The camera pans from the announcers table to the back in the Turmoil trainer’s room. As the cameraman walks through the door there is a Turmoil doctor alongside El Parca who is on the examination table.
As the doctor is rewrapping El Parca after his match with Maxwale, El Parca pulls out his phone and is seen texting somebody.
El Parca then sends a text to which seems is to Hijo de Mistico. The text being sent can be read as “Come to the trainer’s room amigo.” Then, El Parca lets out a heavy sigh of relief as the doctor is wrapping him still.
Mistico walks into the room and looks at Parca.
Mistico: Guess you can hang with the boys on Turmoil.
Mistico laughs and leans up on the wall.
El Parca: Amigo, let me tell you how relieved I am. Of all the matches I win it’s on here Turmoil? What are the odds! But, yes you are correct there are some very good fights over here!
El Parca then laughs but grabs at his ribs after the doctor is finished wrapping him up.
Mistico: Si, I have a match against Jett. Hasn’t been here in a few years, I heard he got injured but…
Mistico shrugs.
Mistico: Y’know, it’s whatever. He couldn’t win the triple threat, I don’t think he’s going to win this either.
El Parca: It seems as if both of us have a nuisance on both of our shows. I’m sure as you can tell by the wrapping around my ribs and shoulder..
El Parca would then point towards his ribs in a sarcastic way before laughing.
El Parca: Una rata molesta decided he would come and disrespect me and my father on Riot.. That rat being Leo Grimm. Which after the victory tonight I must keep my momentum going onward so when the time comes where me and him meet one another in the ring I must win.
Mistico nods.
Mistico: Yeah, if you need my help, just let me know.
El Parca: Right now I’m gonna see what this lunatico has in mind for me the next couple of weeks. But I do know I have you in my corner amigo and I am forever grateful.
El Parca: You’re the co-main event tonight amigo, if you derail Jett you would show yourself more than worthwhile to challenge Malu. A luchador CCW champion? You would make Mexico more than proud.
Mistico: Once I make Jett crash, I think I might be on my way to it.
El Parca: I like the sound of that amigo. But, I should be off, don’t wanna miss my flight back home for some fiestas!
El Parca hops off the examination table and extends his fist closed towards Mistico in a fist bump motion.
Mistico extends his hand to fist bump him.
Mistico: Alright, just text me amigo.
As the two fist bump the camera fades to black..
The camera switches to the arena, where a few generic security personnel are placed around the ramp and the ring. The camera focuses on the ring, where one of them has grabbed a microphone.
Security Guy: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Our client, Blacksmith, is running a little late and we apologize for the inconvenience.
All of a sudden, Solomon Caine's music hits and the camera quickly focuses on the ramp. The security personnel on the ramp prepare themselves for his arrival, but nobody comes out.
After a minute, the crowd gets loud as the camera switches to show Solomon Caine clearing the ring of security personnel. As the final man is thrown over the top rope, the personnel on the ramp enter the ring.
One of them is able to hold Caine's hands behind his back, but Caine boots another security guy in the face and headbutts the other. The final security guy rushes Caine, but Caine ducks his clothesline and delivers a Killshot.
Caine grabs the microphone left behind by the security guy.
The Mantis can be seen walking backstage, presumably to the locker room, while speaking, well, rather shouting, on the phone with his concerned mother.
The Mantis: No, mammy, yer not understandin' what I'm sayin'. I'm tryin' ta' actually make somthin' o' me pathetic life over 'ere! I've been noticed by tha' biggest wrestlin' name in the business, and-
A pause as he pulls his phone away from his ear, his mother shouting at him through the phone.
The Mantis: Mammy, have ye even seen the matches that I've been in? Okay, yea, granted, they may 'ave been losses, but-
Another pause as more shouting can be heard on the line.
The Mantis: Say what ye like, mammy, but don't ye get it? I'm actually makin' a name for meself here! I 'ave the chance ta' make da's dream a reality! Don't ye think he'd be proud o' me if he saw what I've been up 'ta?
Another pause as the shouting appears to have died down somewhat, only for The Mantis to interrupt his mother with shouting of his own into the phone.
The Mantis: I AM NOT IN OVER MY BLOODY HEAD! I am gonna do me father proud, and become an OCW Superstar, whether you like it or bloody not! And when I'm holdin' that glitterin' belt over me 'ead, you'll wish you didn't doubt yer son so much!
The Mantis angrily hangs up the phone and roars into the hall, which catches a grimaced stare from another past opponent of his, Damian Bourne, who was also walking the halls.
The Mantis: Tha' hell are you lookin' at? God, everyone's a damn critic...
The Mantis storms off, leaving Bourne alone to wonder what on earth just happened.
The scene transitions to a dimly lit room, not unlike the room The Troupe used last week for their interrogation of Lotus FloJo. The camera pans down from the sole light source onto Dragana and Elsa.
