The X Tron Flickers On!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Hahahaha! |
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What are you laughing at that's ILLEGAL!! |
In D.A.M Skybox, we find members of The Purge including Molly, Dimsmore, Lacy, Tobin Frost, AJ Phoenix, Ligerman DARK, Kassidy Hayes, Anthony Baker, Bertha and Amazing Pine all gathered discussing something.
Mugen walks into the room with his arms spread to the side.
Mugen: TADAAAAAAA for I am here.
Everybody in the room laughs for a moment as Mugen gathers himself and sits on a bar stool facing the rest of The Purge.
Mugen: Guys and gals, I gathered you here tonight to tell you.............Thank You. Thank you for being you, for being awesome, for being vicious, for being dangerous, for bringing championships to The Purge and most importantly, thank you for helping me get closer and closer to my utopian image of OCW.
Everybody in the room is full of smiles as they agree and nod their heads.
Mugen: I've also brought you here tonight to tell you that, not help me in any way shape or form tonight during my World title match.
This statement is raising some eyebrows in the room.
Mugen: I am SOOOO confident tonight that I will destroy.....excuse me.....DELETE Drago from existence that I want NONE of you to come and help me, including you my dearest Molly.
Molly seems like she is about to stand up from her seat but Mugen motions her to wait a second.
Mugen: Hear me out here for a second. I already told the leaders of Rev. Inc and The Skwad that if they were to make a step past the entrance ramp and come even near the cell tonight, they will be fired on the spot. And....
Mugen chuckles for a moment.
Mugen: I am a fair man and I like to give a fair fight to Drago so please, sit back, relax, enjoy the best seat in the house for my impending victory. Okay?
Immediately, members of the Purge stand up out of their seats in a bit of an uproar at the decision.
Anthony Baker: But DAD?!
Mugen: Shut up and sit down son.
Baker: Okay.......
Anthony Baker sits back down in his seat and cradles his OCW Hardcore Title.
Bertha and Amazing Pine stand to say their peace.
Bertha: You are bringing us to the Purge to make war for you. You point we break, but now you tell us make peace at the height of this war?
Pine: She's right, everyone will be looking to get a piece of you, Cell or not.
Bertha and Pine seem frustrated at the order still not content, Pine turns and lashes out at the closest target.
Pine: And what about you Lion Man?! You're awful quiet!
Ligermask listens contently as La Lengua furiosly translates everything thats been said to him. He takes a few puffs from his cigar and scoffs in spanish, which La Lengua translates.
LIGERMASK: You all joined joined the Purge for whatever reasons you had. But the reason I joined this war, was because there's money to be made in a war.
LIGERMASK: So if the man who helps me make my money says I get paid for relaxing up in this skybox.
Ligermask kicks his feet up on the chair infront of him leans back and lets out a cloud of smoke.
LIGERMASK: I'm going to enjoy my paid night off.
Mugen: See, he's got the right idea!
Mugen's right hand man, Dimsmore steps in with Lacy.
Lacy: Sir Overlord sir. With all due respect, please reconsider this. We all want to aid in the purif.... purif.... cleansing of OCW to form our Purge/OCW utopia. But in order to do that, it is never a 1 person job.
Lacy: With the likes of the Ski-waad, Devo Enterprise or anyone else, we are on the clock 24/7 and here at S2R it is no different.
Lacy: There are just too many outside factors for you to go it alone. Not that you wouldn't be able to handle yourself, but we are all here to support each other for what's best for our utopia.
Kassidy: (Sarcastically stated) Guess I'll continue to be your unused left hand.
Mugen laughs at the comment.
Mugen: No, seriously, guys. I love and respect you all but you have to understand that there is no possible way for me to lose tonight. I AM YOUR OVERLORD. So please, respect this order and stay in the skybox. You will have the best seats in the house for the cell.
Mugen gives all of his friends and family a nod as he walks out of the skybox. The scene fades out with all of the members of the Purge relucantly going back to their seats.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He's got something up his sleeve!!! |
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How dare you! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I love it!!! |
Ace and Kat are both standing in the ring with microphones in their hand. Ace debates extending her hand out to Kat, but she takes her hand back to the microphone instead.
Ace: Wassup’, Miss Kitty? Before we get to this whole.. “debate” debacle, I'll go ahead and start!
Ace: I’m gonna go ahead and give credit where credit is due so you probably won’t have to speak.
Ace: You’re the longest reigning Women’s Champion. You held that title for 6 months and no woman has ever been able to match that. Not only that but you’re talented, no question at all. Aggressive, pretty… for the most part.
And you’re one hell of a competitor. In fact, you’re like me in that regard, Kitty. Hell, we even have the same taste in hairstyles.
Ace: The thing is, where we begin to get different, is that unlike you, and unlike your “friend” and my idol, Sophia, I’m not here to play nice with any of y’all.
I’m not here to go out for drinks or hang out at parties or go clubbing with a member of Rev Inc, the Purge, the Skwad or whateva! I’m here for one reason, and one reason only: To bring my brother and I to the top of OCW!
Ace: I’ll admit it, my track record ain’t that great. 3 and 0 isn’t somethin’ to be proud of. It’s somethin’ to grow! It’s something to hold onto! I take pride in the fact that I haven’t been beat yet in the few months I’ve been here.
Ace: And in case you forgot this, “longest reigning Women’s champion”, I’m gonna bring in a little history lesson for you:….Riot 362. Remember that show? A 4-way elimination match for your Women’s title and you didn’t get the job done, did you? Matter of fact, you were the first one eliminated! Another matter of fact, how long’s it been since your last reign? About 3 years? And what have you done in the meantime?
Ace: Beating up Madison and Alex at Summercide? Is that it!? You think just because you’ve been here longer than me that you deserve another shot at the Women’s title!?
Newsflash Kitty, a new surge of bad ass women have arrived in OCW while you’ve been off doing Lord knows what. And guess what? One of those bad ass women is standing right in front of you!
Ace: I have lost count of how many times I had to sit by the sidelines while the women here beat the hell out of each other and ignored me every single chance they got!
I am through sitting around! I am going to prove to every Woman in the back that I am not a fluke! I am not a freak! I am a wrestler! I am here to COMPETE!
And at the 12th anniversary show on October 30th, whether it be Willow or Sophia, it doesn’t matter, I will compete and I WILL walk away with the Women’s Championship and every woman on this roster will be forced to respeck my name, whether they like it or not!
Ace steps up to Kat and Kat simply smirks.
Kat: Adorable, Ace. Very… adorable. Since you already listed all of my credentials for me, I think it’s pretty obvious why I should face the Women’s champion at the 12 year anniversary show instead of you!
You know, if you weren’t stuck on Turmoil with your demented brother, I’d destroy you here and now like I have so many others in the past.
The crowd begins to buzz as the women get closer and closer to each other, obviously waiting for one of them to throw a punch.
Ace: [smacking her lips] Man, I want you to do somethin’ to me! I thought you was the baddest bitch on Riot. Or is you just a bitch in general, B?...
Kat takes a step back from Ace and glances at the crowd for a second. Suddenly, Kat throws milk in Ace’s face, drenching her coat and ruining her cheap makeup. Ace is quiet for a moment, taking in the laughs from the audience and from Kat herself.
Outraged, he slaps Kat in the face and the two women begin to brawl across the ring until OCW officials eventually make their way in to separate the two. The women are held in separate corners as Ace mouths off forbidden words at Kat while wiping the milk off her face.
The crowd begins to boo at the realization that the women aren’t about to get physical anymore as the camera fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This has solved nothing!!! |
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Whose idea was it for a debate!!!! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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No no no! |
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