* K.D'Angelo walks in as you can hear the cheers from the arena as KD's face is on the big screen . K.D leans closer to the camera .*
K.D'Angelo : Tonight Big Ed I'm not here for a future investment or beat up a old rival but to keep my spot.
K'D'Angleo: I'm the beast ! I'm the monster everyone fears not some sick perv .I'm not the first big man just the best .
K'D'Angelo: When BlackRacked they all fall . Yes he can get Racked and if that doesn't work I'll kick his out of Tokyo dome!
K'D'Angelo: Yes the garden has plot just for you.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The Big Man is fired up!
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He should be he has a Mountain to climb! |
The Xtron Flickers On!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This will be great!
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You know it! |
Previously Recorded!
The scene is set in the Vista Premio Dojima, located in Osaka. A few shady men in expensive-looking suits are giving the hotel clerk trouble, banging on the front desk and throwing objects at him.
One of the shady men grabs the clerk by the collar and shouts in his face, causing the clerk to cower in fear. Now normally, due to the language barrier, we wouldn't be able to understand what's being said. Thanks to subtitles though, this makes our lives much easier.
Shady Dude #1: You should've moved your ass out of here weeks ago!
Clerk: Please sir! I can't simply abandon the legacy that this hotel has bestowed upon this city!
Shady Dude #2: Do you have any idea who we are??? We TOLD you not to f*** with the yakuza!
The first shady dude slams the clerk's face on the desk, causing him to cry. We then see the entrance doors open to reveal Drago Cesar with aviator shades. He walks inside, rolling a large suitcase with him.
He walks up to the front desk and drops a few yen, seemingly unaware of what's going on. One of the yakuza takes off his shades and stares at Drago.
Shady Dude #3: Look at this dumb foreigner! Beat it, kid, the rooms are full.
Drago searches his pockets and pulls out a tiny handbook. The cover reads "Japanese for Dermies", with Mugen's smiling face in the corner. Drago flips through the pages.
Drago: Excuse me sir, I'd like to reserve a room.
Drago looks up as the yakuza laugh at him. The shady man holding the clerk lets go, causing him to slump to the ground. Drago sees this and shakes his head. He flips through some more pages.
Drago: If you don't want trouble, I'd suggest that you leave.
Drago closes the book as the yakuza simply stare at him. One of them gets in Drago's face. The hunter places the book on the desk and headbutts him, then grabs him by the suit and tosses him into the rest of the yakuza.
Drago starts walking up to the group when one of the shady men gets pissed and charges at him with a punch. Drago's getting ready to react when he notices one of them is grabbing onto his ankle, Drago looks back up and is met with a punch to the face, which Drago no-sells, instead getting pissed and punching the yakuza in the face, knocking him down.
Drago then straightens his shades and kicks the face of the man who was latching onto his ankles. While all this commotion is going on, we see the entrance open to reveal Ryu Matsumoto and his son Hide.
Ryu: It's great to be back home again.
Hide: Uh...Dad, are you sure this is the place?
Ryu: Well, we're right next to the Tokyo Dome right?
Hide: Dad, the Tokyo Dome is not in Osaka.
Ryu: Now why would the Tokyo Dome be in Tokyo? That'd simply be way too convenient.
Hide scratches his head as the pair notice the commotion that's going on.
Ryu: Looks like Lution's starting a little early!
Ryu takes a trash can and slams it on one of the yakuza's heads. He then lifts his son with both hands, using his son's head as a battering ram, hitting the shady man right in his crotch. Drago suplexes one of the yakuza onto the desk, causing him to clutch his back in pain. Drago admires his handiwork and notices Ryu off the corner of his eye. He walks up to him.
Ryu: If it isn't my favorite gaijin. What brings you to Osaka?
Drago: Wanted to get away from other people before Lution. Relax mind. What about you?
Ryu: I thought this was the hotel we're supposed to be checked into? You know, right next to the Tokyo Dome?
Drago: Tokyo Dome is about 6 hour from here.
Ryu blinks.
Hide: See? I told you.
Ryu: Well I guess we should be on our way now. Happy travels, Drago.
They leave as Drago turns to the clerk, who is now standing up, holding a towel on his face to cover up the blood. Drago drops some more yen on the desk, but the clerk pushes the money back toward Drago.
Clerk: Thank you sir! What you have done for us is more than enough!
The clerk hands a key over to Drago.
Clerk: They came here to take the property that's been held for generations by our family, the Dojima family! If it hadn't been for you, this place would've been wiped out! Please, make yourself at home.
Drago takes the key and his bag, then walks into the elevator. He notices a few other staff members rushing to the clerk's aid. The clerk points to Drago.
Clerk: He saved us all! The future of Vista Premio Dojima is saved thanks to this man!
