
Before Tobin can even catch his breath, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by FallOut Boy briefly hits the PA system, but is cut off just as Tiberius Dupree appears on the ramp wearing his dress clothes. He's sarcastically clapping for the former OCW TV Champion for his hoss match.
Dupree: Now I understand why your Nathan's prodigy....
The fans give a cheap pop for Nate and Tobin.
Dupree: Neither of you know how to mind your damn business! Summercide was my moment damn it! MINE!
He points at Tobin just as Sampson makes his way passed him with a powerful look.
Dupree: I was on the verge of crippling the Golden Era once and for all. To make sure the Ortiz Express never started his engines ever again. Then you...then you went and played hero, just like your broken down golden girl...
Dupree: Was it because I just got finished mounting your mentor's head on the wall with all the other Legends I've beat here in OCW? Placing him as the featured centerpiece among The Steve, Aries and many others...
Dupree: Was it too much to bear as my betterness reached full capacity and short circuited the wiring in the minds of every simpleton who ever doubted me? What was it Tobin? What was it that made you deny me my moment, huh?!
Tobin calls for a mic but the ring hand is taking what seems like forever, Tibby just continues to rant.
Dupree: I'll tell exactly what it was, it was your irresistible need to be just like Nate, to save the day, to save OCW from the villain. But just so you know, I'm not the villain, no sir... he's off going OVER on this country's inadequate penal system.
An unusual pop for OUR VILLAIN.
Dupree: Nor am I'm not the bad guy Tobin, I always do what's best for OCW, ALWAYS!
Those cheers quickly turn to boos.
Dupree: Making sure Nate Ortiz never stepped foot in an OCW ring again would have been the best thing I ever did for OCW. Do you think I would go through all that trouble of making his life a living hell if I wasn't assured a happy ending on my part?...
He lets his question soak in, just before Tobin tries to speak he cuts him off.
Dupree: NO! I wasn't doing it just for the Ambition Era, I was doing it for you...for that ridiculously dressed wrestler in the back with crappy tattoos, for anyone who ever dreamed of wrestling for the greatest company in the world.
Dupree: No longer would anyone have to live in the shadow of OCW's Golden Boy. Because like it or not somebody has to stop him from returning 20 years from now with prosthetic legs to face Baby Betterness at Wrestlution 28. Do you understand Tobin? Do you!?
Finally Dupree shuts up long enough for Tobin to give a reply.
Tobin: I would ask you are you done, but I doubt I'd get a chance to say anything for another 20 minutes. The fact of the matter is you won the match. Congratulations, you beat one of OCW's living legends. You could have had your moment in the sun standing tall. But no... you had to take things one step further. Beating the man down with a chair, trying to break his leg? You already proved that on that night you were the better man. That at Summercide the Ambiton Era stands above all others. Your ego is so big that you had to try and ruin a man's quality of life. I was not going to sit back and watch that happen.
Tobin points at Tibby and continues to speak.
Tobin: It didn't matter if it was Nate, or anyone else who was out there about to have their leg broken by you. I wasn't going to sit back and let it happen. I've seen it happen to many times in my career here. Instead of letting their actions in the ring do the talking people have to take things to that next level. I've taken it upon my self to be the guy that makes sure that doesn't happen. I may not be a white man, but I'm going to be OCW's white knight. When there is a wrong I'm going to do my best to right it, because that Tiberius is what's best for OCW.
Tobin: But lets cut to the chase, I'm not really one for talking this much. If you want to come over here I'm more than willing to suplex your ass from here all the way back to Canada.
The crowd goes nuts at the challenge. Tibby sticks his arm out as he's stopping a match from happening with sign language.
Dupree: Hold your horses there Singlet Express, I'm clearly not wearing the proper attire to expose the world to my Betterness. Definitely not, maybe...never some other time.
He begins to wave farwell, but stops to say one last thing.
Dupree: Believe me Tobin, this won't be the last you've seen of me. Your literally, quite LITERALLY Nate's shadow, and the world seen what I did to Nate...
Tibby cracks his classic half smile as Tobin gives a determined look as we pan to ringside.
Dupree still giving the world hell |
The world deserves it Scaggs. |
The camera pans to the titantron at something that took place earlier in the day. We see a parking lot outside an abandoned warehouse not far from the Riot arena. There are a bunch of cars about. It looks like something is about to go down. There are two men that are dressed in hoodies. A car pulls up as out walks a man in the suit that goes by the name off Mr Greenberg
Mr Greenberg makes his way to the back of the car. He goes into the boot and pulls out a carrier bag. The two men in the hoodies walk up to the Mr Greenberg as they all have a friendly gangsta hug.
Mr Greenberg: “Looks like he is here.”
There is one car that makes its way to the area, it looks as if an exchange is about to take place. The car pulls up alongside these men. The camera pans in to a white man that is in black clothing, that man is none other than Sid Harrison. Sid Harrison gets out of the car with a briefcase in hand and he walks up to a circle of parked cars. Mr Greenberg is standing in the middle.
