We transition to a small room with a blue-painted wall. A desk is placed in front of it along with a chair by a few staff members. After a while, a staff member moves the seat backward just a little bit. The sound of grunting and growling can be heard from off-screen. The grunts sound as if they aren’t human, as if they must have came from some large beast. Finally Bubba the lion enters the picture and leaps up to the chair, having a seat.

 The following is a Public Service Announcement from Bubba.

A horse mask is tossed onto the desk and Bubba stares at it for a minute or two. He tries to take it with his paws and put it on, only to realize that the mask is much too small for his massive dome. A second screen shows up right beside his head that displays The Last Blacksmith’s vicious attack on Drago Cesar on the past Riot. Upon reviewing this footage, Bubba grits his teeth and snarls at the horse mask. 

The lion then proceeds to sink his massive sharp teeth into the mask, using his paws to hold the mask down to the desk. He tears the mask apart. The tiny hair piece falls off the top of it, the googly eyes thrown violently across the room, the inside of the mask practically exploding. After a few minutes, there is hardly anything left of the mask other than just small pieces on the desk. Bubba pants and angrily flips over the table. 

The lion stares at the camera for a few seconds, then he sticks his tongue out.


The scene fades.









Bray trots around the ring defiantly, dosing in the crowd’s mixed reactions. Half of them are chanting “We want Bingo!” while the other half chants “You sold out!

Bray: [to himself] You’ve got to be kidding me…

Randy Rice: Hearing the mixed response from this capacity crowd, I’m pretty sure they all want an explanation as to “why”. Why did you do what you did last week after your match with B-17?

Bray: Let me tell you something right now... “The Anime Prince” was not lying about his undying respect for B-17. FACT. 

Randy Rice: I’m not sure if that can be proven after-

Bray: SHUT UP!

Randy is startled, nearly dropping the microphone.

Bray: While “The Anime Prince” respects B-17 TO THE DEATH, “The Anime Prince” will never EVER forgive him for putting the B Community in such a predicament.

Bray: Bingo, I thought you were the best there is. I thought you were gonna take us to the top! ...And look where we are now. A group of weeaboos left to rot. A “leader” who loses to rookies. PATHETIC!

Bray: And I guarantee, there’s people who are gonna pass the buck to “The Anime Prince” and OtaKru for the downward spiral of The B Community and B-17 because everybody knows that the people in the back, the people that run this joint, and the fans of OCW are FICKLE FICKLE FICKLE human beings who think that just because they join up with someone they love and respect, that means that they can’t make it out for themselves!

Randy Rice: And who would you be referring to?

Bray: Just guess. There’s a whole group of em backstage.

Randy Rice: Well, uh, can I ask you something else Bray?

Bray: What is it?

Randy Rice: After hearing these disparaging remarks about B-17, are you officially under Code Jackman’s beck and call when it comes to the C Community?

The crowd boos in response to the question. Bray slowly paces around the ring, holding in his anger.

Bray: See, I can tell you don’t listen to my promos, because Randy, while “The Anime Prince” has got a world of respect for you and the work that you do, that was the dumbest f***ing question I’ve ever heard you ask.

Half of the crowd cheers at his answer.

Bray: “The Anime Prince” is IN NO WAY in cahoots with Code Jackman or those jokesters he calls the C Community! Let it be known that, as the de facto leader of OtaKru, we are NOT on Code Jackman’s “side” in any shape or form.

Bray: “The Anime Prince” knows for a FACT that he is miles above all three of them combined, because “The Anime Prince” did what two thirds of the C Community can never do, and that’s beat Bingo’s ass! And you can fact check that.

Randy Rice: But Bray, didn’t Mistico pin you a few weeks ago on Riot?

Bray: And everybody remembers that!

He rolls his eyes at his own comment.

Bray: What Code Jackman fails to realize is that without “The Anime Prince” and the rest of OtaKru, the rest of his relevance in OCW goes down the toilet. And you can best believe that when BurNadaco lose to Austin Aries, their relevance is gonna be snapped quicker than Spider-Man, and he’ll just leave them to rot for the next group of idiots to follow him.

