OCWFED.com Presents Riot


The scene opens in New England, where we see Versus meditating against the sunset. We see Drago and Bubba behind him, Drago looking a bit more tan than usual. Drago is about to knock on the wall, but he is interrupted.

Ah, Drago.

Drago: ...How you know?

Versus: I can smell Bubba from a mile away. And wherever Bubba is, you usually aren't too far.

Drago: Bubba smell? Hopefully not bad. He go to bath early today.

Drago smells Bubba and notices nothing out of the ordinary.

Anyway, wanted to tell you that I'm accept offer for run on beach.

Versus: I knew you'd take me up on that one. Not a lot of people can resist that positive energy, y'know? It's infectious.

Versus stands up and turns toward Drago, tilting his head.

Why are you so....dark? What happened?

Drago: Huh? Oh. I'm think someone prank me. Switch soap for Donnie Blek tanning oil. And now I'm look like Cinnamon Bubba.

Versus: Well if anything, you do look....interesting.

Drago: This tan will not stop me from outjog you on beach.

Versus: We shall see. In the meantime though, how about some tea. It's good for the soul.

Drago watches cautiously as Versus walks in front of him. He shrugs and walks with him as the scene fades to black.


The camera pans to the announce team.


Find your center!


It's a Match!
Lawrence Larkspur
Kassidy Hayes

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The camera pans to the announce team.


On the button!

We turn to a local pond in New York City, where we see Dragana and Johnny Law on a very small dinghy. Dragana takes an empty paper towel TUBE and looks through it.

Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Figured we’d start small. Maybe not so much the ship, but you get the idea.

Johnny takes a tiny oar and tries to row the boat, but it only seems to move about a centimeter.

Johnny then widens his eyes as he sees an obstacle; a child playing in the pond. He tries to row out of the way to turn the boat as it slowly, and I mean very slowly but surely makes its way toward the little boy.


After about 10 minutes of very little movement, the dinghy barely misses the child as he just blankly stares at the duo.

Close call. Could’ve seriously hurt him.

Dragana however has eyes fixated on something with her “telescope” on the “shore”. Its Sentai Hare holding her Hare Brush over her rabbit ears like a cell phone.

Sentai Hare:
 Hey Bunny D? Where are you? Australia seriously!? Dragana is now an evil pirate who is terrorizing people enjoying themselves in the Gulf of New York City! You have a way back? Great. Luckily Sentai Hare never leaves without her Hare Craft Harrier for aquatic warfare combat against would be pirates!

All of a sudden Sentai Hare takes out an inflatable pool bed and starts blowing into it creating a makeshift raft that can fit one person. It even has cup holders and a pillow for much needed tanning! 

Sentai Hare: 

She kicks the Hare Craft Harrier into the ocean and sits on it indian style making her way towards Dragana’s “pirate ship”.


She throws away her “telescope” and points to Sentai Hare’s “ship”.Sentai Hare can harely believe it and points back menacingly. Johnny starts rowing rapidly toward Sentai, but he rows so much that he winds up accidentally tossing the oar away.

Sentai Hare:
 You can’t escape you dining and dashing rogues. Feel the wrath of my Sentai Hare Splash Attack!

Sentai Hare slaps the water towards their boat tilting it significantly from the sheer force of the wave and not the fact that the boat is a total piece of garbage.


Johnny loses balance and falls off the boat, leaving him drenched.

Sentai Hare:
 Now it’s just down to me and you…. YOU AND ME, um I. 

Stumbling over her words she just points to Dragana.

Sentai Hare: 

Dragana looks at Johnny, who is simply laying face down in the pond. He turns his head toward her.

 Sorry, you’re on your own now. I’m like….dead I guess.

Dragana starts slapping water toward Sentai, causing her boat to sway wildly and her pillow to fall into the pond. 

Sentai Hare:
 You’ll pay for that.. Now it’s time for my secret move!

Sentai Hare stands up and starts losing balance as she yells really loudly like a Dragonball Z character as a portal opens up behind her.

Bunny D:
 It’s Surfin’ Time!

Out of the portal is Bunny D! It’s obvious because of his mask, but he is just wearing a green speedo riding a shiny green and black surfboard. Many gold plated dollar signs reflect in the sun and he is going fast.

Too fast. He crashes right into Sentai Hare’s “boat” causing them to wipe out into the pond!

Johnny Law:

Johnny Law mumbles as the camera reveals that Bunny D has landed on top of him. The camera gets a great shot of Bunny D’s wet man ass as he recovers and gives a thumbs up pose to the camera.

Bunny D:
 Fighting for Pool Safety, Surfin’ Rabbit Rangers!

For some reason the background changes to a sun rising over a beach even though they’re not actually at a beach. The camera pans back to Johnny Law.

Johnny Law:
 Good job Surf Ninja, Dragana wins!

Sentai looks quite upset at being drenched. She growls at Bunny D.

Bunny D: 
Right place at the right time, am I right?


Bunny D: Oh. I’m sure it would’ve been cool ‘n stufz. At least I rock this speedo pretty hard.

Johnny gets back onto the dinghy and starts to row into the sunset with Dragana at the helm.

To be continue? 

The camera pans to the announce team.

Am I on Acid? Because this feels like I am on Acid!

This is very, very real!







