Cort is backstage at Riot 500, sampling the legendary spread at catering.
Cort: Gimme some of those battered shrimp, woman. The only thing about the chinese I love is the MSG in their food!
The OCW employee hands him the bowl and he dumps the entire thing onto his plate.
Cort: Whoever said not to eat before your match is an idiot. What’s the worst that could happen.
Cort turns to the person to his left, who’s wearing a nondescript hoodie.
Cort: Isn’t that right…
The Steve flips back his hood.
The Steve: Maybe.
The crowd pops and Cort lays his plate of prawns back on the table.
Cort: Steve... The.
The Steve: One and only.
The Steve releases the doves.
Cort: You ready for tonight?
The Steve: Yeah. The Steve was about to ask the same.
Cort: You were, huh? Well listen, El Steve-o, I’m never NOT ready.
I hope you’ve been doing cardio at the old folks home because I am going to have you running from pillar to post!
Above all else, make sure you wear a shirt out there.
It seems they feed you well at the home, and you don’t want to embarrass yourself.
The Steve scoffs.
The Steve: As far as The Steve can tell, you write a whole lot of checks that your ass can’t cash.
The Steve:
Maybe The Steve should page the current champ and have him beat you in 7 minutes again?
Cort narrows his eyes.
Cort: That won’t be necessary.
The Steve chuckles to himself.
The Steve: Hit a nerve, eh?
The Steve:
Listen...The Steve has been out of the business longer than you’ve been in it.
The Steve:
The Steve has forgotten more about the business than you’ll ever know.
The Steve:
Let The Steve impart some wisdom on you...never underestimate your opponent.
The Steve fakes an elbow at Cort, who flinches. The Steve smirks and walks off, while Cort stares venomously after him.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Talk about the New vs The Old! |
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I for one cannot wait! |
The Camera Pans Back To The Ring
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Good god! |
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She looks like Ripley From Aliens 3! |
Previously Recorded…
It’s a windy evening with a bit of snow showers. The typical kind of evening for this time of year in Denver, Colorado.
But inside this luxurious home a warm fire is lit. The warmth fills the entire den area of the home where Harvey’s family occupies. He stands over by the wall sized window that overlooks 5 acres of a beautiful grazed meadow.
H2O is met by his father who is coming down the stairs to talk to his son.
Dad2O: Not like The City. Is it Son?
H2O’s train of thought breaks. He then looks up the stairs and smiles at his father. His father returns it with a neutral look on his face.
H2O: Not at all.
It’s been a long time since he seen his Dad able to walk again. Not since the man with The 100 OVR Legs kicked him in the head not once but twice!
His father joins his side.
Dad2O: Your time has been very limited these days, son. Not a peep from you since before Christmas. Kneezus, before Halloween!
H2O, with only a subtle reaction, raises an eyebrow without even looking at his father.
H2O: Kneezus, Dad? Really?!
Dad2O: You’re not fooling anyone here, Son. You looked up to Tiberius Dupree. An idol unfortunately you had to face to get where you are now. You really don’t hate him. You just miss seeing him.
He’s right. (Exhales) My Dad is always right.
Dad2O looks over to his Son and finally smiles.
Dad2O: Now, I know what you’re thinking. You know that I’m right.
H2O: (Scoffs)
Dad2O: Fathers know what their kids are thinking just as much as their mothers do, Kid.
H2O: With all do respect, Dad. Please don’t call me Kid. There’s a certain someone that likes to call me that and he really gets under my skin.
His Dad tries to hold it in but laughs hysterically. H2O turns from the window and stares his Father down.
Dad2O: Oh, I see. You reached a new plateau and think you’re a hotshot now. Lemme tell you something, KID. You better listen to what Pugh and the rest of these vets tell you.
Dad2O: Don’t let this “Good Light” as you’d like to call it; change the way who you truly are is what he said. There’s always someone out there that can possibly….dim “The Light” out.
Harvey’s facial expression shows a level of disbelief.
H2O: I like to speak my confidence to existence. I don’t care if they don’t like me or not. My confidence is what got me here. Not arrogance.
Dad2O: Too much of something can also be detrimental to anything and anyone. At this point in the game you have to be smart.
Dad2O puts both of his hands on H2O’s shoulders to look him dead in the eyes.
Dad2O: Now it’s a war, Son. These men will fight each other tooth and nail to get, not to you, but to “The Good Light”.
Dad2O: Your speech on Riot will only touch those who are able to hold and retain that World Lightheavyweight Title of yours.
Dad2O: Guys like that Bobby Monino.
Dad2O: It’s time to dig a little deeper, Son. A piece of advice I can give you before you leave here tonight.
H2O: What’s that?
Dad2O: Don’t lose sight of your old friends. They know you better than most. Hell! Better than me and your mother these days.
