After a healthy set of ass-beatings, we return to the fourth round of the OCW Strong Women Competition, with Dragana pulling ahead of Blaine. Dragana reaches the next challenge, and Cort’s music switches to “George, George, George of the Jungle...”
Cort: AH YES, MY FAVORITE! Suspended 12 feet in the air, contestants must swing across the mud. If they fall they must wade through the mud, losing valuable time!
Dragana swings from vine to vine almost seamlessly, while Blaine is struggling to keep everything together as she falls further behind. Dragana makes it to the end of the vine course and onto the next stage.
Cort: The next stage is the ever popular “giant boxing glove pops of nowhere and knocks you the hell out” stage!
Cort’s music switches to “Walkin’ in LA” as Dragana enters a course with uneven, small footing and a huge boxing glove swinging back and forth in the middle of it. Down below is a pit that would make whoever gets knocked off lose valuable time. Dragana carefully balances herself, but forgets about the boxing glove as she approaches the middle. The glove hits her square in the face, causing her eyes to glaze over.
Dragana: Augh…..
She tumbles into the pit below.
It takes her a few moments to regain her composure, but eventually starts trudging through the mud. The delay allows for Blaine to get to the start just as Dragana makes it out of the mud.
In a desperate bid, Blaine runs unevenly across the platforms. She finds steady footing on the middle tier just as the giant boxing glove comes whirling back. But, instead of ducking, Blaine rears back her fist and lets her hands fly. The giant boxing glove explodes in a shower of plastic and wood.
Cort: DAMN! She hits like a Mac truck!
Meanwhile, Dragana has made it to the final challenge.
Cort: Last but certainly not least, we have a brick wall… and a sledgehammer to break it! No finesse here, just pure American horsepower!
Adding challenge the sledgehammer is twenty yards away forcing already fatigued muscles to exert extra effort. Dragana goes to work, muscles obviously tired as she struggles to swing the hammer. The blows aren’t impactful, but slowly she begins to make progress.
Blaine’s desperate move paid off and she has just made it to the sledgehammer, but Dragna already has a small hole punched through her wall and more crumbles away as Blaine approaches.
Blaine: NOOOOO!
Blaine takes the hammer, and lifts it above her head; ten feet away from the wall she throws it will her all might! The hammer strikes the wall and causes large cracks to splinter out from the center. Using the her last remaining strength she throws her body as the wall shoulder first and crashes through the other side!
Cort leads the crowd in a chant of: HOLY ****! HOLY ****!
Blaine lays there dazed, while Dragana pauses a moment in shock ast what she just saw. Blaine starts to scramble and drag herself up. Dragana finishes punching through the wall.
Both women are neck and neck as they approach the finish line. Staggering and stumbling they close in on the end.
With one final lunge Blaine leaps for the line, unable to keep her legs moving, simultaneously Dragana collapses forward. The crowd gasp at the apparent tie!
Both women’s hands lay but inches apart from each other both hands barely touching the white line signifying the end. Cort rides up and produces a magnifying glass to verify.
Cort: Yup! Exactly tied! What are the chances, ladies and gentlemen!
???: WAIT!
An exhausted Johnny Law barges in carrying a protractor and a ruler. He raises them up in pride as if he’s some sort of…..mathematical warrior.
Johnny: The naked eye simply cannot process phenomena like that. However, using my….brilliant mind and the power of SCIENCE, we can decide a winner here!
Cort: Naked eye? Can you even see in that thing?
Cort points out Johnny’s mask.
Johnny: I see EVERYTHING. Huah!
He leaps onto the ground between the two women, using the protractor and the ruler to measure the lengths between each of their fingers and the finish line.
Johnny: Carry the two, divide the radius by the diameter……
Blaine: What the hell is taking so long?
Johnny: Relax!
Dragana: Ugh……
Johnny: Aha!
He quickly stands back up and walks proudly toward Cort. He points to his dome.
Johnny: I have found the answer! Hahaha!
He raises his arms in victory, then throws them downward quickly.
Johnny: It’s still a tie.
Blaine and Dragana grumble while Cort brings out the trophy for the event, a medium-sized golden statuette that appears to resemble a certain videogame bear. Seems like OCW cheaped out and used an already-extant prop.
Cort: I, uh, we didn’t have two of these made. Sooo, can you ladies share?
Blaine slowly lifts her hand to give Cort the finger. Dragana looks like she might murder him.
Cort: I s’pose that’s a no. Well… congratulations regardless! I don’t think we should be doing any autographs after all that though, sorry fans! Plus, I have an appointment to make...
We fade out on that note, with both women exhausted, battered and bruised--and tied 1-1 heading into the Clash!
Legend time.
Can't wait.
Austin Aries vs OtaKru
The camera pans to the announce team.
He hit the mark.
Yes he did.
As the scene fades in we see Elsa enter into Jehst’s locker room. He sits behind his desk with his now multiple script piles on either side of him like an accountant drowning in paperwork.
She wipes the sweat off her forehead with one hand and uses her other to nurse her face with an ice-pack. Justin slow claps as she walks towards him.
Jehst: Elsa, that performance was absolutely inspiring! You may not have toppled the Silent Queen, but you sure as hell gave a good showing. I’m proud of you.
