Having Successfully Arrived In Saitama Earlier, and after a lovely, yet horrible flashback on Chapter 3. We found Mugen and Co back on the road again, lets listen in!
Mugen: Yea, let’s not talk about it. So…...the plan is for us to jump off this dock in the car, land in the water and keep on driving to Japan.
Liger Mask: No es posible.
Mugen: What do you mean it’s not possible. If you didn’t believe it was possible, why the hell would you get in the car?
Liger Mask: Si.
Mugen shakes his head as he looks back on the “road”. He is making a beeline for the water this time and looks at Molly with a big grin.
Mugen: You ready for this my dear?
Molly responds with a big grin as she braces for impact. The Purge Mobile 6000 takes a hard plunge into the water. It disappears for a moment underwater…...but comes right back up and starts moving on water like a boat.
Dimsmore: How long is this trip?
Mugen: Like 6 hours? I’m honestly not sure. I’m honestly surprised we made the jump.
The rest of The Purge all look at Mugen like he was nuts for convincing them to jump into a possible death trap. Mugen places a huge gold brick on top of the gas pedal and gets himself into a relaxed position.
Mugen: Hey you know what will make the time fly? Let’s talk about all the things I accomplished back home in Japan back in the day. I’ll start!
Mugen takes off his seat belt as he swivels the cockpit chair around to face all of the Purge
Mugen: Where do I start…...well I started off as Rookie of the Year in 2005. Great year. I also won the Ultra MiddleGate Championship. A championship tournament that all of the great rookies participated in that year. I won……
The scene fades out
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Thats not how time works.
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Lord! |
It may be Wrestlution Prime but I don’t think anyone’s ready for what’s about to go down. Rhyme Tyme is in full force tonight. Meaning if there was a gundam in their image it would be the dopest gundam ever built. It would spit hot rhymes like heat seeking plasma blast to your grill all day, erry day.
If you’re lame and don’t know the trillest trio in all of OCW here’s the lineup, Djesus Djones, Suge Knight paid to use his gimmick and paid well. There’s Buddy Burns who has more Deez Nutz jokes than you have brain cells. Last but definitely not least, the Great Yellow Hope, Yung Shanghai Lee, Y.S.L. to you busta.
Call this the lunch table circa 1999, the Rising Sun edition. Just as if the catering area was a cafeteria people gather around for the entertainment. Voltron is about to get a face full of jelly when Rhyme Tyme work in unison.
Djesus starts the beat on the table, simple but catchy.
Djesus: Boom chicka boom chicka boom chicka boom
Buddy: Let me kick dis off...TKF can lick my balls
Y.S.L: Till I get soft, but I ain’t…. cus I go hard in the paint
Buddy: 1000 bars imma saint, we godly on the mic
Y.S.L: Sure as Holly Hunter’s a dyke- we got that get right
Djesus: Boom chicka boom chicka boom chicka boom
Buddy: Call this Wrestlution Rhyme on universal Tyme
Y.S.L: Third of a kind, um…..turd on a mime
Buddy: Cus you can’t say shh…..
Djesus: Shut yo’ mouth!
Y.S.L: TKF this ain’t yo house- we up yo’ blouse
Buddy: AKA Deez Nutz all out, cus we reign supreme
Y.S.L.: Flyboy, the Artist and the Asian dream
Buddy: Unable Gables open legs get creamed
Djesus: When Djesus steps on the scene!
All three members of Rhyme Tyme fold their arms simultaneously to an overwhelming applause. The rhyme is real, damn real therefore the hype is real, damn real. TKF is a bunch of busters with the hard -ER, never forget that, no peace in the far east. Dueces.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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It's gonna be an all out war! |
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I am really at a loss for words. Kassidy Hayes is a "Vampire" who dresses like Dennis Black with a Toy replica belt. He is facing The Governer of South Carolina who claims he hunts "Vampires".....
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He did it!
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He really did! |
Having battled in Saitama in the history defning FIRST FEMME FATAL FUTURE INVESTMENT SENTAI HARE presses on to TOKYO!
We’re in Japan where a KAIJU SIZED Purple Dinosaur is roaming the streets.
People are screaming as the purple dinosaur hugs a building crushing it.
And just in the knick of time the Rabbitzord HOPS onto its back.
Sentai Hare: Stop you villainous monster!
Kaiju: I LOVE YOU!
The dinosaur boots the Rabbitzord onto its back and both Bunny D and Sentai Hare are ejected out of her vehicle.
Bunny D: He’s too strong we need help.
Sentai Hare: Luckily Sentai Hare never leaves without her friends. Rabbit Rangers form up!
A Red Sentai Hare flips into action next to them.
Red: Light Hare Mask.
Another pink Sentai Hare hobbles forward, but this one has a long grey beard over their mask and reading glass cover the visor and is hugged by Sentai Hare.
Sentai Hare: Grandpa!
Bearded: I heard your call. Here to serve with experience and wisdom. Sensei Hare!
Bunny D: We still need one more.
A howl could be heard as a Blue ranger with a Wolf motif arrives.
Blue: I heard your cry. Luckily you cried for the Wheelerewolf.
Bunny D and Wheelerewolf high five.
Bunny D: The Safari List back in action.
Sensei Hare: Well we gotta defeat this purple monster. How about we form up into a big bipedal mech and take it down with teamwork and friendship.
All: YEAH!
They all disappear into flashes of their respective colors as the scene fades out.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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