The camera cuts to backstage as the production crew can be seen around one of OCW’s backstage crews giving a rundown of the action previous in the night.

Before they can get any further into the review in from the side walks Wrex holding a chair, with some brief words the crew leaves, all but the camera men. He folds out the chair and takes a seat ready to begin.

 Usually I’d have the rest of Scumciety with me to fill time before I make my points but I haven't seen them since Lution, so I guess I’ll try and make this short and sweet.

Wrex: But before I say anything, he isn’t here tonight.. Is he?

A voice from off camera can be heard giving confirmation.

 Good, I’d like to get through this before he seals the deal for good.

Wrex: Paul, I know the little game you’re trying to play here, I’ve played this one before too. Only difference here is the prize waiting for you isn’t made of gold. See I watched it all back, the match, your little show and the words when you stumbled up that ramp.

Wrex: You haven’t got much left, you said that yourself of course but even in your actions. It was plain as day, you snuck up on me, caught me off guard, aimed for the weak spot and you still couldn’t finish the job. 

Wrex: You’re not the wild animal backed in the corner like you say you are, you’re nothing more than the old dog, barking at the younger ones who can do everything it can but six times better, biting with whatever strength is left trying to fight the fact that its days are numbered and soon it’ll be nothing more than a name in the pages of history.

Wrex smiles to the camera.

 Nothing, nothing but that old dying dog.

Wrex: I’m going to be quick about this because frankly, I know what I’m about to say is going to fall on deaf ears, but they need to be said anyway, I respect you Paul Pugh.

Wrex: I respect what you’ve done, what you’ve built for people like me. And it's because of that respect I’m going to give you something I’ve never given anyone else.

Wrex: I am giving you one chance to just walk away, If you do I’ll treat this as nothing more than the old dog losing himself to its failing mind before realising its acting up and going on with its day.

Wrex: Do that and I’ll give you pity and leave It at that. But if you me bite again; I will take that old dog behind the shed…

He moves slightly closer.

 And I will bash that old dogs brains in like the rabid mutt it is.

He stops speaking for a moment, letting the words settle before he goes on. 

 I will make what I did to Austin Lee look like a Technical. Fucking. Masterpiece. Because I’ve been down this road more than once Paul, I have ended legends careers before, and I will have no problem doing It again.

Wrex: If I have to be the one to close the book on the history of Kid Ego then I’ll do it happily, fire that final shot, take that final bite and I’ll make my actions at Wrestlution look like a mercy killing. Take what's left of your legacy and leave like you should of on June third.

Wrex: Walk away Pugh, while you still can.

Wrex looks off screen to the right, telling the camera crew to cut the feed as the moment comes to its end.






