OCWFED.com Presents Riot


Scene opens up backstage with ꝁȺ����ɨↁɏ coming through the backstage hallways, he grabs a camera man by the front lens and drags him forward by it till they stop at the ŦʇՇ locker room.

ꝀȺ����ɨↁɏ: At Щѓэsŧłᵾтіои I got a big highlight win on the grandest stage over Ɍɏᵾ MȺŧ��ᵾmøŧø and at the same time Фvэѓlоѓↁ МцБэи lost power of this company БЦГ he also FȺꝁЄↁ being a Ǥѻѻↁ Ǥny in order to stay on the side of ȻØИГЯФן. I saw through it the moment it happened and it has been confirmed the last few weeks by my ГЯЄɐʇɯቿክፕ.

ꝀȺ����ɨↁɏ: I qǝДГ the ГЦЯ��ØƗŁ future investment winner but instead of being ɭเŦՇєↁ, I am being ĦɆŁↁ ↁФʍu by the powers that Бє. I am ƗИ��ГЄДↁ thrown into matches with the ןıЌЄ�� of people that don’t ↁэ��эɍʌэ to share the ЯIᴎǤ with ɯǝ, the ןıЌЄ�� of ; Ҁоѓт MȺɍsħɐןן and ŁȺшѓэиȼэ ŁȺɍꝁ����nɹ. Until ŦʇՇ sits down with ФҀʍ and replans their ГЯЄɐʇɯቿክፕ of my ҀȺЯээЯ, I will not step into the ЯIᴎǤ as a ฝЯэ��ʇןэЯ but only as Ⱥ��qД����ȺↁФЯ of ŦʇՇ to ĦэןP the other ฝЯэ��ʇןэЯ�� see what ŦʇՇ can do for them if they ��ƗǤᴎ up.

ꝀȺ����ɨↁɏ: ��ʇȺץ Ɨᴎ ሃѻ ןȺᴎэ ��Ⱥʎ

ꝁȺ����ɨↁɏ pushes away the camera and walks into the ŦʇՇ locker room.


The camera pans to the announce team.



The Camera Pans To The Ramp!

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It is absolutely positively the same sad sap that handed Dupree the mic to begin his promo last week. Somebody should really start a gofund me for this guy, maybe get him some Air Blek’s. Well not Air Blek’s he won’t get anywhere wearing those.

Maybe get him a nice sweater for an upcoming job interview, I don’t know do something he’s pathetic. Well enough about this pleb, Tiberius Octavian Dupree, He with the Iron Knee has something to say.

Just look at how naturally beautiful he is, it’s okay if you’ll never be that gorgeous. Just think if you were a monkey you’d be considered pretty damn attractive…that’s a compliment.

Dupree: So here we go again people, Your Beloved Kneesus Christ stands before you without the head of Paul Pugh on a popsicle stick. Instead all I have is this popsicle stick...it was a limited edition Mr. Summercide Golden Maple Swirl Popsicle at least.

Tibby nonchalantly tosses the popsicle stick over his shoulder, it hits the stage hand square in the forehead.

So you all know exactly what I’m about to do. So we can just “insert” a witty yet comical line about Pugh’s weight, age and sexual orientation here...you laugh...I laugh...the world laughs because it’s the right and just thing to do.

Dupree: Then I of course raise my voice slightly and say….

Before he can call out the filthy disgusting thing known as our WORLD Lightheavyweight Champion, that actual disgusting thing is already here…Ugh.

The Camera Pans To The Ramp!

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You know what Dejavu is right? Literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past. Speaking of - Pugh is standing in the same spot, holding the same microphone as he was last week. He stares at Dupree and grins.

Pugh: ...ok Dupree. The coast is clear brother - it looks like I might finally get to gloat.

He grins as the crowd boos him


Before he can finish his thought he’s interrupted by a flurry of ghetto nonsense

The Camera Pans To The Ramp!

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As Rhyme Tyme stands at the top of the ramp, Pugh scratches his beard and looks across at Dupree.

Pugh: ... are you paying people to interupt me brother?

Dupree shrugs as Pugh turns to face the interrupters

Pugh: Listen Flava Flav and… whatever you are…

He points at YSL, who looks back at him, aghast

Pugh: I want you to spin on your disco heels there, turn around a full one eighty and leave my arena before I come down there and break you both in half. This is very important hall of fame business you’re getting in the way of boys.

Pugh turns back to face Dupree as the fans pop. Djesus, however, has other ideas

Djesus: Please Djesus Djones is the most important man in the entertainment industry son, me and my esteemed colleague here are on official business of our own.

Y.S.L.: Yeah….Dupree ain’t the real Kneesus, we got proof!

I’m...grrrr...it’s Kneesus Christ you pork fried cretin, you can’t say one without the other.

Yung Shanghai is correct, I have trademarked all references to the “jesus” image in entertainment, I have the legal documents to prove it. Djesus, Promise Land Productions and all it’s subsidiaries demand recourse!

