Ragnarath exited the locker room as Stacey rushed over.
Stacey: Hey Ragnarath can I get a few words before your match with the interim CCW world champion?
Ragnarath: Before we talk about the champ lets speak management, so I think they dropped the ball lets imagine the big moment we could have had here tonight I am an underdog rookie you could ask anyone in the back here and 90 percent would give the win to Austin Lee.
Ragnarath looked at a camera with a smile on his face.
Ragnarath: But what if I were to pin him what if I was to become the interim CCW Champion could you imagine that moment it would be one if not the biggest moment in O.C.W history and I am all for those moments, but the non title match will have to do.
Ragnarath winked at Stacey and walked off towards the curtain as the scene faded to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Big match for Ricky! |
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And it is coming soon but first, the First Round of the Road To The Gold Tournament! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Woah! |
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Yessir! |
The words “Old” and “New” has never been used in the same sentences like I’ve been using it lately. But no one has such a magnetic such an electrifying aura about them that can bind those two words together like myself.
And that’s why I had this hoody custom made for my attire tonight. I’m forever a man that will be chained to those words.
I’m forever a man who’s spirit will be linked to The Past, The Present and The Future of OCW.
These colors I put on tonight only a couple will know what it means. As a kid I waited a long time for this. To pay homage worldwide to all the battles I’ve experienced watching and enduring.
Nothing excites me more than giving it back to the biggest brand to date… (Whispers)O-C-double yooooouuuuu!
The lights are on and the arena is packed to the gills. Jim Black is waiting on me to speak right now. But he can wait just a few more seconds for The World Lightheavyweight Champion to soak up this moment as this is my first PPV as a defending champion….
Black: …Um...H2O?
I didn’t want to be rude but I kindly shush him while I put my finger over my lips. I mulit-task and move my hand and point that finger to my title. Boy, Jimmy over there looks so confused.
H2O: Do you “Remember The Name”?
How dare he begin to speak! Jimmy still doesn’t understand that I still have my finger over my mouth as I shake my head “No”. It is not his time to talk!
H2O: This title that H2O posses is “100% reason to Remember The Name!”
Black: H-2-O! I remem….
H2O: Shhhhzzzzz!!!!
I’m not finished! You lucky I love ya, Jimmy.
H2O: Remember when H2O fallen into a Dark, hot and hellacious place last year?
Did he get the message? Silence..good he did.
H2O: In the beginning of that journey was another hidden message. H2O “Told you...you just didn’t listen...why must you be so hard-headed... Tried to explain...but you didn’t hear me though…”
Eww, that sound. It was more than a pop. It was an eruption that scared Jim out his shoes. (Laughs) Goodness, I love the OCW Universe!
H2O: Lastly, “I was lost...alone in the Ocean...I was drowning beneath the waves...your love called me from the water...YOU ARE THE MIRACLE THAT MADE A WAY!”
The enormous cheer breaks the sound barrier that vibrates the very floor where we stand backstage.
(Chuckles) Boy that got me fired up!
H2O: Blackbeard has been relatively silent for the past couple of weeks and at first Harvey was confused.
H2O: But then he realized that old saying, “The silent ones is the ones you have to watch out for.” That’s exactly what am I’m going to do tonight!
H2O: There’s another saying, “When you’re winning keep playing like you’re losing.” That’s also what I’m going to do right her tonight!
Excuse me while I catch my breath.
Black: H2O, if I may interject for a minute? It’ll be real quick.
H2O: ……….
Black: I’m going to say two names…
H2O: Proceed, Jimmy.
The look on his face expresses the reluctance of mentioning either name. For Jimmy, I’ll show him I’ll remain content.
Black: Minino...Pugh…
H2O: Neither had the audacity to walk thru The Fortress of Bettertude and experience The Betterness Level. Not in this timeline anyway.
H2O: This timeline is the only one that matters cause it determines our future in OCW. One has no future and the other is just a grumpy old man with blue balls waiting to get fu(beep)ed.
Dammit I lost it for a split second. That Pugh makes me lose my centered being. And Bobby...Pfft he’s reaching to get a foot in his mouth.
H2O: Need Harvey to say more?
That a boy, Jimmy. Didn’t think I needed to.
Black: Well good luck tonight, H2O!
Luck isn’t needed. I’ll tell him what’s needed.
H2O: Luck is just an imaginary thing that people use to say to make themselves motivated.
H2O: It’s more like Good Skills tonight, H2O! That my friend is something you can count on seeing.
I walk off set to continue my legacy….In Hard 2 Obtain Definition that’ll be Hard To Knock!
As H2O walks away...
Black: (Whispers) I think it was a blue shell he mentioned, Champ.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Staring to think he is getting a little big for his britches! |
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Future so bright, he has to wear shades! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
The CCW Interim title draped over #Austin Lee shoulder as he paces back in forth in the ring.
Looking out onto crowd, basking in the fact this is the first match he has had since winning his CCW Interim title.
#Austin still smiling ear to ear as he listens to the crowd as he raises the title into the air, displaying it to them as he looks back at Ricky then back to the title.
#Austin takes a deep breath as he walks over asking for a microphone from a stagehand.
#Austin Lee: 2 nights ago you told the world about how you felt slighted because you were not given an opportunity to earn the right to challenge me for my CCW….
#Austin pauses for a second.
#Austin Lee: Sorry, what I meant to say is… Our CCW championship
#Austin Lee raises the belt to the crowd as they begin to cheer for him.
#Austin Lee: Now I would have expected that out or guys like Wrex and Jimmy but coming from you Ricky?
#Austin Lee shakes his head
#Austin Lee: I get it though Ricky, I have been in your shoes before.
#Austin Lee:
You might be justified to feel the way you do but it will only lead you down a dark path and let you lose sight of who you really are.
#Austin Lee: You have to keep hope alive Ricky…
#Austin Lee:
Regardless if you feel like you are being overlooked or missing out on chances you feel you have earned.
#Austin Lee:
Long as you have hope Ricky and a Dream…
#Austin looks over at his CCW Interim Championship and hands the belt to the Official
#Austin Lee: Anything is possible my friend.
#Austin Lee: Put the belt on the line. I don’t care what anyone in the back as to say about it. You earned this match kid, let’s show them what Turmoil is all
#Austin tosses the microphone out of the ring as he begins to yell, unaware he is being picked up on camera still.
#Austin Lee: Ring the bell, let’s get this shit over with got better things to do then teach this kid that he isn't on my level...
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Wowzers! |
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Outta nowhere! |
Camera is panned at a wooden door. Keys can be heard opening the door and AC Cobra pops in. The crowd erupts at the site of the self proclaimed “Gamer of the year”.
AC walks in with two pizzas and a case of Dew. He reached in his back pocket & pulls a video game case out.
Cobra-(smiling) Finally, able to get my hands on OCW 2k18.
Cobra is smiling as he puts the disk in. He signs in on his Xbox under the GT “DominiCobra”.
Cobra- Nice loading screens, brand new moves, but let’s check this roster out.
Cobra- Kass 94 that’s pretty fair, Dupree 100 OVR, no comment. AC Cobra a....(pauses) I’m a damn 70!!!!!
Cobra stands up and walks closer to the tv.
Cobra- This is some mistake, maybe I’m injured on the roster, yeah that’s it!
Cobra checks everything to see that his eyes aren’t deceiving him. Once he realizes this he sulks and knees hit the ground.
Cobra- Next week on Riot, I’m going to the 2K offices to get to the bottom of this.
Scene Fades
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I hope he gets uppercutted! |