Some pre-recorded footage is shown: the scene opens in the Morgan Library & Museum, in Murray Hill, Manhattan.
Sarah, a.k.a. Valkyrie, is volunteering at the library, as she usually does on Sundays: today, she’s guiding a group of kids, apparently primary school students, teaching them all she knows about mythology and history.
They stop near a large collection of ancient book and papyri. She points at one of them, being very careful not to touch it or anything.
The kids are all around her: some look bored, some somewhat interested.
Sarah: You see, kids, Viking culture was rich in stories, tales and poems.
Kings, brave heroes, dangerous journeys, battles, fearsome dragons and otherworldly creatures were all subjects of tales told by skalds and everyone else.
No one wrote them down, but everyone knew them, mostly by heart.
Random kiddo #1: What was your favorite? Can you tell us?
Sarah smiles awkwardly at the unexpected question and then takes a moment to think about it.
Sarah: I could tell you about the kidnapping of Idùn.
The kids sat down, as she began to tell the story
Sarah: Idùn was the keeper of mysterious food eaten by the gods, which enable them to retain their youth and ward off the process of aging.
One day, Loki decided to trick her with the help of the giant Thjazi and took her to Thrymheim, “Thunder-Home”, situated in the highest mountain peaks.
Random kiddo #2: And what happened to her?
Sarah: In Idun’s absence, the gods and goddesses felt old age creeping up on them. Their skin became wrinkled, their hair grey.
Freya and the rest of the gods quickly realized Loki was behind this and forced him to go back to Thrymheim and save her from Thjazi.
She takes one of the books and shows a picture of Idùn and Loki.
Random kiddo #3: Miss Stevenson, did you know you kinda look like Idùn?
Sarah: Let’s just hope that there’s no Loki around here, then.
She laughs. One of kids takes off his hoodie and reveals an OCW t shirt under it. And in that moment Sarah remembered about Road2Glory.
Sarah: Oh, look at the time! I’ve got to go now! I’m supposed to be in Washington in like six hours. Take care, kids.
Random kiddo #4: But we’ve been here for only ten minutes!
Sarah rushed to the street and took the first yellow taxi she could find.
Sarah: Take me to Washington, now.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Wham, Wham! |
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Man she used everything, even the kitchen sink! |
As the camera pans out, you can see a hooded figure watching her as the taxi starts accelerating.
He is holding a picture of Idùn and Loki, just like the one she was showing the kids just a few moments before.
The camera cuts to the back corridor of the ProPharma building that Justin Jehst has been sneaking around in. He follows the guard as he wheels the woman out the back on a stretcher. It isn’t long before the guard notices his presence.
Guard: Are you supposed to be back here, sir?
Jehst: It’s “Dr.” and yes, I’ve been told to assess this woman’s post-serum come down, measure her vital signs, etc.
Guard: Ok, well, in that case, I’ll let you take over. You know where to go from here, right?
Jehst looks around at the corridors branching off from the intersection he has just come to.
Jehst: I’m actually not familiar with this area, I have been working over in B-20.
Guard: …? There is no B-20.
Justin’s face begins to show a slight panic as he fears he may be ousted.
Jehst: I meant, A-20! Sorry, been a long day.
Guard: A-block only goes up to 11. Stay here.
The guard reaches for his walkie talky, and as soon as he presses the button down, the communication device is kicked from his hand.
Justin rears back in a karate pose. The guards face screws up in anger as he raises his hand back to take a swing.
Jehst: Oh, come on now. Can’t we just talk about it?
The guard flings a haymaker which Justin leans back and out of the way of. Another missed shot from the guard with his opposite hand which Jehst ducks under.
The Hollywood Mauler lands a flush front kick, pushing the guard back a foot before landing a jab, a right straight, then a left hook, dropping the guard to the ground with his nose bleeding.
Guard: *panting and slowly getting up* You won’t get out of here alive… Not if she finds you.
Jehst: You’re probably right, but that’s a risk I have to take.
Jehst punt kicks the guard in the head, knocking him out cold. He grabs the guards’ keycard before taking the stretcher with the woman on it and begins to walk down the corridor.
