The camera pans to the announce team.

Something is happening with the TV champ.

He's always it something.

The scene starts off with Sebastian Abbott walking arm in arm with a new urban hoe through the backstage area when the pair turned a corner and walked into one half of Code:Terror, Tay.

Ah Tay Terror, you’ll do. I need your help tonight, do this and I’ll comp you a night with the thickest hoe I have.

I like the sound of that. What do you need me to do?

Seb unhanded his hoe and draped his arm around Tay’s shoulder, the trio walked for a few moments before stopping.

You know I was actually headed that way and you never actually spoke as we walked…

Seb looked back down the corridor that Tay was pointing too.

Oh right the plan, you know for some reason I thought you could read my thoughts.. Anyway I fight Ding tonight and that guy doesn’t stay down when you want him to, so you help me keep him down yea.

So run interference? I can do that, want me to get Code?

Nah you’ll do fine, look I gotta run so meet me backstage before my match and we’ll sort DIng out. Catch ya soon buddy.

Tay walked off and Seb resumed his conversation as the pair made their way to the locker rooms. Upon arrival Big Ed and Shepherd were getting ready to leave for their match.

Fellas good luck tonight, that Ricky kid packs a powerful punch. 

Big Ed grunted and stroked the hair of the new urban hoe who refrained from shying away from him.

sixty bucks

Nope, she’s too fresh for you mate maybe in a couple of weeks aaand if you up the price a bit.. C’mon sixty bucks really?

Ed hung his head and walked out the door, Shep followed giving Seb a fist bump on the way through. The scene ends with Seb making his introductions to the others….

The camera pans to the announce team.

Time for the Crown.

Wait we're gonna watch a TV show?

It's a Match!
Big Ed & Christian Shepherd
Yokozuna & Ricky The Dragon


The camera pans to the announce team.

Well then.

Not what I expected.









