The scene opens to The Port of Felixstowe. The busiest maritime facility in the United Kingdom known for handling traffic and goods from all varieties of container ships and bulk cargo around the globe..
The evening sky churns as ominous as a witch’s sabbath as the crack of lightning opens the heavens in a torrent of torrential downfall. With every howl of violent, salty, sea breeze the towering Cargo Freighter sways to and fro with a crash of unforgiving Atlantic Ocean waves..
The years of service in the dizzying heat of the Southern Pacific sun have scorched the once rich royal blue paint of the massive freighter. The vessels proud and regal visage now cracked,chipped and faded, has left behind a faint powdery blue residue speckled by bare patches of galvanized steel.
Deep from within the bowels of the ship's hull booms, an animalistic bellow that seems to rattle every shipping container like a hoopty with a bad exhaust .
Kip: Be ready to use your tranquilizers Chip…This guy is a Monster…
Chip: Locked and loaded Kip!
Kip: And remember, don’t get close until we dose him with everything we got.
Kip: And maintain a one meter distance at all times for at least 30 minutes after we dosehim.
Kip: Remember what happened in 2011 to Doctor Fisk?
Chip: How could I forget.
Chip: You still carry that creepy memento with you…
Kip: By the time we called out a warning it was too late…
Chip: That's right. The Savage only needed a moment to put his plan into motion… It slowed its breathing and vitals down to a crawl begging the doctor to get close and closer and then…
Kip: It grabbed the doctor through the opening in the enclosure for the meal tray and…
Kip: What you see there is the result…
Chip and Kip retrieve the worn, yellow and aged polaroid photograph from his shirt breast pocket as the duo gaze bug-eyed at the atrocities documented before them.
Chip: My god his face…
Chip: I can never get over the way his nose looked…
Kip: Alright, chip we got our extraction order…
Kip: We knew this day was coming…
Chip: Still doesn’t make it any easier…
Kip and Chip give their tranq guns a quick glance over, double checking both the safety and magazine as a rock rises in the duo’s throats.
Kip & Chip: GULP
Kip & Chip: 1…2…3!!!
Mustering what little courage that still remains after enduring week after week of Hito-Gui’s antics and the get to the brasstacks and what they were trained to do, delivering a double donkey kick and gaining entry to horrors of the vessel's cargo.
Sat crossed legged and eyes absent of color, with a inhuman, wide mouthed, chicklet toothed grin Hito-Gui’s body may be here, but quite obviously his mind is not as he converses with his own thoughts.
Hito-Gui: The world is savage... It revolves around a species that only Hito-Gui truly understands...
Hito-Gui: Our Savage’s very way of thinking poses a question not often asked and even more rarely ever answered.
Hito-Gui: And that question is…
Hito-Gui: Do you have the will to live OCW?
Hito-Gui: He is unlike anything seen before…
Hito-Gui: What do you truly make of him?
Hito-Gui: Nothing to say?
Hito-Gui: Just look at this glorious eating machine…
Hito-Gui: This kind of primal, animalistic force and insatiable appetite is a natural gift you are born with and Tagaloa sure did give our Savage an extra helping…
Hito-Gui: He is our crown jewel…
Hito-Gui: The apex predator and the top of the food chain…
Hito-Gui: He is God on his island…
The stimulation and scent of fresh, pale skinned, longpig is nearly too much for the heavily sedated mammoth as the entire cargo lists from side to side as the goliath attempts to find its footing as the duo unleash a barrage of tranquilizer darts into Hito-Gui[s import.
Hito-Gui: Ahahahahaha
Hito-Gui: And it will be a stunning victory…
The scene transitions to black and a shower of slowly, twisting and turning, pink Sakura tree petals.
The camera finds itself… somewhere. Japan, maybe? It appears to be some sort of hot spring on a rocky retreat. A man sits at the center of the spring, everything up to his upper chest covered by the water and steam of the spring.
He has a head of light-brown hair swept to the left, and a thick, bushy beard. He is not anyone familiar to the OCW universe… at least, not yet.
He opens his eyes, and speaks in a murky, deep Irish accent.
???: Too many weak men rely on ‘science’ and ‘technology.’
???: Too many weak men cheat their way to the peak. Delude themselves into believing that chemicals and treatments can give them true strength.
???: Too many men reject the lessons of Nature for the ways of man. They suffer for it.
The man shifts slightly in the pool, sitting back on a rock to reveal the rest of his upper body. The man is tall, lanky, and extremely well built, with a lean, muscular frame.
???: My father chased your world relentlessly, from the day he was a grown man until that dragon claimed him. He sought to climb to the pinnacle of this… ‘sport’... through hard work and dedication.
???: But they said he was ‘small’. That he wasn’t ‘believable’. A wee man in a land of giants. He was told to violate nature’s law, and then perhaps chance it again.
???: And yet because his son stands at six foot five, he may enter the golden gates of OCW where his father was rejected.
The man crosses one leg over the other, revealing board shorts covered in Celtic designs. The man looks disgusted as he continues to speak.
???: Where some men sought strength in a syringe, I tested my mettle against the slopes of the Himalayas. Where others took to IVs and drugs to keep their edge, I braved the cold, cutting waves of the Atlantic. And where yet more men look for shortcuts, for cheap tricks, for ways around Nature’s law, I have wrestled with her, and learned her ways. And I am all the stronger for it.
???: Some have seen me and called me superhuman, for what I have endured. Some others call me a bastard of Nature, some beast made man, for the feats I’ve achieved. No, no, I am simply above what that garbage you pump out of test tubes and syringes and lab studies will ever make you.
???: And where the father failed, the son shall succeed, for my father, the man, taught me patience and wisdom, and my Mother, Nature, tempered me in her fiery crucible.
The man stands up to his full height on the rocks behind him, revealing the rest of his lean, yet powerful frame.
???: Soon, OCW shall Bear Witness… to the one who is more human than human.
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