H2O nods his head and is starting to understand his father's wise words.
Dad2O: Return home to them. If you cannot physically. At least here and here.
Dad2O points to Harvey’s head and chest.
Dad2O: Always remember you’re never left alone in this world. Once we leave this earth they’ll still be there for you.
Dad2O backs away and Mom2O comes downstairs into the den with hers sons belongings.
H2O takes his bags from her and places them down.
Mom2O: Thank you! Whew! Those were heavy.
H2O: You didn’t have to do that. I could’ve went upstairs and got them.
Mom2O: Oh please. It’s been so long since you been home you forgot who your mother is.
Mom2O: Did I hear something about old friends?
H2O: Yeah, The Old Man here just giving me some sound advice before the big show.
Mom2O: How’s you and Lucas these days?
Both of his parents wait patiently for an answer.
H2O: We’re on the same page now. He’s B2O’s bodyguard right now.
Mom2O: After everything Lucas has accomplished in that company you refer to him as just your bodyguard? Harvey, you can’t be serious?
Dad2O: See that’s what I’m talking about, Harvey. It’s time to go home and reignite a flame with an old friend. You need to match his energy so you two TOGETHER can burn that place down.
The limo arrives in front of The Ocean residence. Harvey grabs his bags and proceeds to the door.
His whole mood completely changes.
Dad2O: Did you get anything from what we talked about tonight?
Harvey stops at the front door and turns around to face them.
H2O: What I got tonight is something I didn’t know I needed - Support from my roots. Tonight you dug into me, Pop.
H2O: You dug into a place I haven’t been in quite some time. Coming here to this place gave me clarity.
H2O: Now I’m going home to an old friend that’ll give me some of his...Ambition to continue the fight.
Mom2O walks over to the door to give her son a hug and fixes his collar.
Mom2O: You tell Lucas I said Hi now, you hear? And what is that on your neck? I see it says Freedom?
H2O: Yes, it’s a broken barcode with Freedom written underneath. I’m no longer doing what the system wants me to do. I do and say whatever I want - hence why it’s on my neck. I’m flying, Mother.
Dad2O: ...and don’t forget...don’t let that title change you who you truly are Son. YOU are the one that can change that title.
Harvey nods and salutes his Father on his way out the door.
Mom2O: You think he gets it.
Dad2O: I haven’t seen a look like that on his face since ‘99. He got it.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Shouldn't this be at the.. |
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Shhhh it was all a dream, You used to read Word Up Magazine, Salt N Pepa up in the limosine! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Broken bodies everywhere! |
The scene opens in the arena with one of Turmoils most notorious tag teams standing in the ring, the paper champs themselves; Code Terror.
Code Jackman: This night... this night... well this night sucks!
Tay Terror: We had to get into the arena by buying a nosebleed ticket and we still made it into the ring!
Code Jackman: Luckily we had a camera guy with us at the time. Just look what happened.
***A clip that was recorded from earlier in the day plays on the Xtron as Code Terror were walking into the arena.***
Code Jackman: Look at this Tay. We are here outside the arena and there is a doorkeeper waiting for us to come in.
Tay Terror: It’s about time people recognize who we are and what we have become.
Doorkeeper: Sorry only wrestlers are allowed through this entrance.
Code and Tay look at each other, perplexed by the door man's ignorance.
Tay Terror: Are you kidding me? Do you know who we are?
Code Jackman: We are the tag team champions. Well, I mean, the best tag team in the world.
Doorkeeper: I am sorry but you are not allowed back here.
Code Jackman: Is there a list or something that we could be on that you have to check. I mean, the sun could have been hitting your head for an awful long time.
Tay Terror: Or this boot can.
Tay super kicks the doorkeeper.
Code Jackman: I did not even want to go in this door.
The scene ends up going back to the ring where Code Terror stand with a big smirk on both of their faces.
Code Jackman: See, Tay had to super kick some poor “Doorkeeper”. He kind of looked like Ricky “The Baby Dragon”.
Tay Terror: Look Code, the bouncers are here to take us out of our ring.
Security guards begin to make their way down the ramp of the arena. Before they can cover much ground, the theme song of Joseph Diamond and Frankie Highwood fills the arena to a less than favorable response.
These poor fans cannot buy a likeable tag team.
Highwood: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there, boys. We can take it from here. I think the both of yo-
Code Jackman cuts Frankie off..
Code Jackman: How the hell did you all get an invitation to be here and we didn’t?
Highwood: Oh, Code. I think you have more important things to worry about.
Diamond: You two may have caught us off guard - after all we can’t resist the camera - but don’t think that you’ll be able to one up us again.
Tay Terror: Just so you know, you will not be taking our titles by stealing them or beating us because we are the best tag team in the world!