Bray: Code Jackman, I want you to listen up, because the fact of the matter is, I beat up the guy that you beat up. If you apply anime logic to this, you beat him, I beat him, I can beat YOU. And THAT is the truth. So hurry it up and get your hate boner over B-17 over and done with, because you’re really pissin me off, box man. The fact of the matter is, you and I both know your irrelevant ass is NOTHING without the B Community. NOTHING without OtaKru. And nothing without ME! Because I am the BEST IN THE WORLD, because who won the Rumble? Oh yeah... ME!

As Bray finishes, the crowd doesn’t let up on him, storming him with chants of “You both suck! You both suck!” He struggles to hold his anger against them.

Bray: Let me tell you people something Code Jackman, if you thought I was gonna lay down while you paradied around without a care in the world tarnishing the Community name, Nick and FloJo might be quiet about it, but I’ve got something for you...

Bray: The next time you see “The Anime Prince”, a Bankai is…

He’s interrupted by the crowd once again. This time, it’s “We don’t carrre! Where is Bingo!? We don’t carrre! Where is Bingo!?” This time, his anger gets the best of him.

Bray: I traversed the multiverse to be happy for you. I’ve done my best, win or lose, to have fun with you and give you all something happy to look forward to and this is how you treat me!? [chuckles] Well that’s just fine, because EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU can go to hell! CODE JACKMAN, the next time you see “The Anime Prince”, a Bankai is heading straight for your ass!

He swipes the microphone out of Randy’s hands, immediately exiting the ring. As Bray’s music hits, he mouths several expletives to the crowd before making his way back.



The women are back.


To do more damage.



It's a Match!
Elsa Holmburg vs Dragana


The camera pans to the announce team.



Well damn...



The weight room was empty except for two. Austin Lee and Aries, prepping for their upcoming 6 man tag against Bournistco and Code Jackman. Both men had been bested in previous weeks and retribution was on their mind, it fueled their work out. 

Lee was lifting a heavy punching bag throwing ten feet across the mats marching over and then repeating the same motion. 

Lee muttering: Snowflakes...

Aries was working on his hand eye coordination and catching tennis balls shot out of a tennis ball launcher only a few feet away from him. 

Aries muttering: Gotta be quicker…

The rhythm was almost soothing. A loud grunt from Lee and then a heavy crash. A light pop and a sudden snap as the ball was snatched out of the air. 

Grunt. Crash. Pop. Snap. 

Rinse and repeat. 

B17’s sudden entrance distracted from that. 


There was no snap this time. B17 had distracted Aries and the tennis ball had launched past him, right in Betty and Bella. 

B17 crumbled to the floor knee first. 

The heavy bag flying through the air crashing down on right in front of B17




Lee: Bingo….. If you are here to thank us for last week, just know it wasn't about you…

Keeping his back turned to B17 as Lee makes his way towards a nearby bench. Taking a seat as he reaches into his bag, using his towel to clean the sweat off of his face. 

Lee: What can we do for ya?

Adjusting his gym bag so it is hidden from the other individuals in the room as he begins to mix different “supplements”, doing his best to keep the labels hidden from everyone of the supplements. Pulling his “mixed” drink from his bag and setting it down next to him before sealing his workout bag with a padlock.

B17 just stares not sure of what to make of what he just witnessed.

Lee: What man? It's just water…

Lee begins to shake his drink a few times before offering a sip to B17. Who politely declines out of fear of what is actually in the water.

Lee: You really changed since this B community thing, It's like you are the one with the head injuries man…Looking at me weird like i would ever be enjoying a supplement. You know i am #Mr.All Natural…

Lee finishes his “water” and makes his way over towards the heavy bag. Throwing it up on his shoulders with ease as he begins to do squats with the bag.

Lee: What’s next you going to look at Aries like he is weird for having a mask or some shit?

Aries: THIS MASK IS FOR TURMOIL PURPOSES ONLY! People want to behave like animals? I’ll show them an animal. I’LL SHOW THEM, AUSTIN!

Lee: Hey leave the animals out of this, they did nothing wrong. Where did you even get that thing?!

Aries: I had it stored away in case of emergency. It was made with the utmost care and animal parts. You see that mane on the top?

Austin looks to the top of Aries’ new mask.

Aries: That’s real lion fur.

Lee: You shouldn't treat animals that way!!...I mean pretty sure that’s illegal or something.