Mr Greenberg: “Do you have it?”
Sid Harrison opens the briefcase as he pulls out the Hardcore Championship.
Mr Greenberg: “Mr Baracus will be most pleased.”
Mr Greenberg goes to grab the belt but Sid Harrison puts it behind his back. The two hooded men walk over to Sid.
Sid Harrison: “I brought the belt like you asked, now I want the belt you have brought for me.”
Mr Greenberg opens up his briefcase to real the broken up Hardcore Championship.
Sid Harrison: “That’s horrid, is that actually supposed to be a belt?”
Mr Greenberg: “This was the previous Hardcore championship that you requested.”
Sid Harrison: “You know what; I think I am just going to hang onto this one.”
Sid Harrison is about to move away when the two hooded men pull out guns Sid Harrison turn around in shock and falls to the floor.
Mr Greenberg: “We came to a lot of trouble to get here and we are not leaving without that belt. So you will give it too us or we will take it away from your dead body.”
Sid Harrison: “No you guys don’t need to do that. Here you can have it.
Sid Harrison without any hesitation gets up and passes the Hardcore Championship to Mr Greenberg.
Mr Greenberg: “Good call.”
Mr Greenberg along with the hooded men begin to laugh. Mr Greenberg gets into his car with his boys. Sid Harrison just stands there looking at them. Just as they are about to drive off.
Mr Greenberg: “Oh yeah, this is yours by the way…”
Mr Greenberg tosses out the broken Hardcore Championship which lands on the floor right next to Sid. Sid Harrison picks up what is left of the old Hardcore Championship. Mr Greenberg along with the two hooded men drives away. The camera fades out.

Hardcastle vs Justin Raze

He did it! |
Psshh... Yeah he did. |
The familiar "Insiders" Locker Room door is seen as the camera fades in. The camera is zoomed in on the title on the door but someone can be heard standing by the door, taking a deep breath. A hand comes into camera shot and knocks three consecutive times before waiting for an answer. Footsteps can be heard approaching the door and the door is opened to reveal OCW Champion, Kid Ego aka Paul Pugh standing on the other side.
Pugh: What? What on earth do you want?
???: I expected some what of a greeting like that but hey, your the champion, so you can greet anyone however you want.
Pugh: Look, can I get the short version? I'm kinda in a hurry here.
???: Fine then. The reason that I'm here....is to say congratulations.
A look of indifference engulfs Pugh's face
Pugh: You and everyone else... is there a point to this story?
???: No, I really am here to say congratulations. You earned the OCW Championship. You waited 8 long years, patiently waiting for your opportunity and you got your opportunity and you took it. You didn't try to weasel your way into it or try ask your way in, no, you did all the hard work to get where your at and that is big example to follow from what you have done. You have my respect and that's why I'm here to congratulate you.
The person still yet to be revealed extends his hand in Pugh's direction and offers Pugh a shake of congratulations. Pugh looks at the hand and then the person and cautiously reaches out and shakes the mystery person's hand.
???: Now that that is done...I have a proposal for you.
Pugh: I'm not interested in a match with you.
???: You mistaken my intentions because that's not what I want.
Pugh: Sure its not. Why are you even here? You know what... I don't care, I've gotta fight Leon tonight, I don't have time for you playing hide and go peek with the camera man. Go away.
Pugh starts to shut the door to the Insider's Locker Room, but as Pugh starts to shut it, the mystery person quickly says: I want to make sure you don't lose your title.Which right as the door is about to shut, it stops, stays at the same spot for a moment, and then opens back to Paul Pugh.
Pugh: Not interested... Why do I need you?
???: Because I believe in the same thing that The Insiders believe in and that is that you should have to earn your way to the top, not ask for the top spot, not weasel into the top spot, not even try and pull a sympathy card to get there, but to earn it.
???: Your really the spitting image of getting to the top by earning it. You waited even longer than Parker to get that belt and I think that should be admired and defended.
Pugh: And...what do you get out of this?
???: Me? Well, you probably haven't noticed but I've been on a bit of a..downfall..and I think something like this could get me in the spotlight again. Ultimately, I've got nothing going for me and I want to help someone that has everything going for them, and, you have everything going for you right now.
???: I know you usually work alone, except working with Parker but he isn't here right now and you have a lot of people coming after you right now. Most of them...not in a good way but I want to help you and make sure none of that is the reason that you lose your title.
Pugh takes a long, hard stare at the figure, a debate can be seen in his eyes. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Pugh speaks.
Pugh:I don't need anything from you. I'm a fighting Champion and I'm the best wrestler on this god forsaken roster. You have nothing I want, nor anything I need. Now get out of my way, I need to see the trainer
Pugh shoves his way past the mystery man, and slams the door behind him, leaving the camera man alone in the locker room
