago who gives him a big thumbs up.
Mugen: I’d like to introduce my 2nd witness coming in live via the internets.
Mugen pulls out a massive tablet computer from his briefcase behind the table and plops it on the witness stand.
Prosecutor #2: He can’t do this, the witness has to be in the room!
GGIII: Look, me bruv Mugen can do whatever he wants. Ya hear?
The prosecution reluctantly cave in as Mugen configures the call.
???: HELLO?!
As the connection seems to clear up on the tablet we see that it is actually Empress who is the second witness in the trial.
Empress: Hi Mugen! Hi Drago!
Drago and Mugen wave back as the bailiff moves over to the tablet.
Bailiff: Do you swear or affirm that the evidence you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Empress: Yes I do.
Mugen: Excellent, well let’s get started. First of all, this idea of us being the same person, I mean come on, that’s just preposterous right? I mean look, she’s there and I’m here we are basically in the same room at the same time. You can confirm this crazy talk right Empress?
Empress: That is correct!
Mugen: Fantastic. Now, would you agree that I have been nothing but kind to my peers and colleagues in the backstage area?
Empress: Yes, that is correct. You have been very generous and kind to all of us backstage and helped make the locker room a fun place to be.
Mugen: Now would somebody as kind and generous as me be holding back child support payments? That is if I even had a child.
Empress: Of course not, a man of honor like you would be paying extra!
Mugen: Exactly! Now would a man of kindness and generosity like me almost run over people in a busy street?
Empress: Never! But you know who would. Somebody like Ashley Moore.
Empress starts to visibly get a little angrier about the thought of Ashley.
Empress: That stupid Assley. She is the terrible person that would do all of these heinous acts. She would be the one to run over old ladies. She would never pay for child support because she is a bitch!
Mugen starts looking around nervously.
Empress: She is one stupid mo…..
Mugen “accidentally” slaps the tablet and it falls off the witness stand and turns off.
Mugen: Oh no, what have I done. Well that’s a shame. Good thing I was out of questions. Thank you.
The prosecution just shrug at what just happened and also motion for no more questions. Mugen gets back to his table and reaches into his briefcase for something. He finally pulls out a letter written by somebody.
Mugen: I have a letter here written by somebody but not just anybody. It is written by my old pal Bobby Minio.
The prosecution look to challenge the ruling but a glare from Graham forces them to reluctantly retreat back to their table.
Mugen: Bobby wrote:
Dear Judge,
If you had any doubts that my old pal Mugen was a good person then you are sorely mistaken. We go back to the days on the independent circuit. The days in C4 heck even in the early days of The Purge and he has always looked out for me and the rest of our crew. For him to be on trial for these ridiculous charges is just another example of the sham our justice system has become. I hope that you will all be able to acquit my pal, Mugen today.
The One Man Revolution, Bobby Minio
Mugen: Women lie, men lie, heartfelt letters do not. I rest my case.
GGIII: Well I think that ends all the deliberations, and I’m pretty sure that we can all agree what the verdict is here today.
The prosecution start packing up knowing that the case has pretty much been a home run for Mugen.
GGIII: Mugen, I hereby announce you, Not Guilty on all counts of Failure to Pay Child Support as well as Attempted Vehicular Homicide.
The courtroom goes wild as Mugen and Drago fist bump each other. The Overlord and Current day Mugen also look at each other with a smirk and slap each other across the face.
The Overlord: You know, it would be nice to know who tried to get you for all these fake charges.
Drago: Yes. It cause much distress for all of us in P3 Family.
Mugen: Eh, maybe we will never find out but let’s stop chit chatting and lets go to my restaurant for some food. It’s all on me.
Prosecutor #1 approaches Mugen and the whole P3 crew.
Prosecutor #1: It is certainly all on you…….
Prosecutor #1 and #2 suddenly pull out bags of ice cubes and start throwing them at the Mugens and Drago. They manage to fight them off but not before the Prosecutors end up escaping the courtroom.
Drago: They not very nice prosecutor at all.
The Overlord picks up several of the ice cubes and starts inspecting them.
The Overlord: Why the hell do all of these ice cubes contain a block with the letter T on them?
Mugen and Drago look at each other at the same time in bewilderment.
Mugen & Drago: THE CUBES! TRASH!