He takes a left, a right and another right before seeing a room in which others are being wheeled into in the same state as the woman he is currently pushing on the stretcher.
Justin makes his way towards the room and joins the queue of doctors. They slowly shuffle their stretchers into the room and hook their “patients” up to monitors and IV’s.
Jehst nervously wheels his towards a spare station, not knowing how to connect the tubes or monitoring equipment. He fumbles with the IV monitor and presses a button which sets off a pulsing tone which fills the room.
A number of the other doctors begin to look over at Jehst, who looks up and sees the number of eyes upon him.
Jehst: Ahhh… looks like Gary didn’t fix this ol’ bag of bolts properly on the last maintenance run. I’ll go and grab him.
Jehst begins to walk sheepishly towards the door, quicker as he approaches. He turns through the doorway and as soon as he exits he is met by the previously beat up guard along with two of his guard friends.
The guard looks at Jehst, nose still leaking blood, smirks, and then pulls the alarm on the side of the wall.
Jehst: Ahhh, PISS!!
Jehst turns to run the other way but is met by another three guards. He begins backing up.
Jehst: Heyyyyy guuyyyysss… Let’s not get crazy now… I’ll let myself out, no need to - - -
Justin is cut off as two guards grab him from behind and wrench his arms into a police hold behind his back.
Jehst: Argh! Damn it...
The guards walk him step by step down the corridor once again.
They eventually get to a large red double door with a plethora of security devices on a side panel, including retina and finger print scan. One of the guards approaches and deactivates the security devices, allowing the doors to slowly open up.
As they glide outwards, Justin looks up and sees a large, thick glass cylinder filled with a slightly green tinged liquid. Encased within the tank is none other than the monster Jehst had previously faced off against; Cerberus.
As Jehst gets pulled into the room he stares at the brute who is submerged in the green serum, tubes hooked up to his mouth and nose, his arms and legs strapped to steel barring inside the cylinder.
Jehst takes another forced step forward and the beasts eyes open, bloodshot and full of ire. As Mrs. Jehst’s pet project begins to squirm in his shackles a now familiar female voice is heard from behind his glass chamber.
Mumma: *sarcastically* Son! You’ve come to visit your mother! Oh how wonderful!
As Mumma Jehst emerges from the shadow of the tank the scene fades out.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Capo enters into the ring at Road 2 Glory. He takes in the atmosphere and radiant crowd energy. He then grabs a mic and begins to speak.
Capo: Washington DC!!! Drama has arrived……
Crowd:high pitched whispers-DRAMa-DRAMa-DRAMa-DRAMa-high pitched whispers
The Crowd starts to go crazy with anticipation…
Capo: Years ago, the great Abraham Lincoln stood before the nation during difficult times.
Crowd approvals come in…
Capo: He stood before a divided nation and tried his hardest to mend things that wouldn’t work. He tried to fix our great nation, and take back the Liberty for those who had lost it. And in that process, he stood his ground on one basic concept…..
Capo: That all Men are created equal….
Crowd approves and goes into an applaud...
Capo: Recently, the OCW has had its on Civil War...We have been testing the loyalty of those who threaten the way we do things around the federation. Whether those PAST…...Or those--- PRESENT, are truly fit and ready to endure what's to come…..
Capo: And for some….well…..MAY THEY REST IN PEACE, BUT THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!
Pandemonium feels the room as the sold out arena goes crazy…
Capo: Think not of the past, but think of the future brave men and women who serve our Federation unconditionally.
Capo: Think about those who struggled here!!….Those who risked and sacrificed for the greater good of OCW in its darkest hour!!
Capo:This isn’t about individuals…
Capo: It’s about continuing the rich heritage and history of OCW…
Crowd emotions fill the room!!...
Capo: The entire world won’t remember everything I said here today!!….They won’t remember what I looked like today!!
Crowd applauds of approval fill the arena….
Capo: But you will remember what I did here today!!
Capo: You will remember that I was here!!….With you all….SHINING!!.... IN ALLLLLLL THE GLORY!!!
Crowd pops….
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Capo is ready tonight! |
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He better be, tonight he is facing the Samoan Beast the Former CCW Champion Malu! |