OCWFED.com Presents Riot




Later, Drago is seen sitting down in an undisclosed location, facing the camera.

Johnny Law: Drago, you're getting ready for what has to be the biggest match of your professional career. Any thoughts on your opponent?

Drago Cesar: Well, you see, The Cougar is not a prey to be taken light. He be very dangerous, and very mean to other people, even his own mother! Johnny, you know I'm like every animal out in world, right?

Johnny Law: Absolutely, you love every kind of animal out there, from dogs to cats to Big Luke Bears to everything!

Drago Cesar: Well, if I'm be honest Mr. Law, I don't love every kind of animal. I don't like Cody The Cougar Storm. It is a species no hunter or animal lover would like to be around, and it holding that World....Heavyweight....Championship. Don't get me wrong, it is a great fighter, but like any good animal hunter, I know its moves. I know its moves VERY well. I have a big feeling, Johnny.

Johnny Law: Feeling about what?

Drago Cesar: Feeling that Drago Cesar is going to walk away beating The Cougar, against all odd.......

Suddenly, Drago's phone rings and he answers it.

Drago Cesar: Hello? Yes. Uh huh. Ok. I'm understand.

Drago hangs up and faces the camera.

Drago Cesar: Mr. Cody The Cougar Storm, I have one message to relay to you. I have just received a call from the collection agency. Mr. Cougar. Your ass is six months overdue, and it is MINE. Tonight you should be ready.....Ready for the best hunt this place has ever seen!

Drago suddenly takes out a dart of some kind from his vest and tosses at the nearest wall without even looking at it. The camera turns to reveal a picture of Cody Storm's head on the wall, the dart firmly planted between Cody's eyes.



Oh boy!!

This will be good.



We cut back to Trisha’s Webcam Feed

 All I remember is that it was a beautiful day… we had… we had gotten lost but after a half hour we were back on track. Just before we arrived we started filming...

The screen cuts to a raw feed, the date, time, and recording time are still present on screen. We see that the camera is filming the drive too Illuminati’s home. They are on a suburban street somewhere in middle-america. We see that the crew is in a large Van with the cameraman, Richard sitting in the very back, the director Sharon Williams is driving, Trisha is sitting next to her with an open map, behind them is Jon and the other Cameraperson Frankie.

RICHARD: Are we there yet?

WALDROP: Rickie thats literally the 90th time you’ve asked that, so help me God if you ask one more time I’m gunna go upside your head.

There is an awkward pause, after a few minutes the silence is broken

RICHARD: Are we…

Before he can finish there is a huge commotion as Trisha turns and dives out of her seat screaming at the rear seat. Frankie and Jon try to hold her back but before they can the camera cuts to static. After a moment the feed returns this time from a camera held by Frankie. Jon and her are laughing as Richard is in the backseat cowering. 

FRANKIE: [between laughs] Oh god she really beat your ass huh Rickie

JON: Yeah, thats the last time you try to pull that annoying stuff eh

Trisha is sitting in the front again, fixing her hair. As they pull into a side street Sharon begins.

SHARON: Alright guys, get your heads straight we’re finally here.





Trance vs Wheeler



The camera pans to the announce team.




What a match!

Right to the wire.


The bell sounds as your victor stands tall, but his music is cut off as Cody Storm appears at the top of the ramp with a microphone in his hand. Cody takes a deep breathe, appearing to have breathed in the sweetest scent in the world.

Cody Storm:
 “Do you smell that Trance? That’s the sweet smell of kharma. I remember once upon a Riot, standing in the middle of that ring about to receive my new King of OCW crown. But a certain someone would take advantage of my Cerberus teammates being absent….”

On cue Trance is slammed in the back by Jonny D who managed to enter the ring without being heard. He falls and D starts kicking away at his chest and face as Cody makes his way down to ringside and Wheeler begins to stir. 

Cody Storm:
 “.... And would turn my greatest accomplishment at the time into a torture device. Now look who's the lone wolf Jacob. Look who’s helpless. Look who has no one to back up his idle threats… 

Wheeler regains his composure and jumps into the act of beating down Jacob Trance alongside Jonny. Cody climbs into the ring.

Cody Storm:
 “You don’t threaten me, MY KINGDOM, and walk away from it.” 

With that Your World Heavyweight Champion tosses the mic out of the ring, practically salivating at the opportunity for revenge. 







The arena lights dim over the crowd as the airhorn winds up and blares over the speakers. The instrumental of Childish Gambino’s Bonfire plays in the One Man Revolution Bobby Minio, a black C4 > EVERYTHING t-shirt over his wrestling gear and a mic in his hand. Of course. He surveys the crowd from the top of the ramp, a predictable yet acceptable mixed reaction greeting his arrival. He follows through with his entrance, before turning to face the hard camera, raising the mic to address the OCW Galaxy.

Bobby Minio: Another Riot, another dud for the comatose tag division. You know, I’m trying to turn over this new leaf and not jump to my prickmode at every opportunity but… my man Luke decides to play hookie for a TV taping and kills a chance of some goddamn tag team action. I’m not mad… I’m disappointed.