Aries scoffs, as if he hadn’t just been ripped off by some shady mask maker.

Aries: No! OF COURSE IT’S NOT! I highly doubt that dapper gentleman with the eye-patch, uni-brow, and peg leg would lie to me. He said the fur comes from real lion manes, while the mask is 100% pure leather. Made from the most purebred possum in the world.

Lee attempts to hold in his laughter, but also his disgust. Slamming the heavy bag down in front of him before continuing his pre match warm up with curls.

Lee: Possum? You said possum, didn’t you?

Aries: POSSUM!

Lee: Since when are head injuries contagious….

B17 just looks on loss in everything that has unfolded in front of him. Thinking he has finally rid himself from the outrageous B Community only to be confronted by this…

Lee: Look Bingo, I know we have some history. Now sure you blame me for all of it, but the truth is if you wouldn't have hit me in the head so many times I wouldn't have tried to end your career.

B17 holds up both hands. 

B17: Aries. Lee. The future of Turmoil is at stake. You, Lee, throw them far. Aries, knee them silly. I, B17, punch them hard. See you at The Clash.

B17 walks out of the room the same way he entered. Stylish AF. Lee turns to his tag partner, and grins.

Aries: Wot?

Lee: Ha. Silly. I knew you were a snowflake.

Aries spikes the tennis ball he had in hand in anger and walks off screen, leaving Austin to his own devices.





The scene opens with Alyssa Winters standing in the middle of the ring. She's holding a microphone in her hand and showing a sick smile on her face. 

Alyssa Winters:
 I was trying to stream Wild West Redemption 2 the other night, but I kept getting interrupted by you basement dwellers asking me why I hate Terra Daturas so much. 

Alyssa Winters: I figured I should address this situation publicly once and for all. 

Alyssa Winters points at the X Tron: some backstage footage from Devil’s Night is shown. Terra Daturas is seen talking to Valkyrie on the feed: the two were trying to settle an argument they had a couple of weeks back, on Riot. 

Alyssa Winters: Friendship is something sacred. It's a special bond that ties two people. 

Alyssa Winters: In the recent weeks, many fans have been wondering who exactly was that mystery person Valkyrie kept talking to on her phone. 

Alyssa Winters: You had all the clues to figure it out: we both had the same age, we were both from Finland, yet some of you still thought the person Valkyrie was speaking to was a man. A “love interest”? Don't make me laugh. Who would even remotely think about dating that virgin?

Alyssa Winters takes a deep breath, then points to herself.

Alyssa Winters:
 It was me all along. 

Alyssa Winters: I’ll admit: I'm a massive internet troll. And I had fun playing with your minds. What I did not like though, was seeing Terra sticking her nose where she did not belong. 

Alyssa Winters: Roll the footage. 

The X tron now shows the full scene captured at Devil’s Night. It ends with Terra referring to Valkyrie as her real name, Sarah. Alyssa shivers as she hears that. 

Alyssa Winters:
 There's only one person in this world who can call her Sarah and that person is me. 

Alyssa Winters: I've had enough of you fake allies who keep acting as if you are Valkyrie’s best friends just to steal her spotlight for a moment, only to then backstab her when the time is right for you. I could make other names but I've been asked not to. 

Alyssa Winters: I’ve heard we are going to face each other at the SuperShow after the Clash. I can't wait for this to happen. I will expose you once and…

Terra music hits as the crowd warmly welcomes her… She looks unnerved as she heads directly for the ring, skipping her usual pleasantries with the OCW fans.

Terra climbs the ropes and goes under the bottom rope cautiously. Alyssa is standing with her arms crossed and gestures to Terra Daturas, who brought her own microphone. 

 So… Now you know. Have anything to say for yourself?

Terra pauses and nervously looks into Alyssa’s eyes. 


Alyssa: “Yes?” Normally people will just SAY what it is. ANSWER THE QUESTION.

Terra: I’m sorry, Ms. Winters.

Alyssa walks right up into her face, needing to hold the mic to the side of her mouth due to the lack of space between the two women.

 That’s right. Sorry for what? You’re going to say it out here in front of all of these people.

Terra: I’m sorry for hitting you last week.

Alyssa takes a step back a bit stunned at the response.

