
* K.Dangelo walks in the back with Arnaud laughing when Jim Black walks up . K.Dangelo gives his bag to one of Arnaud's ladies *
K.Dangelo : Aight boiboi I'll catch up with you later .
* Arnaud walks away using his cane in one hand and a valet in the other.
Jim Black : Well big K.D you seem to be in a good mood since you dropped the ball at the ppv .
* K.Dangelo starts grinning then stops *
K.Dangelo : Really Jim ? Really ? That's not how I remember it .I remember me beating the snot out of the not so intimidating Dimsmore and the ref pull some bull with this punk having his feet on the ropes .Isn't that right Mr.Black ?
* K.Dangelo stares at Jim Black then puts his hand on his shoulder and sqeezes *
Jim Black : That's right ,that's exactly how I remember it going down .
K.Dangelo : This wasn't a set back just me setting up another title match or beating the living daylights out of another superstar ,be ready !Clinch that F.I case real tight too!
Roofus Ruckusington The THOID hasn't been seen since Summercide, he didn't accompany Dupree during his rant with Tobin Frost earlier in the evening. After he witnessed his employer defeat his idol he came crawling back to Tibby broken and defeated. Since then Tibby hasn't trusted him for a single second. Nate Ortiz's autograph on his cast is blocked out with a black permanent marker and written above it is "BETTERNESS" in elaborate cursive.
Roofus sits on the couch in the OMG locker room trying to pry what seems like an electronic tracking bracelet strapped to left his ankle with a metal fork. After he pokes himself with the fork a few times he tosses it aside and tries to pull with his bare hands to no success. As he's tugging on the bracelet Tibby enters unnoticed by Roofus. Tibby stands back watching as Roofus tries his hardest to remove the tracking bracelet. He then pulls out a small electronic device of his own and presses a button.
We see Roofus start shaking uncontrolably and falls off the couch onto the floor. The camera pans up to see Tibby with a stern look on his face, pointing the small ipod looking device at Roofus as he talks.
Dupree: There's no point in trying to pry it off it's nearly industructable.
Tibby kneels down next to panting Roofus.
Dupree: You only can be released with this little toy right here. With it I can control how far you wander in your own stupidity. It also gives a little shock when you decide to wobble too far out of range.
Dupree: I can also deliver said shock manually, by just a press of a button of this here button.
Tibby presses the button again and Roofus begins to flail like an overweight rag doll.
Dupree: Maybe I should turn down the voltage a bit, your already a borderline vegatable.
He press another button obviously adjusting the settings, Roofus flinches.
Dupree: This is for your own good ya know, I don't want to keep you on a leach like one of those ADHD kids you see with their parents in the mall. But everytime you do something stupid my betterness and reputation get compromised.
Dupree: Once I can trust you again fully I'll remove the bracelet. In the meantime fullfil your normal security duties and organize my death threats over there for the daily burning. We have much to do in coming weeks Roofus, much to do.
Before the camera fades we see Tibby sniffing the air.
Dupree: Is that cheap cigar smoke? (Sniff, Sniff) Were you smoking....
A shock collar... thats inhumane |
That man isn't a human Scaggs, he's Roofus! |
Dupree needs locking up... |

Cody Storm vs Murdock
The camera pans to the ring where Stacy Clark is standing by with a microphone.
Stacy Clark: “Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a while since we have done an in ring interview.”
The fans cheer
Stacy Clark: “So I would like to bring out my guest at this time. Please give a warm welcome to the former Hardcore Champion… Jookie Marley.
Jookie receives one hell of an ovation from the fans, Jookie looks very serious tonight.
Stacy Clark: “Last week Jookie you shocked the world when you beat Leonheart to become the new Hardcore Champion. You overcame the odds and you did it.”
The fans cheer for Jookie Marley.
Stacy Clark: “Then at Summercide you were told you would have to defend that Hardcore Championship in a steel twisted warfare match, a match where you didn’t come out the winner. We just wanted to know how you feel at this time?”
