As Willow continues her celebration, Sophia remains lying on the mat barely moving. The cage is lifted and the ref gets into the ring to check on her. He leans in as they exchange inaudible words, before motioning to someone outside of the ring.
The camera cuts to the ramp to show the medical crew coming down to the ring with the first aid kit and stretcher.
The medical crew kneel over Sophia and exchange words as they check her over. Sophia winces as she holds her head and neck. One of the medical crew asks her something and she nods.
They then begin carefully loading her onto the stretcher. She gives a thumbs up to the crowd and the crowd cheers.
The crew begins carrying Sophia in the stretcher out of the ring and up the ramp, when suddenly the camera cuts to behind them showing Willow running up to them.
She stops quickly to flash an evil grin as she pushes medical out of the way, raises the Women's belt high above her and slams it down onto Sophia. She continues the assault, whacking Sophia with the belt a few more times as she shrugs off the other medical staff.
Just as Willow raises the belt over her head one more time, she feels a quick tug and is stopped in her tracks. Startled, she quickly turns around to find KD towering over her.
He moves around her, stepping in between her and the medical crew attending to Sophia. Willow glares at him, takes one step forward, and KD does the same- standing very close to her displaying the great height difference.
Once the medical crew has taken Sophia further up the ramp away from harm, KD’s face remains stone faced as he throws the belt back at Willow. She catches it, taking a step back from the force of the throw.
KD shoots her one more look before turning to go back up the ramp, following his stablemate backstage.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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GOOD FOR YOU!! K.D!!!! Willow is a BITCH! |
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The first main event is up! its Malu its The Double Champ Dennis The Black, ITS LAST MAN STANDING!!! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He's dead! |
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How can anyone get up after that! |
The scene opens with some important looking OCW officials knocking at a door, from the otherside of the door, a few crashes can be heard and mumbled talking.
Crossbones is inside, with his eye pinned through the spyhole in the door.
Crossbones: Crap!! They found us!! Hide the gold and stash the women.
Connie: Stash the women? What women?
Crossbones: Sorry, force of habit!
Voice: Sir, we can hear you in there, can you please open the door.
Crossbones runs away from the door and jumps into his homemade hammock, trying to look relaxed.
Crossbones: Open the door lassie, act natural.
Connie sighs as she opens the door.
Connie: Hi gentlemen, please, come inside.
Agent 1: Sir, we are here investigating a theft of numerous items from the OCW Hall of Fame building.
Agent 2: We are here, under the radar, offering you the chance to return the items you stole, and nothing more will be made of the situation, if you decline the offer, the police will be informed, and your OCW contract will be terminated.
Crossbones: What makes ye think I stole anything?
Agent 1: For a start, you are wearing Chris Mania's top hat, that was on display in the HoF building.
Crossbones slowly reaches onto his head and in a quick motion whips the hat off his head and throws it into the doorway of the next room.
Crossbones: I'm not, see, no hat here.
Agent 3: Secondly sir, we have this....
The man turns around an ipad and plays some security video footage to Bones and Connie.
On the video, Crossbones can be seen jamming a door open wit ha crowbar before making his way inside, he then walks straight up to a security camera and shouts into the lense 'Kiss me grits ye robbin' scallies!' before turning away , dropping his pants and mooning straight at the camera, exposing a rather large , hanging sack between his legs.
Crossbones: Jeysus wept, ye've seen me crab hammer?????
Agent 1: Your 'crab hammer'?
Connie: Here we go.....
Crossbones: Aye, me crab hammer, ye see, ole Bones was born with something called parasitical testiscrotalitis.
Agent 2: What the hell is that?
Connie: Sounds worse everytime I hear it.
Crossbones: Similar to conjoined twins in a womb, when one twin dominates the other, and the other one dies and is absorbed, parasitical testiscrotalitis is when one testicle absorbs the other, and forms one giant testicle, so ye could say, I'm blessed, blessed with a giant ball.
Agent 2: So what's that got to do with a crab hammer?
Crossbones: Because, when I was shipwrecked, and starving, I'd squat for days, sometimes 4-5, in a ready position, me ball swinging back 'n' forth like a gravity defying wrinkled pendulum of pleasure and pain, I'd wait there til the giant crabs of Mowakawaka Island came walkin' under me , and I'd 'drop the ball' on them, smashing their shells, getting me access to their succulent meat!! Thus the crab hammer was born!! The legend continues!!!
Agent 1: That's ridiculous, why didn't you just pull the legs off them? Or smash them with a stone?
Connie & Bones glance at each other, and Connie just facepalms.
Agent 1: Enough about your weird, deformed testicle, sir, we are here to recover the items.
Crossbones sighs, and points off into the room where he threw the top hat.
Crossbones: Very well, they are in there.
Agent 2 & 3 disappear into the room and start gathering items.
Agent 1: What in the hell made you break in and steal from the company that employs you anyway?
Crossbones: Well, ye blaggards haven't paid me a single dabloon since I started here, so, I'm a pirate after all, I went and pirated, and took me weight in OCW gold!!!
Agent 1: Sir, you receive a paycheck every single week, which brings me to the next item on my list, management would like to know why you haven't cashed a single paycheck since you began employment...a total of $1,486,799.
Connie's eyes widen in shock.
Connie: WHAT?????
Crossbones: I told management when I started I had no desire for these 'checks' you speak of, I'm a man of the sea, I call no place home, and I am a slave to no 'bank'...I wanted paying in gold coins, pieces of eight and treasure!!
Agent 1: So what have you been doing with all the paychecks you have signed for?
Crossbones: I know not of what ye speak, but I do appreciate all the numerical toilet paper ye have been sending me, at first I thought it was some kind of map, but I got bored of walking inte walls following the trail...So I took my Troy Sharpe's in peace, and wiped me arse on numerical luxury.
Connie stomps into the bathroom, and emerges a few seconds later with a stack of envelopes.
Connie: These are ALL uncashed payslips?
Agent 1 nods at her.
Connie: We are RICH!! RICH!! Finally all this nonesense has been worth it!!
She throws them up in the air and lets them fall down around her like confetti.
Connie: I can't believe it!! Rich!!
She runs off out into the hallway, bounding with excitement.
Crossbones leans over to Agent 1.
Crossbones: Do ye want to tell her the envelopes are empty?
The scene fades as the other 2 agents emerge from the other room with 2 sacks full of OCW memorabilia.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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