The camera pans to the announce team.

Look like we have some offsite footage.

Let us get to it.

The scene opens in a fancy, but not over the top hotel room. The stars and city lights can be seen through the balcony sliding door as the camera slowly zooms out revealing Justin Jehst sitting on one of the rooms black leather couches with his feet on an ottoman. 

The TV is on, and playing across the screen is last weeks Turmoil tag match between Diamond, Highwood, and CJ O’Donnell and himself. He pauses it, writes a note, and presses play again.

Jehst: I gotta get better at this stuff. First tag team match on TV and Frankie picks up the win.

He scrawls more down on his pad before pausing the match again. He looks on as he sees Frankie Highwood mid-air about to land his Cotton Mouth dropkick on CJ; the same move he used to crush Justins face with a STOP sign only a couple of weeks ago on RIOT.

His brows furrow as he clenches his pen and reluctantly pushes the play button.

He watches on for a little while until it shows Frankie attacking Justin when he wasn’t the legal man.

Jehst: If I don’t get a chance to truly crush this plague boil I’m gonna lose my diggity dang mind!

He picks up his champagne glass and hurls it out through the open balcony door into the night air. Not long after, a distant scream can be heard along with a car alarm going off. Jehst gets up and shuts the door, stopping the wind from blowing in and allowing the curtains to gently sway until they come to a stand-still.

The Hollywood Maulers phone begins to vibrate. He answers with a confused look on his face.

Jehst: Hello? Barry is that you?

Low Distorted Voice: Justin Jehst; we have something you want.

Jehst looks concerned before replying to the ominous voice.

Jehst: Who is this? Is this you Frankie?! I swear to all four Ninja Turtles if you’re ---

Low Distorted Voice: Shut up and listen to me. You don’t know me, but I know you.

Jehst: What on Bob Saget’s green Earth do you want?... Spit it out!!

Low Distorted Voice: I have Barry.

Jehst stands. For a moment he remains silent before covering the speaker on his phone.

Jehst: *whispering*What would Liam do...

He takes a moment to take a deep breath before putting on a pretty decent accent.

Jehst: I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money ---

Low Distorted Voice: --- Yes, you do. ---

Jehst: --- but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my ...Barry... go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.

Low Distorted Voice: Empty threats, Justin. Bring me a briefcase with $250K inside to a drop off point and we will let “your Barry” go ---

Jehst: --- “We”?

Low Distorted Voice: You will hear from me soon, Jehst.

The call ends abruptly.

Jehst: Hello?! HELLO?! Aghhhhh! Piss on a nuns tit!!

Justin slams his phone onto the coffee table before picking up a large ceramic fruit bowl full of delicious apples and hurls it through the glass balcony door. He sits down on the couch and grips his head with both hands, stressed and angry. Moments later, another distant scream can be heard through the shattered hole in the door and a different car alarm goes off.

He looks at his phone, then up at the freeze frame of Frankie Highwood, before looking back down at his phone again.

Jehst: This is not the way I saw things going after moving to New York... I gotta focus and figure out how to save Barry.

He grabs his phone and chucks it in his pocket.

Jehst: If this turns out to be Highwood, he’s a dead man walking...

The camera fades to black.

The camera pans to the announce team.

Time for some Bingo.

I never win.

It's a Match!
B - 17 vs Code Jackman


The camera pans to the announce team.

Another loser.

Story of my life.

We are joined backstage by the patiently waiting #Austin Lee who is joined with the Hall of Fame expert journalist Stacy Clark. #Austin wearing the brand new “Walk With the Entitled” #Invictus shirt, which is available only at Invictusindustries.com, supporting his new friend and business colleague, Thomas Archer.

Stacy raising the microphone to speak but only to be interrupted by #Austin.

: Yes Stacy I know I promised to work on not interrupting you, but fact of the matter is it’s been to damn long since I have been featured on Turmoil. Sure, that has a lot to do with me as I was on a downhill spiral after I failed to win the Television title as the crown did it’s best to stack the odds against me. Even spiraled so far to have some goon slam me through a table….

#Austin: That’s right, a goon… A goon who doesn’t even deserve to be called by his name after he has done nothing but run from me.

Stacy Clark: You tried to smash his car with a pool cue.

#Austin: Yes and I returned in such great fashion and since that day things have started to look up for the ol #Marvelous one. Invictus is thriving with the financial backing of Archer, B-17 has returned from his international tour. Sure things didn’t go his way and he seems have loss whatever screws he had left inside of his head…But at least he is back where he belongs with #Invictus. 

 Now for me Stacy, I took care of that goon last week as he fell victim to my temporary friend #PandaPowa. I can set my sights on something much higher and begin my climb back to that Television Title.

Stacy Clark: You care to comment on the fact you are scheduled to take on Capo…

#Austin clears his throat to remind Stacy to not speak the name of Capo in his presence. Stacy just sighs as she has grown a custom to dealing with characters like #Austin Lee during her Hall of fame Career.

Fine… You want me to comment about that goon being in a match with me ? I think it’s ridiculous, I’m not surprised by it though someone using his family to gain attention, someone who earned five seconds of fame by putting me through a table. That goon is only known because his name reads next to mine. When in reality this goon is nothing more then some punk kid who is going to learn his place as I send him to get his shine box if he thinks he will step into the ring with me.

#Austin: You took a leap and have been soaring but what sees what happens to the “Dra-Ma” when he steps to Austino….

#Austin nods paying respects to Stacy Clark before exiting off camera.


It's a Match!
CJ O'donnel vs Tay Terror


The camera pans to the announce team.

The rooks continue to make their mark.

Won't be rookies for long.