Pugh’s eyes pop out of his head

Pugh: Recourse? How about I stick my boot so far up your recourse, it pops out of his recourse?

He points at YSL again.

Pugh: Referee, get into this ring right now- these boys came for a whoopin’ and I’m gonna fuggin oblige brother.

YSL is ready to fight, Djesus holds him back and pops his collar.

Djesus: Hol….Hol...Hol...up a minute there princess, you think you can just threaten Djesus we do a match and this will all go away. How bout this’ if you and the fake Kneesus over there can best the greatest Tag Team since bread n’ butta I’ll drop all allegations. Deal?

Dupree: The Betterness doesn’t need anyone’s approval for anything in this galaxy or any other. I will knee you till you’re freaking holier than thou carcass explodes into a thousand pathetic puny pieces! And after I’m done eating you and your yellow friend’s lunch, we settle this Paula...once and for all!

He looks directly at his arch rival without a stutter in his glorious voice. Pugh tears off his shirt, EgoMania style, and kicks the bottom rope, screaming at Rhyme Tyme to come to his GODDAMN ring!

It's a Match!
Rhyme Tyme
Tiberius Dupree & Paul Pugh

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The camera pans to the announce team.

What a match!

Holy snaps!

As Riot returns from commercial break, Our Humble Hero, The anomaly of success, Dennis Black struts around the ring with the Television title secured firmly around his waist. Dennis paused and tapped the mic against his chin before speaking.

 Though similar in style and age, I see a lot of myself in you Haaaaarvey. I cared what people thought of me. I risked my health to entertain. But the moment I grew a spine and started to throw my success in the faces of those that wanted me to fail and doubted me….the people turned on me.

Dennis: The truth hurts, and I remind this jaded and out of touch company of that EVERY chance I get. 

Dennis: I didn't have what you did when I got here. I wasn't vouched for...nor believed in. I had to dig deep and prove this company wrong. That's the difference between you and I, Haaaaaaarvey.

Dennis: I overcame OCW and their way of doing things, while you let It build you and toss you aside when they saw fit.

Dennis: Now the new shiney rookie toys that everyone loves is Cort and Solomon Gold. Does it bother you?

Dennis stops and stares at the camera.

 No, because if it did you would have done something about it. Did taking Heather bother you? Truly? No...because if it did, then you would have done something about it other than come out here and tell these people that you'll stop the Black Plague.

Dennis: Truly, what is the Black Plague? Am I such a bad person for finally giving this audience something different?

Dennis: How long has this company relied on guys that can only manage four maneuvers to carry the company? I single handedly killed the slam slam era. Hell, have we SEEN The Monster since i knocked him out of the King of OCW tournament last year?

Dennis: The UPSET of the season? Nope. Now, granted...my work here isn't done. We did have part timers who have been in maybe fifteen matches total between the four of them end Wrestlution eleven.

Dennis: But opening eyes is a constant work in progress. 

Dennis coughs loudly.

 But hey, mistakes are made at the top of the company all over this business. Being out of touch isn't a crime, it's a symptom…

Our Humble Hero unstraps the Television Championship and holds it high above his head.

 And i'm the F*CKING CURE!

Dennis: Alone, I define this era, Harvey. I am the asterisk etched on the stone slabs of legends such as Nate Ortiz and Parker Stevens when they are referred to as the 'greatest of all time'.

Dennis: With the trajectory that I am on, their claims to being to be best this company as ever seen 'will' be contested. "I" am the pulse of present day OCW and the back upon which it is carried.

Dennis: At the year and a half mark of my short career, My ‘drop in the bucket’, a match with me is an opportunity for relevance. An opportunity for greatness. 

Dennis: I've done more in a year and half than most Hall of Famers have done in their ENTIRE careers.

Dennis: They're hall of famers because the bar is set so low, because you people don't know what true success and stability looks like.

Dennis: I am the new benchmark, people. Welcome back to a time when self improvement is mandatory for survival. You're welcome.

Dennis: During my four hundred and sixty five day reign as Television Champion, I've seen the OCW World title passed around like Tank’s asshole on rent day.

Dennis: It was clear that making this title the sole property of Riot was needed to bring stability back to Tuesday Night's since they have forgotten what a successful reign looks like. you're welcome, Mr. Sensation!

Dennis: Back to you, Haaaaaaarvey. I'm offering you a chance at redemption. But I want to see just how much you'll sacrifice to get one more shot at the most important Championship on Riot.

Dennis: Because that's what being a Champion is...sacrifice. What will you sacrifice to get a shot at me, the man who holds your dear Heather? I want your father in this ring next week with me. 

Dennis smirks. 

 I want him to tell these people just how disappointed he is in you and how he wishes his son could have grown to be more like me. And then, Harvey? And then?!

Dennis: I'm going to kick his head square from his shoulders...and you're going to stand on that stage and THANK me for it. Or….I'll just find another Savage Lands contender for this title. The choice is yours, ‘kid’.

The camera pans to the announce team.

What a smug entitled little jerk!

You better watch your mouth before you eat a black bullet to the grill!







