Previously Recorded!
We transition to the hotel room of Drago Cesar, where we see our hunter reclining on a chair watching TV. He flips through the channels, which include the local news, some wacky game shows, and finally, what seems to be the equivalent of the Discovery Channel.
Drago stops on this particular channel as he sees an old man running a goat farm. The old man is seen surrounded by several small goats. Drago stands up from his seat and a number flashes on the TV screen. The hunter scrambles for his pocket and dials the number.
Old Man: Eh?
Drago: Uh....
Drago takes out his "Japanese for Dermies" handbook and flips to the glossary, where he looks through the "G" words. Unfortunately, "Goat" is not in the glossary, leaving our dear hunter helpless.
Drago: Goat?
Old Man: Nani?
Drago: Goat? Have goat, yes?
Old Man: ...
We can hear the old man breathing for a few seconds.
Old Man: Baka gaijin.
The old man hangs up as Drago curses himself. He then grabs the wallet on his table and rushes out the door.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh boy!
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The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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Cactus grabs a mic to address the Wrestlution crowd one last time.
Cactus: What an amazing show.
Cactus leans in on the ropes.
Cactus: If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen so far, you haven’t seen anything yet. Still more amazing matches to come!
Crowd pops loudly for the greatest show of the year.
Cactus: Now, Wrestlution can’t be a complete show without one key ingredient.
Cactus: We can’t close out the night with our next match without first having a Watering Hole!
Cactus: That’s right ladies and gentleman, welcome to an impromptu segment of - The Watering Hole!
Cactus: Now we don’t have a lot of time before we get to the main section of this amazing night, so let me quickly handle business and skedaddle out of the way.
Cactus: Bray, I know your speechless face is back there with nothing better to do. So take off the dog chain your sister keeps tied around your balls and get out here.
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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Cactus: I figured you wouldn’t let him out of his cage to come and play. Even when invited on the biggest show of the year he can’t seem to make his way out here.
Ace: Cactus, if you don’t SHUT IT! This ain’t got nothin to do with Ali. I don’t “control” him, like you keep saying, so please cut it the f-
One of the men standing next to Ace puts a hand over her shoulder and grabs the microphone.
Mysterious Man: Now now, Ace. Don’t let this lower level miscreant hinder the initiative.
Ace takes heed of his words and takes a deep breath.
Mysterious Man: Now then, if you’d afford to lend your ears for a moment, Mr… Cactus? Allow me to introduce myself.
Mysterious Man: My name is Alexander Irwin Dalton Stuart, and I-
Ace and the other man begin to chuckle at his name’s initials, throwing off Alex’s concentration. Even Cactus throws in a chuckle.
Stuart: [unaffected] And I am the business partner to one Kelsie Benee Wilson, or “Ace”, as you call her.
Stuart points to the other blonde haired full-suited man.
Stuart: And this gentleman here should need no introduction if you’ve been paying attention, but in case you haven’t, this is Isaac Amori, formely known as-... you’d know if you were paying attention.
Stuart: And we are here to discuss the blatant discrimination and the near-complete eradication of the superstar known as Ace.
Stuart: In the last 48 hours, my associate has come to me with a numerous amount of complaints associated with this company and I’ve taken the time to compile them in a list.
Ace: Not your dumb ass list.
Stuart: “Leaving me off the women’s matches at Wrestlution”-
Ace: Check.
Stuart: “Not putting me in the title match at Wrestlution”-
Ace: Check.
Stuart: “Blatant discrimination against southerners.”
Ace: Yep.
Stuart: “Letting Riot run wild on Turmoil”-
Ace: F**king check.
Stuart: I could go on and on and we’d only be a quarter of the way finished, but the fact is that my associate here is displeased with her position in the company and especially the women’s division.
Stuart: Which is why Kelsie here-
Ace: “Ace”, Alex… “Ace”.
Stuart: [rolling his eyes] Ace here, has begun an initiative that seeks to eliminate the blatant favoritism and discrimination that takes place in this company…….. Against her.
Ace: I call it... Hashtag “Make OCW Great Again!”
Stuart: Quite right. And tonight, we’re announcing Step One of the initiative, in front of all these nips here tonight-
Thunderous boos attack the ring, with Ace going into brief panic mode and shoving Alex’s mic away from him.
Ace: That’s too far AIDS, I mean Alex! Cool it. I got it from here.
Stuart acknowledges and lowers his microphone.
Ace: As we were saying, Step One of the initiative is simple:
Ace looks directly to the camera.
Ace: OCW offices! Sensation! I’m suing the sh*t outta each and every one of you for what you’re doing, or not doing, to me! And let me tell you, you arrogant racist F**KS, if you think I’m going easy on you, you’ve got another thing coming!
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
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Ace: No no, not this time. You are NOT taking this away from me. This is NOT about you.
Bray: On the contrary…
Bray turns to Cactus.
Bray: This is between him and I. Now if you’ll excuse us, before things get… unpleasant.
Startled, Alex directs Ace and Isaac to exit the ring, with Ace reluctantly following suit.
Bray: …Cactus… even now you still don’t get it.
Bray: You think this is all about you, that my purpose is to eradicate you from this company, that I turned my back on you, turned my back on the fans, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take you back to October 2nd, 2016, Turmoil 146.
The night time stopped for me. If you remember correctly, us two… we weren’t even booked for the show, yet you took it upon yourself to say screw it, I’m having a match one way or another. And that’s to be respected.
But when I… no, when HE pinned you in that ring and stood before the thousands of cheering fans, it wasn’t a victory he felt.
Bray: He felt all of the anger, all of the frustrations, all of the hatred that had swelled up inside me finally come to a boil. And I let it out. Some people respected him for it, some people disparaged him for it, but the fact was that he got himself noticed by being the quote unquote “shooter” that you people love to call me now.