He turns on his heel to pace for a moment, letting that statement really sink in.

Bobby Minio: The OCW Tag Team Champions, the MIA Team, is nowhere to be found. The last time we saw those titles, Cody Storm still loved his mother, Jacob Trance was a malcontent and not a cultist, and the “Garden” was just a figment of the imagination. Those things have changed now, and the one thing that has stayed the same, all of this time, is the lack of solid tag team competition in this company. There were two staples of success in the OCW when I arrived, those were the A-Team and C4. My addition to C4 only continued to display the success of teamwork, and it kills me that if we’re not out here doing it, it just ain’t happening!

As Minio fires up, he steps onto the bottom rope, leaning over the ropes toward the camera.

Bobby Minio: So, I’m doing this officially! OCW tag teams! This is a message for YOU! If you got a buddy, and you want to give these people the generous gift of some relentless, action between two teams with just a hint of chemistry, you come out here tonight, and you go toe to toe with C4! This is an open invitation, to bring some excitement to this show, to the team that thinks they can deliver on that level. If you got wha-

His challenge is cut off by the entrance music of the buff incarnate, Sean “McBiceps” McGee. BUFFNESS. Though McGee looks fired up on his own, the roar of the crowd gives him that something extra as he walks onto the stage and down the ramp. He enters the ring and raises his massive arms to the sky, placing his hands in the shape of a "U" ala the Miami Hurricanes. The crowd explodes with a huge pop as chants of "BUFFNESS is gonna SLAM U ... TOBIN’s gonna SLAM U" ring out through the arena. BUFFNESS makes his way past Minio to grab a mic and continues to soak in the love the sold out crowd is giving. Standing in front of Minio, BUFFNESS raises the mic to address him.

BUFFNESS: Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.

BUFFNESS: You want a tag match... You want to give these people a show tonight!?!?

The SLAM U chants fire up again, almost drowning out the men on the mics.

BUFFNESS: Now I can’t make this sound as cool as you probably would but... SLAM U accepts!

As Minio lifts his mic to respond, the entrance music of Our Hero himself, Mr. Sensation, cuts him off at the pass. Minio throws his hands in the air in annoyance as Sensation emerges onto the stage. McGee turns to face Our Hero as he reveals a mic for himself, soaking in his booming pop from the crowd before speaking.

Our Hero: Ahem, greetings Sean it's always a pleasure, would you like to introduce me to your friend? 

Bobby does not look the slightest bit amused.

Bobby Minio: You know damn wel-

Before Bobby can finish his statement Our Hero cuts in with a ‘shhhh’ which some how subdues the consistently vocal Minio. Perhaps just out of sheer shock.

Our Hero: Don't be daft, I know exactly who you are. You're Bobby Minio the unofficial voice of the useless. The man who night in and night out threw barbs at me from the safety of OCW while I toiled away in a prison cell. The same motormouth motherscooter who even till this day has to put his 2 cents in, when no one wants any change.

Our Hero: We haven't officially met, My name is Jaysin Sensation, aka Our Hero, aka Mr.Sensation, aka You can call me Boss!

The crowd cheers as a disgruntled Minio throws his arms up in the air.

Our Hero: The day I let a guy who is one paycheck short of being a fry cook dictate my company is the day Leonheart, rises from whatever cesspit of emotional failure he is currently residing, riding atop the corpse of Nate Ortiz, with a satchel made of Parker Stevens scumbag skin!

Minio and BUFFNESS stand utterly confused.

Bobby Minio: That doesn't even make sense!

Our Hero: IT DOES TO ME!

The crowd erupts into an explosive pop. Minio runs a hand through his hair, the irritation rising off of him like steam.

Our Hero: Lets cut the chase Bobby, I think you have potential, but I don't like you, you talk too damn much. You're harping about the Tag Division as if you're someone of importance. I hate to pull the management card, but consider it pulled. You want to reinvigorate the Tag Team Division, I feel ya, but you want to take command of my show and me and you are going to have a miscommunication. 

Our Hero: But I am a fair man, we can start this up next week. Though, Bobby... you better find yourself a dance partner.

Bobby Minio: I already got the best damn partner in the entire OCW!

Our Hero: No Bobby you don't get it… you aren't tagging with Mugen. You often talk about change, so consider this some change you can talk about. Good luck finding a partner kid.

Our Hero exits the ring with a token Minio-esque Mic Drop leaving harbinger of revolution stunned.

After Sensation leaves, BUFFNESS turns toward Minio, his expression says it all. He knows he’s going to make Minio regret this open challenge. Minio’s reaction in itself is much more than he would like to admit, as he lets out a deep sigh, before flipping the mic over the back of his hand like a slugger flips a bat. BUFFNESS stares at Minio, his insane physique dwarfing the upstaged man.

