Backstage at Road to Glory, the camera shows Cort and Shepherd chatting backstage before their match with Bunny M and Liger.
Cort: So, you know, don’t let him do the wonton sunday.
Shep: You sure that’s what it’s called?
Cort: Positive. I even asked a fat guy outside the stadium.
Shep: You assumed he would know just because he was fa--
The camera pans out as they’re interrupted by B2O.
The two teams face each other tensely.
Baker: Well, look what we have here.
H2O: Looks like we have The New Country all in one area minus Hayes. But who cares about him and his health hazardous beard anyways.
Baker: Yeah, one of us needs to Kikk him in the face…
H2O: Yeah, before someone Tripps over his beard!
Baker: Ooohhhh, I see what you did there.
H2O: (Mocks Master Splinter) We made a funny, Haw..haw..haaawwww!
Dimsmore: Fellas…
Baker: Shouldn’t you also be FIRED Marshall?
H2O high fives Baker as they celebrate back to back jokes.
Dimsmore: ENOUGH!
Cort looks back at Shep and smiles on.
Cort: And it looks like you two needed to attach yourself to a vet for relevance.
Dimsmore steps forward.
Cort: Hey, hey, easy. We’ve both got titles on the line. Wouldn’t want to go starting trouble before the match.
Cort: In fact… I suppose I should be wishing you luck.
B2O look surprised.
H2O: What, like, “break a leg?”
Cort: No, like I want you and us for the tag belts. Sooner or later.
Dimsmore: And how much of the (mimes syringe motion) is gonna be involved?
Shep: None. Man, look. We’re trying to make a change. That ain’t us anymore.
H2O raises an eyebrow.
H2O: Look how far we came gentlemen. A year ago we were all at each other’s throats for the most part. All the good fights, all the hard work and dedication.
H2O: ...and look at what it got us.
H2O: AWOL and B2O are now the hottest commodities to this brand cause each and every one of us knows how to build equity.
Dimsmore: Most importantly out of all of this. We show Ambition.
All the men shake their heads in agreement. B2O slaps Dimsmore on the shoulders and he shrugs them off.
Dimsmore: Hit me hard like that again and you’ll catch these…
Dimsmore slaps his elbows. B2O puts their hands up and backs off.
H2O: We’ll see you...another time. Good luck… captain Impact Font.
Cort smiles.
Cort: You like the shirt? Shep told me it was called a “meem.”
B2O chuckle and move on, leaving Cort and Shep in front of the camera.
Cort: See? I told you I could be hip.
Shep: They were laughing at you. Not with you. Now FOCUS!
Cort: Right...
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh Lord! |
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We’re in an alleyway
On Easter Sunday.
Villainy must pay.
Sentai Hare~!
(Road 2 Glory Sponsored by Subway EAT FRESH, B)
The graffiti on the brickwall in the background a Pink “:D” emoji with bunny ears. Sentai Hare’s work from last years Road 2 Glory where she saved the day, but GARBAGE is everywhere. It’s disgusting…
But our pink Luchadora Super Hero Sentai Hare is here to save the day. She is cleaning it all up using various popular cleaning utensils such as mops, tooth brushes, dust pins, vacuum cleaners, feather dusters, etc.
Garbage no matter how huge is no match for Sentai Hare’s Hare-like agility (it is sped up footage) and in an instant it’s all over.
Exhausted our bombshells champion falls back down on a conveniently placed pink Sentai Hare themed seat sack complete with rabbit ears.
Sentai Hare: I can’t believe it has been over a year since I debuted. I was just a rookie hero and now I’m the Bombshells champion of Truth and Justice.
Sentai Hare:
An actual hero.
Sentai Hare:
Today is Easter Sunday, Road 2 Glory where I defend against Kat who is one of the legends of OCW.
Sentai Hare: Easter and Road 2 Glory.
Sentai Hare:
It’s just a great day for rabbits, even my sidekicks Liger Mask and Bunny M have an opportunity at the tag team titles.
Sentai Hare: But unlike the Easter Bunny we’re not here to lay eggs.
Sentai Hare:
We’re here to lay down beatings to all the villains who challenge us!
Sentai Hare:
Tonight is about us rabbits and I’ll defeat Kat to prove rabbits are better than cats.
Sentai Hare yawns.
Sentai Hare: … Rabbits are zZZzZz better than cats… zZZZZzzZZZZzzzZZZ
And Sentai Hare took a nap before her match.
To be continue…?
OH NO! Scene fades to pink.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Right in the bread basket! |
The scene opens with Wrex perched out on one of the balcony's of the arena. A fans stolen soda in hand, as he watches along with the rest of the audience.
It seemed alright so far but as this is written beforehand it might not be. So captivated in the preparations for the upcoming road to gold he doesn't notice who approaches.
?? Wrex. Wrex!
Wrex Oh Jesus Christ!
Momentarily disturbed by the noise, he throws the cup to the source, that of course ended up as Jim Black.
Wrex For Christ sake Jimmy didn't your w**re of a mother not tell you to sneak up on people? Hell do you want from me now?
Jim Black I just wan-
Wrex No no, lemme guess, wanted to ask me about last week, or the show so far, or the upcoming matches..
Maybe something a certain unimportant someone said? Did it ever occur to you that, maybe sometimes I don't want to say anything?
Wrex Maybe I just want to show up here and watch a bunch of idiots beat s**t out of each other in unimportant matches, working for peanuts?
Perhaps I just want to see if I'll have to pack tranquilizers or a bowl of pasta for whoever wins the road to gold?
Wrex Maybe I want that piece of dogs**t on my shoe to beat up ricky for my sick amusement?
Or maybe, just maybe. I want to watch two lunatics throw themselves off of a cage all in the name of gold.. I really do want that last one actually.
Wrex I'm here to watch a show James, not answer your dumb questions about a subject the viewer probably already knows. So go talk to some rookie who's dying for attention.
There was some spray tanned guy changing in the toilets that looks like he really needs it.
Wrex As for me.. I'm going to sit right here, and for a night, just kick back and watch. Now stop wasting my time you dumb looking useless piece of garbage and go be useful for once in yer damn life and get me another drink, you spilled my last one.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a lecherous person! |
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How dare you! |