In a sweaty heap, arms cradling his knees into his chest with a devious smile on his face, The Man Called Joopiter rests on top of an equipment box backstage. The camera approaches carefully as he begins to laugh.
Joopiter closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath before peering over to the approaching camera, as if he knew it was coming.
TMCJ: Mark, after last week... After what I said, your plan was to further prove my point?
TMCJ: A braindead neanderthal such as yourself, I shouldn't expect anything less.
He releases one of his legs and stretches it out, swinging it up and down very playfully. He continues to hold his left leg, pulling it into his chest while speaking to the camera.
TMCJ: The fickle, greedy, disgusting nature of hollywood. The arrogance of a movie star. You thought that was your answer to a question of sophistication? He's no different than you. Pomp. Conformation. Complacence.
TMCJ: All of these things follow you and your leagues of brainless followers in the crowd and on television. They follow the people themselves every time they buy a ticket to yet another greedy, lust-driven film that Justin Jehst stars in.
The Man Called Joopiter pauses briefly, pulling his hair back and leaping from the equipment box.
TMCJ: I am here to prove a point and lead through sacrifice. Sacrifice of my own ambitions. Sacrifice of the hateful machine that you profit from on a weekly basis. My point, yet again, was proven tonight.
TMCJ: While you thought it wise to select a mainstream, happy-go-lucky... SAFE... Elitist Hollywood movie star...
TMCJ: I sought to select a black sheep in this business. Someone else that's been taken down by your same ignorant, blind fanbase. I selected someone who would be motivated to help take down someone who only contributes to the level of vitriol he receives.
TMCJ: ...and as you saw... He was plenty motivated... Because he, like me... like many of us who have never been accepted by your society of mindless drones... Is motivated by more than money. More than acceptance. More than handshakes and crowd cheers.
The Man Called Joopiter scratches at his face as he gets closer and closer to the camera. He tears at his bodysuit, ripping away the silver and black, revealing his chest. His voice has grown to a frustrated screech.
TMCJ: We are motivated to prove... That just because we are ignored, pushed aside, and attacked because of our appearance or our ideals, that we are human beings.
TMCJ: Now? We are more. We have transcended the need for your trivial social acceptance... and we will find our future on our own merits.
TMCJ: ...and while I wasn't fortunate enough to be able to put you down myself like I wanted to...
TMCJ once again slicks his hair back and takes a deep breath. He closes his eyes before finishing his statement.
TMCJ: ...Your time is coming, Mark Reese. You cannot hide behind your generic, thoughtless internal anemic urges and behaviors for much longer. You surely cannot hide behind more drones like Justin Jehst, either.
TMCJ: I will see you soon... and I will beat you inside that ring you love so much... In front of all those people you love so much.
His eyes shoot open and take one more emotional look into the camera before walking away, tying his hair back as he finally exits the camera's view.
Previously Recorded
The scene opens with Valkyrie tied to a chair. Her face is covered with bruises and she looks barely conscious. Her eyes are now slowly opening.
Valkyrie: Where the… where am I…
She slowly looks around, still trying to regain her bearings. After a moment she notices she's in some sort of abandoned warehouse.
Valkyrie struggled to break free but to no avail. The sound of footsteps echo in the warehouse drawing closer to Valkyrie. Soon she feels a heavy object on her shoulder and the sound of Empress’ voice behind her.
Empress: Valkyrie-chan..nice to see you up and moving around. I was hoping those chair shots didn’t do too much damage before we could talk some more.
Empress walks around to the front of Valkyrie's chair while holding a bat to the side of Valkyrie's face. A group of guys in suits stand behind just barely in the light. Empress rubs the bat against Valkyrie’s cheek and smiles.
Empress: You know Valk I dreamt of this moment. I mean don’t get me wrong in my time here in OCW I have become somewhat of a Valkyrie fan. But, it seems like fate has put you and your parents right in my hands.
Valkyrie: You say you are a Valkyrie fan. You should know all the things I’ve been put through. And you should know what I’ve done to those who put me in these types of situations.
Valkyrie: Seems clear to me. This “mindgame” went way too far. This is your final warning. Tell me where they are and let me go.
Empress: Woah woah..for someone tied up in a chair you seem to be extremely bossy. Maybe we should rethink our positions in this little relationship.
Empress waves at one of the goons who shines a light on two people facing away from Valkyrie. Valkyrie notices the clothes right away as her parents.
Valkyrie: MOM! DAD!!
Valkyrie stares at the two off in the distance with excitement. But her enthusiasm is short lived as Empress skips over toward the parents twirling the bat around. Valkyrie’s eyes widen as she gets closer to them.
