The camera cuts back to ringside
Moments earlier, Drago Cesar has just defeated the World Champion, and the fans let out a MASSIVE pop for the winner of the bout. Drago quickly sits up in disbelief as the crowd is chanting his name, marking the biggest win of his career. Johnny Law comes in and gives Drago a hug as his theme blasts around the arena and the fans are still going bonkers.
Johnny Law: Oh my God Drago, you did it! You did it!
Drago stands up and raises his arm in victory in absolute disbelief. He rolls out of the ring and leans against the barricade as multiple fans pat him on the back. Filled with adrenaline, he starts yelling in excitement.
And with that, Drago starts walking backwards up the ramp, pointing several index fingers at Cody Storm, who just rose to his knees inside the ring, confused as to what happened. After the referee tells him what just happened, his face turns red with rage, and Drago's on the stage pointing and laughing at the World Champion. Drago turns toward Johnny Law.
Drago Cesar: So, where the hell I'm go from here?
Johnny Law: I don't know man, but if my hunch is right, then the only direction you're going from here is up!
Johnny raises Drago's hand in victory as the crowd chants "DRRRRAAAAGGGOOOOOOOO" repeatedly. The camera freeze frames as several credits roll very quickly and the feed slowly fades to black.
Oh dear..seems like somebody has thrown his toys out of the cot. |
Somebody call his mom....oh wait. |
We are back to Trisha’s webcam feed
WALDROP: He… he made me… he made me choose what he did to each of them…
WALDROP: Rickie is still in the burn-ward… they say its a miracle he survived… [Trisha grabs her head with both hands] oh god… and Sharon… the way she screamed… oh god and Frankie and Jon… what he did wasn’t human… but… I told him to do it… I told him to do it… what does that make me…
We see Illuminati walk up behind her as she sobs into both hands, unaware of her peril.
ILLUMINATI: Someone who knows how to have fun! BUAHAHAHAHAHA
Trisha screams as the the camera fades to static, then to black. Text apears on the screen
Pretty sure she's gonna be scarred for life. |
Like she isn't already?? |
We open on the backstage area of the arena. The camera is following along as one half of C4, the One Man Revolution, moves through the backstage hallways with a purpose. He turns, the camera following, and stops in his tracks. Up ahead, a painted man who found a way to get a quick rise out of Minio just a week ago, Illuminati.
There is a brief moment of hesitation, almost like a flinch, but Minio takes a deep breath, and moves to speak to Illuminati, who quickly makes Minio in the hall, grinning toward the approaching malcontent.
Bobby Minio: I need your help.
With a wide smile, Illuminati soaks up the moment, taking joy in Minio approaching, but before he can respond, Minio cuts him off.
Bobby Minio: Obviously, you saw Mugen and Matsuda out there, obviously, I can’t go waltz into the ring against Slam U, mostly because that’s a conflict of interest with the longevity of my career. I uhh… I’ve made a number of enemies in this company in a pretty short time, and I got to thinking of my options in a hurry, and I started thinking crazy… and I think this is just crazy enough to work. Want to show the OCW Galaxy that you are back? Tag up with me next week.
Illuminati: Ma-
As soon as Illuminati speaks, Minio, who is now looking down as he babbles.
Bobby Minio: I really didn’t expect it to be Slam U I mean, I was kinda hoping for the Blacklist, that seemed reasonable… now I have to get friggin Tobin-bombed. Again.
The words trail off, and Minio looks back up at Illuminati who’s wide smile catches Minio off guard, even though, Minio has really only ever seen this man smiling or grinning as if he had the context for some inside joke that went over Minio’s head.
Illuminati: Hm… Maybe.
Bobby Minio: Whew alright! Than- … Er… Maybe?
Illuminati: Maybe.
Bobby Minio: MAYBE?!
As Minio’s voice raises, an incredulous look stuck on his face, Illuminati gives an exaggerated wave and walks away, leaving a stunned Minio standing still, mumbling to himself.
Bobby Minio: Maybe. Wow.
His palms raise to his face, he runs both hands back through his hair. Inside, he is cursing Sensation, he is cursing Slam U, he is cursing Matsuda, and now, he probably has some choice internal dialogue for Illuminati as well. He turns to walk away, shaking his head as he steps. The camera fades into the next scene.
Motormough Booby wonders why he has no friends. |
Well, I like him... I wonder how that will develop..tune in next week!!! |
fin. |