Elsa tries to smile but she winces as her jaw causes her pain, still suffering from the final blow from the Women’s Champion. Jehst ushers her to a chair by the wall.
Jehst: Here, sit. I’ll grab you a water.
As he reaches into a mini-fridge at the back of the locker room he continues to talk.
Jehst: You put up a good fight tonight, especially against Dragana; she’s champ for a reason. You keep having those kinds of performances and perhaps one day you’ll get a real shot at that championship.
He turns, un-screws the lid, and hands Elsa the water bottle. She speaks carefully with a mindfulness of her sore mouth.
Elsa: My face hurt so bad.
Jehst: Let me take a look.
He slowly pulls the ice-pack away from her face and winces a little while putting it back against her cheek and jaw.
Jehst: Yeaaaaa, I’d keep that pack on there for a little while longer.
Elsa: It bad?!
Jehst: Well…yeah it’s gonna bruise a bit.
Elsa: It THAT bad?!
Jehst: Ah…yeah, you got kicked pretty hard. Don’t worry, it’s what you have those hundreds of bags of make-up for!
The poor woman looks shocked that her face may be marked by the boot strike that put her down for the three count.
Jehst: You just sit there and keep icing it, I’m gonna read over this latest script from Warner Brothers; if I land this I could be the next Sinestro in an upcoming Green Lantern - - -
The sound of the door bursting open can be heard off screen as rushing into the locker room comes Capo Genovese in his street clothes attire. He bull-rushes Jehst before he can realise what’s going on, sending both men tumbling over the desk to the floor, script paper flying everywhere.
Capo ends up in the better position, raining down clubbing blows from on top as Jehst tries his best to protect himself by covering up. Elsa stands and runs to the door to yell for security; as loud as she can with her crook jaw.
Justin manages to slip a shot from Capo and manoeuvres himself out off his back, sliding out sideways and grappling Capo into a messy headlock. He begins to unleash some shots of his own before a number of security guards rush the scene, pulling both men apart as they try desperately to tear at each other.
Struggling out of the grip of the arena cops, Capo jumps forward, getting in a few more shots on Jehst before more guards rush in, now bringing the total to around 10. They manage to pull Capo and Jehst apart, dragging Capo from the room.
Jehst: Get him out of here! - Get that scumbag out of here!
As Capo is slowly removed from the room he gives that signature scumbag laugh which trails off as he is escorted away.
As Jehst stands, holding himself up on his desk, Elsa approaches and kindly offers her ice-pack. He looks at her and nods thankfully, taking the pack and applying it to his own face.
Jehst: This is going to keep happening. We need to stop him – or we need to change him…
Elsa puts her arm around Jehst’s shoulder as the scene fades to black.
Previously recorded.
The bell rings at Valkyrie’s apartment. When Valkyrie opens the door we see a young woman in a suit holding a briefcase.
Woman: Good day, may I speak with Ashley Moore?
Valkyrie: Feel free to.
Woman: My name is Emily Kaur and i was sent by Ms. Moore’s parent’s lawyer team. I heard that I can find her here.
Valkyrie: Good news. Does this mean she is going to finally move out from MY apartment?
Emily Kaur: I am sorry, I can only speak to with Ms. Moore about details concerning the court process.
Valkyrie crosses her fingers and calls Ashley who is in Valkyrie’s room.
Valkyrie: Hey, Moore. There is a lawyer who wants to speak to you.
Ashley comes out completely ignoring Valkyrie and talks to the lawyer.
Ashley Moore: Finally, hopefully you can tell me everything about what is going on overseas. And when can I get access to the money again? I have to get away from her.
Emily Kaur: Hello Ms. Moore, can we talk in private please, I have very sensitive information?
Ashley Moore: Of course, we can talk in that room.
She points at the room she was coming from.
Ashley Moore: So, what can you tell me? I am desperate for information about what is going to happen. No one wants to tell me anything.
Emily Kaur: First to what will await your parents.
Ashley Moore: Pfft, I don’t care what will happen to them. I still cannot believe what they have done. Are they the same persons who raised me?
Emily Kaur: They will go to prison for 3-8 years, depends on what will brought to light in the trial.
Ashley Moore: I said I don’t care. Please, what will happen to the money?
Emily Kaur: They will have to give everything back they earned with their fraud and pay an additional penalty.
Ashley Moore: And how much will be left then?
Emily Kaur: We don’t know yet, but it will still be a lot. After all they did most of their money legally.
Ashley Moore: Ok, good. Most important now: WHEN can I get access to that money?
Emily Kaur: That is the problem at the moment. Before you can get the money back, the investigators will have to determine how big the fraud was.
Emily Kaur: And because we, the lawyers, have no influence on that I cannot tell you when they are done.
Ashley Moore: Please, just a number.
Emily Kaur: Maybe a week, maybe a month.
Ashley Moore sighs loudly.
Emily Kaur: Or maybe half a year.
Ashley Moore sighs even louder.
Ashley Moore: Half a year? How can I survive so long with this … this monster?
Ashley Moore: But at least I have the certainty that this situation won’t be forever.
Emily Kaur: If you have no more questions I would go now.
Ashley Moore: No, you can go now and thank you for finally telling me what is going on.