OCWFED.com Presents Riot



The bell sounds and Cody Storm gets up throwing his arms up in victory with a huge smile on his face, another match, another win and all's right with his world.


But the crowd falls hushed, Cody's not even getting the normal roaring boo's, but he just won a match and he couldn't care less what the crowd's doing.


His air of superiority quickly fades however as he sees Tobin Frost half walking/half jogging down the ramp escorting a woman at his heels by her forearm.


Cody's jaw drops as he takes in all five foot six of his mother. This is her first time in an OCW arena and he never expected to see her here like this.

Tobin escorts her up in front of him once they reach the ring and he hands her the microphone he had in his other hand and demands that she step into the ring and confront her kidnapper of a son.


Cody can just barely be heard yelling something along the lines of "Don't you pull this **** Tobin, he's a dead man! I swear it!" But he doesn't seem to give any signal to The Blacklist in the back so Tobin pushes his luck for now.

Mrs. Storm climbs the steps and gets into the ring looking back and forth between her son and Frost with pleading eyes, but when Tobin doesn't move to make the situation any easier for her she finally turns to fully face her son.

Mrs. Storm:
"Cody, you have to stop this...."

Cody just shakes her head, he's not going to stop anything he's doing, he's the World Heavyweight Champion! She goes to give her son a hug saying these next words into his shoulder.

Mrs. Storm:
"This is all my fault Cody. I should never have started filling your head with those lies, I'm so sorry! I just wanted you to move on!"

Cody forcibly removes her from his shoulder and you can see tears streaming down her eyes and she's beginning to shake in his hands.

She looks back at Tobin pleading, but this version of Tobin Frost cares not and his eyes let her know that. But if that wasn't enough he yells at her "DO IT!"

Mrs. Storm:
"Cody.... I couldn't stay in that situation any longer.... We had to move we had to get out, and you didn't know what to do. You were depressed, you were angry, and I just..... I didn't know what to do with you, how to explain it to you...?"

Cody Storm: "What are you talking about mom...?"

Mrs. Storm: "Cody, your father, your real father was an abusive, violent man. I took you and I left! We had to leave everything you knew, everything you should have grown up with.


Mrs. Storm: Everything that should have been yours, but it was the only option I had if you were going to grow up like you deserved to grow up.


Mrs. Storm: When you'd ask 'where's daddy?' I simply told you, 'You're the Son of God, Daddy's always here with you.' But I lied, I didn't think it would lead to all of this! You're not the Son of God! YOU DON'T GET TO PLAY WITH PEOPLE'S LIVES LIKE THIS CODY!"

Cody's eyes go blank and he can do nothing but stand there for what feels like an eternity.

Mrs. Storm:

Cody Storm: "Let Tobin have Sam."

Cody says it knowing that The Blacklist is sitting by the monitor in his locker room and will do as he says. Tobin rushes up the ramp as fast as he can move and the camera pans back to the ring....


Cody looks down at what he just caused with a cold stare in his face, the crowd showers him in hate as he silently continues to look down at his mother as Riot fades out.