Jookie Marley: “Stacy I am not happy. I feel like I was cheated out of the Hardcore Championship. I went through hell on Riot to get it and then it was taken away from me by a guy that has been here less than a month?”
Stacy Clark: “That’s correct. That was Sid Harrison’s third match in OCW and so far he is yet to be beaten.”
Jookie Marley: “That’s just it Stacy. I had to work hard to get any title opportunities and Sid Harrison was just handed the Hardcore Championship. Did you see how quickly that belt came down? He didn’t even struggle; he just climbed up and took it?”
Stacy Clark: “It did come down real quickly; do you think there was foul play?”
Jookie Marley: “Yes Stacy. Weapons have cost me many of matches in the past. That’s why I came to the Hardcore Division to overcome them and I…
Jookie Marley is interrupted.
Sid Harrison: “Stacy you should be interviewing the new Hardcore Champion. Not this chump.”
Jookie Marley: “Who are you CALLING A CHUMP?”
Sid Harrison: “You!”
Jookie Marley: “Stacy I think you might want to get out of this ring because s**t is about to go down.”
Sid Harrison: “You don’t need to go anywhere Stacy.”
The fans are cheering Jookie on.
Sid Harrison: “Jookie all you have done is come out here and cry like a little baby. I told you last week I was going to take this belt away from you, just like I told Mr Thirst that he didn’t have a chance in hell of winning it either. At Summercide I didn’t just win the Hardcore Championship. I ran over the both of you like it was nothing.”
You can see the rage in Jookie Marley’s eyes.
Sid Harrison: “I didn’t cheat to beat you guys, I won because I am better. I never asked for the Hardcore Championship. I was given an opportunity and I took complete advantage of it. I have been in OCW than less than a month Jookie. I was able to do something in weeks than what you haven’t been able to do in years?”
The fans are really cheering Jookie on now; they want to see a fight.
Sid Harrison: “I even went through all the effort to bring back the original Hardcore Championship. I almost got killed in the process but I sorted it. I even had the best people fix this belt up. Do you think you could have done that Jookie or Mr Thirst or that stupid dentist guy?”
The crowd laugh at that Dentist guy.
Sid Harrison: “No seriously it isn’t funny.”
Jookie Marley: “Do you want a medal for fixing the Hardcore Championship?”
Sid Harrison: “Actually if I have had my way; I would have had Aries’s face put on this belt out of respect for everything he has done for this business.”
Jookie Marley: “What has Aries even done for the Hardcore Championship?”
Sid Harrison: “He allowed this belt to exist while being in OCW. If it wasn’t for Aries there wouldn’t even be a Hardcore Championship so you should be grateful there is one and you should be grateful you got to wear it for a couple of days.”
Jookie Marley: “I know you got a soft spot for Aries Sid but honestly I am not interested. What I am interested in is getting a rematch for the Hardcore Championship.”
Sid Harrison: “I have beaten you twice already Jookie, what makes you think you can beat me this time? I am sure Leonheart and Gibbs wanted rematches but you don’t see them getting any do you?”
Jookie Marley: “Sid you never beat me for that belt, you didn’t beat me.”
Sid Harrison: “You know what Jookie I am a fair guy, you want a rematch? You can ahve a rematch!”
Jookie Marley and the fans cheer.
Sid Harrison: “There is just one condition.”
Jookie Marley looks at Sid Harrison.
Sid Harrison: “If you lose you will not get another shot at the Hardcore Championship again as long as I am the champion.”
The fans boooooo.
Sid Harrison: “You can boo me all you like but that’s a fair deal, so Jookie what do you say?”
Sid Harrison puts his hand out to Jookie.
Jookie Marley: “You got a deal.”
Jookie Marley shakes hands with Sid Harrison. Just as Sid Harrison let’s go Jookie kicks Sid in his private area causing him to fall to the ground, the fans laugh.
Jookie Marley: “See you next week, CHUMP!”
Jookie Marley leaves the ring. Sid Harrison is in a world of pain as he looks on at THAT GUY!
