Sounds of kill switch engage “End of Heartache” can be heard in the background as Irving begins to film himself with his phone. Walking back and forth through his gym spitting his dip into a bottle in between yelling a few choice words at some of his older students to encourage them to push though the pain of drill. Passing the phone to a near by student to film him as he leans on a railing as the continues watching over his wrestling practice.
Irving: Its come to my attention that some kids just don’t know when it’s time to keep my name out of their mouths. Almost as if they didn’t learn their lesson the first time my name slipped out of his mouth…
Spitting Into his bottle as he keeps his attention on his students not the camera.
Irving: What is it with this generation ? They always have some type of excuse it seems, this kid wants to blame the fact he didn’t know he was going to be in the ring against me is why I beat him…. Yet instead of taking those lumps like a man what did the boy do? He started crying because I voiced my opinion about his lack of ability to actually wrestle….
Irving quickly puts the lid on his bottle and throws it off screen in the direction of his students. As a ling audible beep begins to play across the video as Irving continues to yell at a student off camera. Shaking his head a few times and just picking up a random water bottle to spit in.
Irving: So I broke his knee….Think that was enough for the boy?
Irving shakes his head looking at the camera now.
Irving: Na that boy decided to let my name slip out his mouth again and challenge me to a match… a match? Boy you are a wounded duck on one leg and you want me at certified greatness? A show dedicated to the man who brought my ass into OCW?
Irving: You got heart kid I will give you that, but what is going to happen when I put that heart to sleep? What’s going to be your excuse when I snap that twig you call a leg? What is going to be your excuse when you crash and burn ? Huh? Huh? What’s it going to be when I crank on your neck untill you scream for no more…..Im going to make you a man at Certified Greatness Ricky…. Look into my eyes….You are in for a world of hurt kid….
Irving: Night night Ricky….
Irving begins to laugh as the camera fades to black.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Champion vs Champion time.
Turmoil has a interesting history with these.
Seb Abbot*vs Bill Ding*
The camera pans to the announce team.
Seb was breathing heavily as he backed up the ramp following CJ rushing in to save Bill Ding from further harm. From out of nowhere Seb had a mic.
Seb: You think because you had a slim chance last month you can come out here and get involved in business that doesn’t concern you.
The crowd booed Seb and they got louder as he tried to speak.
Seb shouted: OI SHUT THE F@CK UP C#NTS. The crowd went silent.
Seb: Cheers, I’m trying to have a conversation here. Now Chris, I can call you Chris right? Anyway you really want me to rip your head off again because I will make it a priority of mine to end you.
CJ called for a mic but Seb cut the stage hand off.
Seb: Nah mate, you ain’t f@cking speakin tonight our time here is done hey. Now the grown ups gotta talk kid..
He pointed to the International Champion, who was still reeling from being hit with a sledgehammer.
Seb: You came real close tonight, for that I applaud you. If I hadn’t of done what I done then we wouldn’t be here now right? Besides you have the luck of the Irish on your side for now, but ne-
The crowd started cheering cutting Seb off, he turned around to see B-17 leap frogging Tay and then a whole world of hurt landed on the Television champion as he was floored by an overly athletic Bingo Punch. The crowd roared even louder as Seb’s little rant was cut short.
B-17 picked up the mic and the crowd quietened to listen to what he was about to say.
B-17: You’re welcome Turmoil.
The scene ends with B-17 dropping the mic then ducking into the ring and helping Bill Ding to his feet, on the ramp Seb was dragging himself towards the backstage area….