Minio’s eyes raise and he stares back, full of indignation and rebellion. BUFFNESS is not impressed, and his stare only breaks when he decides to do it. He turns a cold shoulder to the partner-less Minio before making his exit up the ramp. Minio turns, leaning on the ropes facing away from the ramp, seemingly running the numbers of his options, deep in thought, racking his brain for solutions. The screen faces to the next segment.




Tobin Frost vs Johnny D






1 reversal seperated these men..1!!

Nail biting stuff..hell of a match.


We are once again joined by Trisha via her satellite feed

WALDROP: Once we got out of the van something felt… wrong. Still we went on with our prep work...

The entire crew is now unloading from the van which has been parked in front of a fairly average Bungalow Style house on a fairly average dead end road. Richard gets out of the van to see that Trisha, Jon, and Frankie are doing an audio and video check while Sharon is taking some notes. Richard pans over to the houses across the street to take some B-roll Footage. 

The scene then cuts to Frankie’s feed, Jon is in frame with his giant microphone wearing his headset near Trisha who is carrying her faux-mic.

JON: Alright give me a sound check Trisha

One, Two, One Two, Check, Check, Test, Test, Test, Check, One. Two, Three.

JON: [after a short pause] Sounds good Trisha

WALDROP: Is the camera alright?


WALDROP: How about you Rickie?

Frankie turns to capture Rickie’s response, he merely throws up a quick thumbs up as he continues to film B-roll footage. She turns back to Trisha who is checking her watch

 Alright, lets get this over with, I’ve got a dinner reservation at 7:30 and I wanna get there a little early.

The feed cuts to Richard who is filming Trisha filming the opening segment at the foot of the house's driveway. Jon is standing behind Frankie, holding the Mic just above Trisha. Sharon is standing behind him, she gives the count down.

SHARON: Five, Four, Three

She holds up two fingers, then one and gives the thumbs up. Trisha smiles lifts the mic to her mouth smiles and begins.

WALDROP: Ladies and Gentlemen this is Trisha Waldrop live from City, State for another edition of “In Your Crib”

Trisha turns and begins walking up the driveway, past an early 2000 model red sedan and into the walkway leading through the garden. The garden is well kept with a few bushes and flowers to either side of the steps leading to the front door. Trisha walks up the steps.

 Today we will be looking at the humble abode of Ryu “Illuminati” Matsumoto and surprisingly enough things have actually been quite normal.

She turns to see the note written in crayon taped to the door,

‘To Whom it May Concern,

Door is open, please come in!

With Love,

Remember, Illuminati is always watching ;-)”

Trisha shrugs opening the door and then proceeds to walk into the house.



Following the match Tobin rolls out of the ring and walks to the back shaking his head in frustration. It is another close contest that ends slipping away from the former North American Champion. As he walks through the backstage area people steer clear of him knowing how Tobin has reacted in the past when he starts to struggle. Tobin stops at a catering table as the adrenalin from the match wares off and the pain begins to bleed through. Tobin takes a deep breath and starts to flip the table over but he stops himself. As he does this Lex Walker walks up to the pained star.

Let the frustration out big man. You’ve lost your edge and you’re snowballing now. I’m not a babysitter, I can’t stop it, only you can.

Tobin still leaning on the table closes his eyes and nods. Lex puts his hand on Tobin’s shoulder and pushes him a little.

 Look at me when I’m talking to you Tobin. This is serious. I have a lot riding on you and Sean and this little streak you’re on isn’t helping.

These comments strike a nerve with Tobin as he steps up to Lex.

 How many people work as hard as me?

Tobin takes a step forward as Lex takes a step back.

 No one! How many people can do what I do in that ring?

Lex steps back again as Tobin advances.

Tobin: No one! I know what’s going on, I’m not stupid. The fans aren’t stupid. You think I’m ok with losing week after week? Really do you Lex? I’m pissed off to for greatness damn it, so how do you think I feel about falling toward mediocrity. It would be easy for me to throw a table over or punch a hole in a wall. But that’s not gonna bring me a win. No that’s just gonna show the kids out there it’s ok to be a punk when things don’t go my way. I’m not a rookie anymore, I’m better than all that.

Tobin: I’m the beacon to show everyone how to do it the right way. I may not have won, but week in and week out my matches are talked about because of my effort, and the effort of my opponents to give what I can. It is a credit to each and every one of them to walk out with a win over me. Johnny D kicked out of two Frost Bites. He gave everything he had as was rewarded for it. I can’t feel bad about that. I’ll just come back next week and go at it again.

Tobin: Blood, sweat, and respect isn’t just my slogan, it’s what I live by. I’ll keep working until things turn around. And rest assure they will, they always do. But I’m not going to stoop down low to the level that everyone else does when they don’t get what they want. I’m the exception to the rule. If you don’t believe me Lex, if you want to get off the ship, then get off! I have faith, I have heart, and I have the people backing me every step of the way.

Tobin turns and walks away from Lex.

 He’ll figure it out…

Lex watched as Tobin continues to walk away as the scene fades.