Staff Member: His heroic exploits shall be honored for years to come! From now on, he shall be known as the Dragon of Dojima!
The clerk puts his hand on his chin.
Clerk: Hmm....Hey wait a minute! Isn't he that Drago guy that's headlining Wrestlution over in Tokyo? How's Drago of Dojima sound?
Staff Member: I suppose either of those could work!
Drago doesn't really understand anything other than his name being mentioned. He awkwardly smiles as the elevator doors close.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Another Day Another Heroic Deed!
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Drago of Dojima sounds stupid and I don't like it! |
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Coming up The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object!
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You could swap those terms as they apply to both men. It's the GIANT Dream Battle as Turmoils Goliath Big Ed takes on The Keeper of the Garden K.D! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Good god the ring is still in one piece!
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Thank god! |
Previously Recorded During Wrestlution Weekend.
If you were to ask Betty Ford what they thought the Japanese word for “tavern” was you likely get chopsticks to the throat. It’s “izakaya” by the way, all hail f**king wikipedia.
As tradition the moment they touch down in a territory they hit up the closet bar, get wasted, start a fight and remember nothing the next morning. The fact that it’s Wrestlution, and their in the land of the Rising Sun, they have to go above and beyond a typical night out.
They finally approach a deemable establishment, meaning their famished, and in need of that sweet liquid bread. It’s your run of the mill izakaya, nothing special, until they swing the doors open.
Eerie: I bet he could f**k up a samurai!
Anna Mosity: We about to tear this bitch down!
Across the room sits the definition of American Badass, Jackson Montgomery drinking what could only be whiskey from a glass comically to small for his hands. Breaking the everlasting silence with his banter towards the stoic bartender.
Jackson: Excuse me.
Bartender: Where?
Jackson: What?
Bartender: Excuse who?
Jackson: Me.
Bartender: Where?
Jackson: What is wrong with you?!
Bartender: Yu not right in the head.
Jackson jumps to his feet: What did you say to me?
Bartender: Not Mi, Yu!
Jackson: WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON?! I swear to the nine pound, twelve ounce baby Jesus, if you don't speak right with me, I'm going to slap your face off your face! Understand me?!
Bartender: Where's Mi?
Jackson is visibly steaming. His face is turning red and smoke is just about to come pouring out of his ears like a cartoon. Just before he shows this unlucky soul the meaning of a Texas titty twister, Betty Ford walks up and they both pound on the bar.
Eerie: “Me” is right here and I’m thirsty as f*ck! Give us your strongest drink then double that.
Anna: Chop Chop, hero she ma, chop chop!
Anna makes possibly racist karate chop motions. Eerie leans in close enough to Jackson to smell last week’s fried chicken in his scrubby beard.
Eerie: How many you got?
We may not know what she’s talking about but Jackson damn sure does.
Jackson: I guess I count this one (pointing to his arm) as one, I had some stuff added to it yesterday, then the two six shooters (winks), and this monster on my chest.
Jackson pulls his tank top down to show the naval ship sprawled across his chest.
Eerie: I’m thinking of getting a Chinese dragon right here…
She goes to show one of the few bits of non-inked cleavage and Anna slaps her hand away.
Anna: Bitch we in Vietnam, not China…
Before anyone can say cock block in Japanese the crappy bartender with his even crappier English slams his towel across the counter.
Jackson: Why the hell are you talking about Ryan Leaf? He hasn’t been relevant since, well EVER!
Instead of bringing them drinks like he was supposed to, the bartender now has opened a can of whoop ass he won’t soon forget.
Bartender: NO FOOK YU!
2 other staff members enter from the rear like Madison’s idea of a Japanese cocktail trying to flank Betty Ford and JackMo. Without hesitation Jackson slaps the main bartender so hard in the face his face falls out his face!
Let’s call staff member #2, Hideto and staff member #3 Ryu. They try some drinking boys sh*t but catch a head butt from Anna and a jab from Eerie instead. Jackson picks up the bartender by the back of his shirt and slides him face first down the counter crashing through paper everything, which explains why the bar is covered in rice and noodles and booze...paper dishes...
Anna kicks Ryu in the crotch leaving him in a ball on the floor. Hideto tries some bullsh*t karate but Anna punches him in the gut. She then lifts him for a flapjack, like sushi n’ seaweed Eerie is there to complete the BFU through the nearby table.
Jackson: WOOOOOOOOO! DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS?! Now that’s how the south will rise again! I think we have something special here, the three of us. Now, someone call Sophia and let’s wreck this sh*tty town!
Eerie: F*ck Yeah!
Showing true Southern hospitality JackMo hops behind the counter and looks for the best in stock then starts pouring. Betty Ford finally get their first drink to Wrestlution 11 as we fade.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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HAHAH I love it!
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Sweet tap dancing christ NO, NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO |
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