Empress: You see Valk or should I call you Sarah? You think all this is about a title. You think all this is about making a name for myself. But, Honey it’s not. I was a huge Valkyrie fan in the Indies I use to watch your matches back in Japan. I use to look up to your style being happy, colorful, and cheerful. Believing in fairy tales. I thought If she could do that I could. I worked my ass off day in and day out.
Empress begins wacking the two people with the bat with extreme anger over and over again.
Empress stops swinging the bat for a moment.
Empress: You know where all the hard work got me? Do you? It got me in the hospital with a bills I couldn’t pay. But luckily I had some friends watching over me who saw potential in me. Who helped me pay those bills and get better.
Empress swings the bat knocking one of the parents heads off.
Valkyrie: Jesus…
The head rolls over toward Valkyrie’s feet at close up it was a mannequin with a picture of her dad's face printed and attached to it, which contributed to make the scene even more creepy and disturbing. Empress Runs over and kicks the head across the room before plopping down on Valkyrie’s lap.
Valkyrie is flabbergasted and speechless.
Valkyrie: Listen… It’s not too late to go back. Let me go and tell me where they are. We can still fix this mess. It doesn’t have to go down this way!
While she is doing her best to distract Empress, Valkyrie successfully manages to grab a hairpin. She is now stealthily trying to use it to break free from the handcuffs
Valkyrie: Empress… How should I call you? You must have a first name, right? Everyone does! Please.
Empress:Empress is the only name you need to know bitch. I would love to stick around and watch you beg but, I have a dinner date with Ashley.
Empress hands the bat to one of one of the goons. She stands up and walks out of the warehouse.
Valkyrie starts panicking as the goon is closing in on her. She frantically looks around looking for a way to escape the situation, as she is still struggling with the hairpin.
She somehow manages to break free, but decides to wait for the perfect opportunity to catch the man by surprise.
The goon mutters something incomprehensible to her while swinging the bat minaciously. Valkyrie suddenly dashes toward, hitting him with a knee right in the gut. He collapses down to his knees, allowing her to disarm him with ease.
Valkyrie grabs him by the neck and forces him to sit down in the same chair she was held hostage up to a few moments ago.
Valkyrie: Now me and you are going to have a little conversation…
The camera fades as she slams the bat right into his left kneecap.
Jim Black is standing by Harvey Ocean’s locker room.
Jim: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! H2- I mean Harvey Ocean, has been seen going into his locker room at the start of the show but hasn’t been seen since.
Jim: We’re moments away from our Main Event this evening between him and the former CCW World Heavyweight Champion Code Jackman.
We hear the click of the door opening. Out comes the former OCW World Heavyweight Champion Harvey Ocean.
Jim Black is stunned by the refurbishment of H2O! H2O steps out of his locker room and in front of Jim Black while adjusting his arm sleeve pads.
Jim: Well, Harvey is good to see you back again!
H2O: Thanks, Jimbo. It’s nice to see me back too.
Jim: This must be an exciting time for you. For the first time ever you face an exclusive Turmoil opponent!
H2O:Who’s my opponent?
Jim gets thrown back a little bit by the question.
Jim: Uuuum, Code Jackman.
H2O:What’s his fin?
Jim: The Jack-In-The-Box.
H2O: Hmph, clever name. Where am I facing him?
Jim: Well, right here on Turmoil of course.
H2O smiles knowing his next question for Jim can have a tricky answer.
H2O:Why am I facing him?
Jim: …….
H2O: That’s the problem right there.
H2O: Nothing against this Code guy I’m facing but the fans wanted to see something three years in the making!
H2O: The battle between the valedictorian aka Head Rookie of 2017 and his runner up, Wrex.
Jim Black raises his eyebrows as H2O takes a cheap shot to his fellow classmate Wrex.
H2O: But he has dealings with Paul Pugh and we all know how annoying Pugh is when he has the hots for someone.
H2O: So the last question I guess I should say is How is H2O’s mindset now compared to recent weeks?
Jim: Ye-
H2O: Ah ah ah. Shhh. I’ll take it from here.
H2O: My mindset is stronger than it ever was. The only way to prove any of that is to just simply show you. Now if you could excuse me, Jimbo. It’s summertime and everyone is very thirsty this time of year.
H2O: So let me get out there and give Turmoil plenty of...
H2O: H…...2…….O!
H2O walks towards the stage in preparation for his match. Jim Black, who looks very excited to see H2O back, looks on as the scene fades.