OCWFED.com Presents Riot




The scene opens to a pallet of purple palms and orange rolling hills of San Diego's skyline from the Omni Hotel's Jimmy Carter suite.

With the post SummerCide edition of Riot's witching hour nearly upon us the affluent ambassador and wife of Online Championship Wrestling's "mother f'er of the year", Alex Robinson pompously parades about the luxurious living quarters draped head to toe in fine champagne colored Turkish bath linens recklessly looting her own luggage. 

Spewing obscenities and vulgarity that would exhaust the most polished of engineers Mrs.Robinson proclaims her dissatisfaction with the endless number of elegant and eccentric ensembles at her disposal.

Alex Robinson:

Alex Robinson: Versace... Rubbish!

Alex Robinson: Fendi... Rabble!

Alex Robison stomps her feet in unison on the discarded designer garments,balling each hand to a fist at either side like the spoiled brat she is.

Alex Robinson:
 Why must everything this week be such a disappointment per usual?

Alex Robinson: My husband may have come to terms with his short comings, but I most certainly have not.

Alex Robinson: We will NOT, be made a fool... Do you hear me Rosalie?

Rosalie,a minute women of Hatian descent who has become more then accustomed to the frequent outbursts and temper tantrums of her employer calmly collects her discarded duds.

Mrs.Robinson stares down the hired help diligently working with malcontent. 

Alex Robinson:
 We are in California for Christ sake... I will not be play second rate to those skanks in the back.

Alex Robinson: You fat cow! You must have left it in the trunk didn't you?

Alex Robinson: Find my bloody dress!!!

Skating like a scolded dog on polished parquet, Rosalie's stumpy stilts slip and slide as both genetics and gravity have failed the top heavy Hatian helper.

With the thunderous thump of mahogany and crumbling drywall of the departed Mrs.Robinson accessories are next to earn her undivided attention.

Taking a seat on the plush Persian linen bedspread Mrs.Robinson admires her husbands buffet of Baracus branded contraband, which perhaps may be the last remaining conquest of his most recent resurrection. 

The distraction of being fully draped in stolen diamonds and a gaudy amount of gold is short lived as impatience gets the better of her at the sound of the slamming luxury suite door.

Alex Robinson:
 Rosalie!!!...Rosalie!!!... Do not make me ask a third time!!!

Alex Robinson ready to unleash vitriol verbal onslaught on her courier tightens the tassels of her robe and prepares to rise.

Alex Robinson:
 Rosalie... Is that y.....

Both Alex's thoughts and evening come to a close with the noxious knock of her own dentine compressing with a carmel complexioned bitch slap.

Having summersaulted clear across her prized Prada's and Vuitton's Alex comes to rest in her bed for the evening, the bedroom floor.

A fully fatigued Felicia Ana-Cruz Escobar fills Mrs.Robinson's Persian pillowcase with The A-Team's reclaimed plunder.

 It's not Mavis Beacon bitch!




Scaggs: An update on our earlier story-- OUR VILLAIN, Hideto Matsuda is on the premisses!

The crowd lets out a pop for the returning villain.

Big Al: We're sending an OCW camera crew to broadcast the event live for you, the OCW universe!

We cut backstage to the parking lot where Matsuda's stolen 1995 white Ford Bronco hastily pulling into a parking space. With no time to fix his crooked park job, the Villain rushes out of the American made truck and moves to retrieve the massive crate apparently holding the mysterious lost prisoner of Mourning Wood.

As Matsuda unloads the crate with a crash onto a moving cart, our benevolent villain rushes the cart into the building, where he is pursued by nearly a dozen cop cars. Police pour into the venue pursuing the Japanese assailant.

Cop: Freeze right their, Matsuda! This is the end of the line!

Matsuda: Oil end ya line ya cheeky c***s! I swear on me mum!

Matsuda tosses the cart down the hall and runs toward the ring.







OCW needs to be on guard! Now though, its time for our Main Event of the evening. A return match of last year's "Match of the Year" as OCW Champion Paul Pugh takes on Leonheart


Paul Pugh(c) vs Leonheart




No I lied. Get your scroll on.



























As Pugh steps through the curtain he's greeted by a member of the production team handing him a small piece of paper. Pugh unfolds the paper, and notices the camera man is following him

Pugh: You wanna know what it says huh?

Pugh holds the paper up to the lens to display some immaculate caligraphy. Upon the page, although difficult to read, you can make out the signature of one Guy Fausto

Pugh: It says "A Former Champion awaits". Thats it.

Pugh folds the paper up and tucks it into his trunks

Cameraman: ...and aren't you worried about that?

Pugh shrugs, an arrogant smile cracking his face

Pugh: I'm never worried. You know that.

Pugh pats the Cameraman on the back and walks off into the distance clutching his World Title belt close to his chest as Riot goes off the air.