Elsa has her hands on her hips while Dragana is crouched beneath the table, her eyes being the only part of her above the table. The camera pans further back to reveal Aerith in the corner of the room. Dragana and Elsa are in their usual noir detective outfits.
Elsa slams her fist down on the table, more specifically onto a picture of Terra Daturas.
Elsa: I know you know what happen to her!
Dragana meekly waves from below the table to the person opposite the table. The camera turns to the right to reveal the former Women’s Champion, Blaine, with her arms crossed and her expression rather indifferent.
Blaine: You’re wasting your time.
Elsa: You hurt Terra last time you were in ring with her. Why?
Blaine sighs.
Blaine: That’s what happens when pretty little girls try to step up to a real woman.
Elsa grits her teeth. Dragana looks around, unsure of what to do. She pulls out what looks to be a rubber ducky from below the table and places it on top. The ducky has a tiny replica of Terra’s flower on its head. Dragana looks to Blaine and squeezes the duck, letting out a high pitched squeak.
Elsa: What you doing?
Dragana repeatedly squeezes the duck, her eyes are wide open, staring into Blaine’s soul.
Blaine: I had nothing to do with Terra. I don’t like her….But not enough to break her in her own home.
Dragana: Hmm…..
Dragana squeezes the duck one last time, the last squeak sounding rather deflated.
Elsa: I don’t beli-
Elsa’s arm is grabbed by The Silent Queen. Dragana stands upright, shakes her head and smiles at Elsa, then at Blaine.
Dragana opens the door to the hallway, showing Blaine out.
Elsa: ….Thanks for your time.
Blaine looks at all involved with a look of confusion: You're either really good or really bad at this.
Elsa turns to Dragana while the door closes.
Elsa: I trusting you on this one.
Aerith finally steps out of the corner and comes face to face with Dragana.
Aerith: I think you let her off a little easy.
Dragana: Eh?
Aerith: She’s hurt Terra in the past, and she’s attacked people like Valkyrie too. Why do you think she’s telling the truth? Do you think you know her or something?
Dragana: Eh……
Elsa: Maybe is her gut feeling. Blaine not normally woman who hide herself, then make attack. If she have problem with you, she let you know face to face.
Aerith: Ugh….
Aerith scoffs, then leaves the room along with Elsa. The closing shot is of Dragana scratching her head, before finally leaving to join her friends.
The titan-tron switches to a camera backstage to an interview space where we see Danny Watts standing in frame with Jim Black seemingly about to give him an interview.
Jim Black: Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce at this time the rookie who has made a big impact here in OCW since debuting and winning the Rookie Battle Royal at Road 2 Glory, and is now possibly the only rookie who is undefeated with six wins and zero losses, Danny Watts!
Danny who is a little taken back by the big introduction that Jim Black gave him but starts wincing in pain, holding his neck.
Danny: Thanks Jim, that was an introduction and a half you just gave me. You certanliy do your research that’s for sure.
Black: Well, it is my job Mr. Watts, but nonetheless, let’s get right into the interview shall we?
Black: You just got a huge win against your first non-rookie opponent AISU. Since Road 2 Glory you have been a machine and you have capitalized on the opportunity that was given to you and now you are going into what seems to be your first feud with fellow rookie, Elliot Parker.
You are about to put your winning streak on the line in a best of 5 series with Parker later tonight. Why did you decide to put yourself in this situation?
Danny: First off, I’d like to give my opponent from last week the thanks of giving me an opportunity to face my first non-rookie opponent.
We had a hell of a match and I only just got out of that match with my winning streak in tact. Any other day it could have gone the other way at any time. So, thank you AISU, I hope to do it again sometime.
Danny’s expression now quickly changes from a very relaxed and happy expression to a determined and somewhat stiff expression.
Danny: Now onto more serious matters. Let’s get something straight, I like to test myself, so this is nothing new to me. But the fact that I’m doing this for someone I’m already one and zero against, and by the way, the match I had with Parker two weeks ago counts as part as the best of 5.
Danny: But, the fact that I’m doing this is to teach Parker some respect and hopefully in this, he will earn my respect.
Danny: I am confident in myself and my abilities that I will only need to do 2 more matches with him and then if he earns my respect, then maybe I’ll shake his hand afterwards.
Danny: But as of now, he will be served and Act of Violence these next two weeks. See you out there Elliot Parker, and good luck. You’ll need it after what you’ve said about my father.
Danny looks at Jim Black.
Danny: Thanks Jim, see you later.
Danny and Jim shake hands and Danny walks out of shot.
Jim Black: Well ladies and gentlemen, after a very fiery promo by Mr. Watts, we can tell that Elliot is in for a treat. And later tonight we will see the second match of the best of 5 series. Now back to the action.
The screen fades out with Jim Black smiling into the camera.