He was over being overlooked by all these so-called “heroes” and “icons” of OCW. From that moment on, he came to a realization. He realized that he was done being the so-called “chosen one”, or “good egg” that the locker room also loved to call me.
He realized that he needed to do and say what was necessary to finally get myself noticed, and he did… for not even a month before he was regulated to a throw away match at the anniversary show.
Bray: And on the season finale of Turmoil, after he lost to Dennis Black again, he lost my fighting spirit. His entire year of 2016, leading up to that moment, his first-ever Turmoil main event, taking him a whole year to finally main event Turmoil… and he lost.
So, he disappeared again. A few months later, a little event called “Certified Greatness” took place. He took the time to sit at home and watched with indifference as the OCW roster once again put their bodies on the line for the entertainment of these people.
Bray: But one match caught his eye. No, it wasn’t Pugh vs. Nitrogen or Dennis vs. Money Bags. It was a particular tag match, I’m sure you’re familiar with it. And as he sat there, watching you and Jimmy Henry of all people face off against the B-17 and #Austin Lee, do you know what that made him feel?
Bray: …Betrayal. You should have known that in a millisecond, he would’ve stepped up to help you no matter what was at stake and we would’ve cleaned house on the two of them. Guaranteed. I’ll be honest with you, he may not be the best wrestler on this roster, but he is undoubtedly the hardest hitting man on this roster. You saw his track record last year. You know what he can do to people.
Bray: But what did you do, Cactus? What did you do when you realized you needed help against B-17 and Austin? Did you call forth your best asset to aid you? Did you call for assistance from your biggest supporter in this company?
Bray: … No. You settled with a pathetic little runt of a man instead of the Broken Spirit himself. You didn’t try to contact him, you didn’t try to ask him, I bet you never even considered him as an option, did you? Did you lose hope… in me?
Did you lose hope in me Cactus, like so many others when I was beaten by Dennis Black in such a fashion? You never called, you never wrote, you just forgot about me like everyone else on the roster. Even my own sister…
Bray: My own sister left me dead in the water. She lost hope in me as well. Can you imagine what I felt… when two of the people that I trust lost hope in me? Can you even comprehend what’s running through my head right now?
Bray: And you can lie about it all you want, but that doesn’t matter anymore. See, when he saw the state that Turmoil was in, the abominable catastrophe that was once a great battleground, his great battleground, that brought back his fighting spirit. And with that fighting spirit, he finally did what he set out to do last year: revitalize the Broken Spirit. I want you to take a good long look at me, Cactus.
Bray: A little different than what you’re used to from him, isn’t it? You have his good friend Dennis Black to thank for this, because if it wasn’t for him slaughtering Bray on Turmoil all those months ago, he never would’ve found the right ingredient that he needed to find the Broken Spirit.
All his desires, his wants, his needs, his compassions, his emotions, his “friends”, his enemies, perhaps even his greatest asset, his speech, …all those things were holding him back… so he relinquished them. And the result of that… is sitting right in front of you. This is the true Bray…… S. Spur if you so wish to call him.
See, the Bray you all saw last year in OCW was a… false advertisement, I would say. A mistake. A young mind crippled under his hidden rage. That man is dead, Cactus. The man that was your so-called “friend” is dead. The “shooter” … is dead. And now, the only thing that he’s left behind in his demise… is me. And now that he’s found the Broken Spirit within himself, “I” finally have a new purpose….
Bray begins to walk down the ramp. Cactus readies himself by removing his shirt and motioning Bray to come down to the ring.
Bray: Cactus… you and so many others… by not displaying faith in me, you’ve only gotten me one step closer to realizing my full potential in this company. Not through rage or anger or cockiness, but nobility.
It took me months to realize this, but Turmoil is out of balance. We have overweight simpletons as our Hardcore Champion, male cheerleaders as our tag champions, our championship titles going over to Riot for reasons unknown.
Turmoil needs to be thrown back into balance, with me at the helm. And with me finally taking you out of the picture and out of OCW forever, Turmoil will be one step closer to becoming the promised land that I… “he” once laid waste to.
Don’t be ignorant, I’m not here to save Turmoil, not in the slightest. It’s beyond saving at this point. I’m here to purify it, to reignite it …starting with you. I plan to end you, no disqualifications, no excuses, no nothing.
I plan on wrenching away one of the bright lights of Turmoil and render him completely… obsolete. In the end, all I want you to know that I’m not the bad guy here, Cactus. Trust me.
Bray beings running towards the ring.
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Finally a bit of Payback!
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The Host with the most! |
Previously Recorded!
The scene is set on the goat farm seen earlier. The old man is seen shaking his head as the camera pans over to Drago getting tackled by a bunch of goats.
The goats all jump on Drago, all we can see is an arm stretch out from the ground before it slowly retracts. The old man walks toward the goatpile and shakes his head again.
Old Man: You're wasting your damn time. Why don't you just give up and get out of my face.
When all seems lost, all of a sudden, a lot of the goats are seen being launched up into the air. Drago stands up with a bunch of nets in hand.
Drago: You wanna play with me?
Drago then tosses nets in succession, tagging every goat in its path and putting them to sleep. After a few minutes of dodging goats and tossing nets, after the smoke has cleared, Drago is the only one standing.
After taking a deep breath, he raises his arms in victory. He starts laughing uncontrollably until something slams into the side of his knee, causing him to drop to both knees in agony.
He turns to see what it was, and just as he sees that a baby goat was the culprit, it headbutts Drago on the side of his head, knocking him out. The baby goat bleats before it takes a nap. The old man sighs.
Old Man: Fool.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Goats are sneaky you need to be hyper vigilant!
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What in the world? |
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