 I’m sorry. 

Alyssa: No, dummy! You’re supposed to be sorry for sticking your nasty face where it doesn’t belong. 

The tension in the ring has built to a very high level in such a short time.

 Now, I don’t want to see you anywhere near her again or I won’t have such restrain next time we see each other. 

Alyssa jerks her head to the side, trying to intimidate Terra before walking right by her and looking like she’s walking out of the ring. Just before she can lean down to exit…

 I asked for the contest in 2 weeks. 

Alyssa turns and looks back up at her.

 You are an indecent, unkind, vile person, Ms. Winters. I’m sorry for hitting you… but only because it wasn’t in an official contest. 

Alyssa’s mouth falls open, but before she can dare a response, Terra continues in a very unusual outspoken, yet still very calm manner. 

 The things you do to others. The things you said to try and harm me… That is one thing…. But you wish to spread your life of hatred and wickedness to others instead of spreading love. I don’t understand… but I can’t understand you and that’s okay.

Terra: So at the Supershow… We will have an official contest. Then? I won’t have to be sorry when I hurt you, Ms. Winters.

Alyssa: ...and when I break your frail, skin and bones body in half, you’re not going to be able to come near me, her, or anyone else… ever again. I’ll make sure of that. Be careful what you wish for.

Alyssa starts giggling to herself and shaking her head. She backs away again, looking to exit the ring again, before being interrupted again.

 I’m not finished.

Winters rolls her eyes and leans on the middle rope nearest the entrance ramp, waiting for Terra to continue.

Terra, instead of responding, simply looks up at the X-Tron, which is the same video that Alyssa played earlier, but slightly before she called Valkyrie “Sarah”.

The video shows Terra squeezing Valkyrie in a bearhug after the two shared a conversation. 

 Sarah is my friend. She is kind. She is smart. Her heart is full of wonder.

Alyssa, hearing the name again, stands back up with a purpose getting back in Terra’s face.

 She’s not like you. She’s the opposite of you. angelus et diaboli. I cannot believe Sarah is your friend too. 

Alyssa: Say it one more time! I dare you! Say her name again! 

Terra is clearly frightened as she stands behind a thin veil of bravery and confidence in front of her new tormentor. She stands still, not backing down, with sweat dripping down her forehead.

 You, Ms. Winters don’t deserve a friend like Sarah.

Right as the name comes from the lips of Terra Daturas, Alyssa winters tackles her to the ground, both microphones go flying and Alyssa starts throwing punch after punch at Terra, who is covering her face with both arms to try and block the blows, which are coming in faster and faster. 

Terra is able to kick her pursuer away and scramble to her feet, but Alyssa recovers and tackles Terra back down, this time in corner. She leans on the bottom turnbuckle, still desperately trying to protect herself from the assault Alyssa’s fury never wanes and she seems to never run out of energy when throwing strikes at Terra.

Rushing down the entrance ramp is Elsa Holmberg, still shedding her large coat. Elsa slides into the ring and pulls Alyssa off of Terra, who is held up in the fetal position in the corner of the ring. She peeks through her hands to see Alyssa was pulled off by her new friend.

Winters immediately lashes out, shouting at Elsa inaudibly. Elsa tries to calm the situation down, but she’s shoved hard into another corner and Alyssa makes another beeline for Terra. Before she can reach her, Elsa is able to take her down and Terra makes her way to her feet. 

The OCW crowd explodes in a frenzy as their favorite lil’ bubba emerges from the entrance stage, rushing down to the ring as well. Valkyrie slides into the ring quickly, separating Elsa and Alyssa, pulling Alyssa Winters away and trying to calm her down. The 3 women shout and argue with one another as Valkyrie tries to contain Alyssa Winters.

As she manages to get Alyssa’s full attention and pull her out and away from the Turmoil ring, Elsa walks to the corner to check on Terra, whose arms are completely red and bruised. Her face, while managing to avoid the blows directly, is blood red from stress and the whole scene overwhelming her. 

Eventually, Valkyrie and Alyssa disappear behind the stage curtain after arguing all the way up the ramp. A few moments pass and after Elsa waits to ensure it’s safe to move, she comforts Terra up the ramp as well and they disappear behind a curtain on the opposite side of the stage.







