The OCW audience in attendance seem unsure of how to react to the three women now standing stoically in the ring. A small chant of "WHO ARE YA?" breaks out from a few British fans congregated in the cheap seats of the sold out arena. The caped woman, apparently their leader, motions for the woman bearing a bronzed helmet and holding a microphone to address the crowd.
Slowly, the amazon of a woman standing at just over six feet tall puts the OCW microphone to her mouth, and the fans fall silent.
Helmeted Woman: Wrestlution.
The woman pauses for dramatic effect, a cold stare peering into the hard camera and in turn the viewers at home.
Helmeted Woman: The one night every year for all vendettas to come to a close. For discord to become tame. A night for retribution and triumph.
Helmeted Woman: But this is no such end. This is the beginning. A warning.
Helmeted Woman: On behalf of my mistress, Sparta, we are putting the women of the OCW on notice. Enjoy your night culminating a year a conflict, and the short peace that follows.
Helmeted Woman: For war is coming. And as of Thursday night, this company belongs to mighty Sparta!
Still slightly confused by these peculiar women, the crowd does not react one way or the other. The helmeted woman drops the microphone with a thud, and the women leave the ring as the scene fades.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Good heavens look at the size of them! |
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They are bigger than most of the guys! |
We return to the Central California Women's Facility, where the correctional staff are still struggling to snuff out the riot on their hands. At the center of this insanity is Anna Mosity, still going blow for blow with the "queen" of the yard, Paul.
A prison official struggles to make her way to the center of the conflict when she is looking for Anna.
Prison Official: Ms. Mosity, is it?
Anna does not miss a beat in her fight, mounting Paul and punching her repeatedly in the head.
Anna: Yerp?
Prison Official: The Warden has informed me that you have been bailed out by a Dr. Lindsay Rothschild. You are free to go.
Mosity is completely shocked by this news, so much so that she lets her guard down long enough to get a brutal chop to the throat from Paul's manly man hands. Apparently no selling the blow, Anna proceeds out of the yard and to the entrance of the facility.
Anna: This $%&^ must have a death wish! I ain't complainin' but she better not think I'm gonna go easy on her for this! Heh… I'm gonna kick her a--
Now in the parking lot she realizes she has no mode of transport. She spots an ATV parkedin the distance and smiles. The scene fades.
The Camera pans to ringside!
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Alright! |
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Oh that cannot be good! |
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Up next The Blood Fued comes to an End, the Armies are assembled. It's the Prophet of the Masses Jacob Trance vs The General of Misinformation Justin Raze! |
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This is like putting a grenade in yo shorts! |
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Wow |
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Shut up! |
Tobin Frost is found walking back and forth in a far corner of Levi Stadium. The area is very dimly lit and the cameraman doesn’t want to get to close to the number one contender. But the camera does stay close enough to hear what Tobin is saying.
Tobin: Do you really want this Tobin? Do you really want this? Think about the story E. T. told you. The story about the kid and the guru. The kid wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to this guru. And he told the guru he wanted to reach his level of success. So the guru told the kid, “You want to be on my level, meet me at the beach at 4 A.M.”.
Tobin continues to recite this story to himself as if he was speaking to a crowed room.
Tobin: So the kid got there 4 A.M. he already to rock n’ roll. Got on a suit, should of wore shorts. The old man grabs his hand and said: How bad do you wanna be successful? He said: “Real bad”. He said: Walk on out in the water. So he walks out into the water. Watch this. When he walks out to the water he goes waist deep and goes like this guy crazy.
Tobin: The kid said…I wanna make money and he got me out here swimming. I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard. I wanna make money he got me in – so he said come on a little further – walked out a little further – then he had it right around this area – the shoulder area – so this old man crazy – he making money but he crazy.
Tobin: So he said come on out a little further – came out a little further, it was right at his mouth – my man, I’m not about to go back in this guy is out of his mind. And the old man said: “I thought you said you wanted to be successful?” He said: “I do.”
Tobin: He said: “Then walk a little further.” He came, dropped his head in, held him down, hold him down, my man (kept scratching) hold him down, he had him held down, just before my man was about to pass out, he raised him up. He said: “I got a question for you.” He told the guy, he said: “When you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe than you will be successful.”
Tobin bangs his hand against the stadium wall.
Tobin: How bad do you want this Tobin? How bad? Are you willing to leave it all out there in that ring tonight? Are you willing to die for this Tobin? Are you… are you!!!
Tobin: I’m willing to die for this…
The scene fades as Tobin continues to walk back and forth in the dim hallway.
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