By this time, Diamond and Highwood have made their way past security and are now standing at the base of the ramp, looking at their opponents for Turmoil 200.
Diamond: Oh, but we did-
As Joseph begins to talk an unfamiliar tune begins playing through the arena speakers, slowly building to a hyped up hip hop track.
Capos voice fills the room as he is followed by Justin Jehst, both with mic’s in hand.
Capo: I’mmmmmm baaaaaaaackk! And I brought Drama with me…
DRAMa DRAMa DRAMa chants fill the room.
Code Jackman: What in the hell do you two have to do with this?
Tay Terror: Shouldn’t you be at the gym or working on your fake spray tan?
Capo: Tay, Tay, Tay…..Nobody is kicking cans of cherry hair dye out of your hands….*scumbag laugh*
Capo: Funny but if my biceps get any bigger….
Capo flexes for the audience…
Capo: Then I’m gonna get an even smaller shirt that barely fits anyways….Just for the ladies——whom alllllll came out to see ME tonight…Aint that right ladies?
The crowd laughs and women scream in approval.
Code Jackman: Seriously though, what are you doing out here? Can't you see we are
talking to a couple of misfits?
Capo looks over at Frankie and Joseph.
Capo: Hey guys, if you missed the memo, The Village People reunion is next weekend.
Crowd laughs fill the arena.
Jehst: Oh they definitely missed the memo!
The crowd’s laughter continues.
Jehst: Look guys, Capo and I, we’ve got a bucket list a mile long, but it doesn’t include “yapping to four schmucks on live TV”; and unfortunately, to get ourselves thrown in the mix, it’s just something we need to do.
Jehst: Ya see, me and Capo are two of the hardest working guys in this company. Sure, we’ve had our ups and downs and taken our lumps, but our two mugs make this company more money than the four of you combined!
The OCW Universe loves us, management loves the dosh we bring in, it’s all good for us! And I know Sensation wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to have two enormous crowd favorites such as ourselves sell out an arena full of fans wanting to see us stomp and punch our way through all of your trash bag asses!
The crowd pops huge at Jehst’s suggestion.
Capo: You see the difference between us, and them----I mean look at them---
Capo: Now Look at us!!…..We look like Money, and they look like-----Counterfeits…
Capo: When we enter it’s:
Jehst: Paparazzi flashes!!!
Capo: ALL GOLD EVERYTHING... Look at us…
Jehst: SHINING!!
Capo: Rolex’s!
Capo: Gucci!
*both superstars point mics back at the sold out RIOT crowd*
Crowd: SOCKS!!....
Capo: Look at them…..Cotton-Terry cloth---Tye Dye…..
Jehst: They are not what true champions are made of! And I'm not saying it's the money that makes us great, no sir, no way, but the money is the payoff for our efforts here in O…C…W!!
The crowd pops huge...
Jehst: So just know, that when you four are done trading blows, we’re gonna be coming for you, but more specifically, the title of Tag Team Champions of the World!
Code Jackman Right first you will have to beat us for them and as of right now you have to wait in line because good ole Diamond Wood or Wood Diamond or what every they call themselves are going to get beat first then maybe, just maybe we will allow you two to challenge us.
Tay Terror: Just so you know we are the Tag Team Champions and we are the best in the world
Code Terror raises up their titles and turn towards the crowd and their backs towards the others out there and Joseph Diamond and Frankie Highwood attack Code Terror from behind.
In this process they take the tag team titles again from Code Terror and run through the crowd of the area to make their exit.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well then! |
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Now that's a fine how do ya do! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Woah momma! |
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He did it! |
Scene opens inside of a local DMV. The camera pans the room & it’s north of 30 people in attendance. White husky female DMV clerk begins to speak.
Clerk- DominiCobra?!
The camera zooms around the room until it finds OCW Gamer of the year. He has a big box wrapped in Sonic XMas gift placed across his lap.
AC- Not again.(face palms)
Clerk- DominiCobra paging DominiCobra to the front.
AC rolls his eyes, stands up & places the box under left arm pit.
AC- It’s just AC
Clerk- Yeah, come on before you’re late for your driving test!
AC quickly rushes towards the back for driving test.
Scene Fades
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This will not go well! |
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I'm sure it will be fine! |
Captain walks into the catering room which is filled with OCW superstars, both past and present. He walks over and fixes him a small Arnold Palmer and then stands in the corner to scan the room.
Captain: There's more STD's, sexually abused children, and mentally unstable people in this room than all hospitals combined in this city.
Captain takes another sip.
Captain: But no B17. How is it even possible to hid that very large head...
Captain crumbles his cup and throws it in the trash as he walks out the room to continue his search.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The search continues! |
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Wu-Tang |