The scene opes up with The Lord of the Lariat Mugen sitting down in a conference room in an office at the OCW HQ. The North American champion has his feet up on the conference table seemingly very uninterested. At the other end of the table is one of the OCW Executives Lindsay Rothschild. Mugen beginning to get bored, finally looks away from his phone.
Mugen: Seriously woman, why am I in here?
Lindsay: Woman? I'll have you know that this /woman/ is arguably the most powerful hand in the OCW. And I suggest you use my full name if you ever want to get anywhere in this business!
Mugen: Yea....about that.....that's not happening. At least not until you tell me what this meeting is all about.
Lindsay: The top secret meeting will not begin until the the final party arrives.
The sound of a door being buzzed in is heard and just at that moment, the one and only Super Junior Triple Crown Champion, Matsuda bursts through the door.
Matsuda: Alright Lindsay, one more Nuru massage, but that's it! I want my world title shot! Not to mention Minami is getting suspicious of the smell of baby oil--
Mugen jumps out of his seat and starts yelling at Matsuda while walking towards him. Mugen pokes his finger at Matsuda's chest.
Lindsay: It's Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esq. M.D...
Matsuda: I was called here for a meeting, WHAT ARE YOUUUU DOING HERE?!
Mugen: A MEETING....wait a second....
Both Mugen and Matsuda turn to face Lindsay who is looking as calm as ever.
Lindsay: Well since both of you are here now, I can explain why I have brought you two here.
Lindsay dims the lights with a remote control and a Powerpoint presentation shows up on the screen next to her.
Lindsay: As you can see here, this is the breakdown of our viewer demographics in the United States. If you take a careful look, this sliver of data on this pie chart is the breakdown of our Asian viewers. Yes, Asian viewers only make up 7.8% of our viewers. A number that needs to expand and expand NOW.
Lindsay slams her fist down on the table and looks intensely at Mugen and Matsuda.
Lindsay: Both of you know that we are starting a tag team initiative in OCW...
Mugen and Matsuda finally realizing what Lindsay may be suggesting start looking very concerned.
Mugen: You can't mean what I think you are talking about.
Matsuda: There is NO way that I'm tagging with this jaundiced freak!
Lindsay: I see you two are smarter than I thought. But yes I am thinking what you guys have already realized. Putting the two of you together as a tag team.
Mugen and Matsuda jump out of their seats in unison, immediately protesting the suggestion of Lindsay Rothschild.
Lindsay: You two can lead the Asian initiative! Look at you two! You already look like a match made in heaven. You look like brothers in arms. YOU HAVE WHAT WE NEED!
Mugen & Matsuda (same time) : That's racist.
The two look at each other immediately.
Lindsay: See, look at you two. A perfect team already!
The scene fades to black.
Oh boy!! |
Took the words right out of my mouth. |
We return from commercial to see the eerie figures of The Gentleman and Lucas Crowe filling the screen, the apprentice, Justin Raze is on bended knee infront of Crowe, draped in a black cloak, with a large hood obscuring all of his face bar his chin.
Crowe : Good apprentice...You are ready. It is time to go forth..and do what must be done.
He places a hand on Raze's shoulder.
Crowe : Rise.
Raze stands to his full height.
Crowe : Through my teachings, you are now aware of the living thirst..and although still a slave to it, you are much stronger than before.
Crowe : Next week, you return!!
Crowe turns to the gentleman, and then points to a large chest in the corner of the room, there is an old, single bladed, turkish razor and some shaving foam with a small dish sat ontop of the chest, and a pile of black material on the floor next to it.
Crowe : You know what to do.
The scene fades as the Gemtleman and Raze make their way over to the chest.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Raze returns next week. |
The question is....will he still be sponsored by Gatorade...for that unquenchable thirst??!!?? |
Matsuda & Mugen vs Lucky/Tigerman
The camera pans to the announce team.
'crappy wub wub music'!!! |
The scene cuts to what appears to be a webcam feed of Trisha Waldrop in her own bedroom. She seems disheveled, wearing no makeup, and looks extremely haggard.
WALDROP: Well… this week me and a crew of four people went to film an “In Your Crib” Segment with Ryu “Illuminati” Matsumoto…
Trisha covers her face and sobs, she shakes it off, takes a deep breath and continues.
WALDROP: Myself, OCW Cameraman Richard Stewart,
Camerawoman Francesca ‘Frankie’ Rogerson,
Sound Technician Jon Gervaise,
and Director Sharon Williams
She takes another moment to compose herself and continues as the images of each of her crew-mates fades off screen
WALDROP: Tonight we will be airing an unedited version of the events that took place on that day, I hope that these events can be used as a warning to others and as a memorial to those who lost so much that day…
We are in Spida's house!! |
Hold on people..things are about to get batshit cray cray around here. |
The scene opens with Luke and A.C. Cobra in the rookie locker room. Luke is standing over A.C. and is in an excited mood. He's pacing around the room more than usual.
Luke Funetes- Man I get Jookie tonight can't wait cmon!! So stoked don't know if it's this Corona in me or the sight of Jookie giving me blisters in hands.
Luke stops talking and looks at A.C. he walks over to him Cobra is on the locker bench looking spaced out.
Luke Funetes- A.C. you alright man?!?
The camera zooms in on A.C. face. He has an blank face and seems to be zoned out.
Luke Funetes- A.C. you ok man? Told you leave that tofu alone cmon!
Luke claps his hands in A.C. face. Cobra doesn't flinch at all. Luke laughs and begins to exit the locker room.
Luke Funetes- Maybe I'm not the only one excited for tonight come on!
Luke leaves the room and the camera zooms in on A.C. blank face.
The scene fades.
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