The Camera pans to ramp as an old nostalgic tune hits and the duo of Scaggs and Poling head down to the ring!! The packed crowd roars in excitement and begins to chant "OCW" OCW" "OCW"
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Welcome Everyone To Riot 500! |
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We finally made it! |
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We here now!!! |
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We have an Amazing show for you tonight! Thrills, chills, spills and much more STRAP IN for a Special 2 Night Event. |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
The crowd continues to buzz as Riot 500 continues. The remaining B20 members have hit the ring. Dimsmore removes the mask covering his face but leaves the towel on his head.
Dimsmore heads over to retrieve the mic from the ring announcer and begins to pace around the ring.
Meanwhile, Harvey is soaking in the admiration while standing still in the center of the ring. A bright white spotlight shines on just the OCW World Lightheavyweight Title.
It’s very safe to say he’s proud to be standing alongside with one his long time mentor and most of all, friend.
The music winds down and the arena lights come back on as Harvey makes his way towards the turnbuckle to sit on. He detaches what looks to be a red bandana from his jacket and twirls it around his finger.
The mood of B2O feels very different. Very old. Very tradition and to many, very new. The crowd chants…
Dimsmore stops to speak and the crowd immediately pipes down to listen.
Dimsmore: Tonight should be about reminiscing. Tonight should be about accomplishing a feat that no other promotion in this great sport of Professional Wrestling has even come close to.
Dimsmore: Tonight we should be celebrating the 500th episode of the flagship of Online Championship Wrestling. We should be talking about all of the great moments that have happened over these 500 episodes.
Dimsmore: But while all of you are afforded the opportunity to do such things….
While H2O is able to experience some of those moments for the first time, while at the early stages of creating his own moments for the next 500 episodes….
I can not.
Dimsmore strolls around the ring. He’s stroking his beard. Seems like he’s trying to choose his words carefully.
Dimsmore: I can not partake in any of that due to the blatant and and utter disrespect that was said by the one man at the forefront of these 500 episodes of Riot.
A man that has had a lack of institutional control at times.
Dimsmore: A man that, to this damn day, has not fully embraced the greatest era to ever grace an OCW ring….
The Ambition Era.
Do remember, you came to US during The Great Moonlighting of 2011.
And the foundation of the OCW we know and love today was set. WE set that in motion.
Dimsmore: But that’s not even where the disrespect comes from. I have come to terms with never being accepted in your eyes. That’s the foundation that we were built on.
No one accepted us. We did everything for our own enjoyment.
Dimsmore walks over to the ropes near the hard camera and rests his forearms on the top rope. He looks around for a second before directing his eyes to the hard cam.
Dimsmore: You want to throw jabs at me? Fine.
You want to remind me of my failures at Lution, especially when Parker Stevens dismantled me? Whatever.
Dimsmore: But when you choose to bring up my kids on your Desk podcast, when you chose to disrespect them in defense of some jabloke who is back trying to make a name for himself once again, you crossed the line.
Dimsmore: So on the strength of them, I now have to ruin your life.
And I guarantee you, that Jaysin Clinton Sensation will not make it to Riot 1000, 750…. Hell he won’t make it to Riot 501.
As Dimsmore completes his verbal onslaught towards Our Hero. He nods to his partner to begin his.
H2O bops his head up and down as he feels the mood of The Universe cheer for B2O. A mood he could not wait to share with his comrade.
H2O hops down from the turnbuckle and walks back to the center of the ring. He places the top of his teeth to the bottom of his lips and….
H2O: (Whistles)
His mic slowly descends from above and hangs in front of Harvey and stops in front of his face. H2O tilts his head to the side and smiles.
H2O: We’rrrrrrre baaaaaaack…..
Crowd pops as H2O takes a few steps away from the mic. He then steps back and takes the red bandana and ties it in a knot around the microphone wire.
H2O: You all are probably wondering just what in the hell is Harvey doing with this dirty, sweaty, musty, salt watered bandana.
H2O: H2O is pretty sure his Paradise Lovers that sit in the front row on this arena was wondering if that was him or Dimsmore smelling like that coming down to that very aisle.
Dimsmore smells his armpits and shakes his head “No” it wasn’t him. He points his finger to H2O and Harvey shakes his head very much the same way Dimsmore did and points to the bandana.
H2O: It wasn’t either one of us I promise you. It was this rag, mop attachment...whatever. I took it from a person that you can take those same adjectives to describe this thing and use it for…
H2O: Blackbeard….
A domino effect of “Oh” circles the arena.
H2O: As for Harvey’s next opponent; I’ll take something that is endearing from him tonight!
H2O scratches his head. He turns around to look at Dimsmore and some words that were inaudible were spoken. Harvey just shrugs and returns to the mic.
H2O: There’s really nothing you have that’s really worth keeping as a souvenir. Nothing worthy anyway. No achievements, no history, and not even an article of clothing.
H2O: You’re dead to OCW...Bobbay. You’re nothing more than a partially faded memory that got a glimpse of H2O’s Good Light.
He points with his thumbs towards The World Lightheavyweight Title.
H2O: You are nothing more than a child in a grown mans world. No one put out an APB. No one cared to put up an Amber Alert. Hell, you didn’t even make it to the milk carton.
H2O: You remind me of some of those characters in that children’s movie. What’s it called, Dimz? The Book of Life?
Dimsmore shrugs.
H2O: It’s about people who are dead are trying to get people who are alive, moving on and achieving their dreams to remember them. If they fail to get people to remember them they turn to ashes.
H2O pulls out a lighter and burns Blackbeard’s bandana. He drops it onto the mat and watch it burn for a moment and then stomps it out leaving it half burnt.
H2O: Ashes to ashes...Dust to dust…
H2O: Just like that! Blackbeard is forgotten because of who……
Universe: H-2-O!
H2O: The same is going to happen to you...Bobbay. You’re dead to OCW. H2O is going to take YOUR disgusting bandana as well and burn it. Along with….
H2O: Your #1 Contendership reign.
H2O: Tonight the carrier of The Good Light is going to snatch your position as #1 Contender and make sure to burn it so that you’ll NEVER be remembered again!
Dimsmore hypes up The Universe and the fans cheer. H2O still stands there unmoved.
H2O: Dimz, any last words for Our Hero?
Dimsmore: You have to answer for what you have done Sensation. And tonight, I settle all family business.
Dimsmore drops the mic as his theme begins to play. Dimsmore drops down and rolls under the bottom rope to sit on the apron.
H2O climbs up on the second rope just above Dimsmore, removes his title from his waist and holds it above his head for all to see. We pan back to Scaggs and Poling as they make their way back up the entrance ramp.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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B20 is set to unload! |
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Capo makes his way over to the locker rooms where he finds #Austin Lee….
Capo: HEY #Austin!! Can we have 2 seconds of your time please?
#Austin Lets out a sigh: Sure, not like I have a big match coming up.
Capo: Your opponent has solidified himself. He has proved to be one of the fiercest competitors on any card he is placed on.
What are we looking to see differently out of you tonight? Have you prepared?
#Austin: Nothing, going to do what I do best.
Slow the match down and punch him in the face over and over till I get my hand raised.
Capo: There are rumors out that you are not built to last against the tenacious Kassidy Hayes.
Let alone hold on to the CCW World Heavyweight Championship for much longer.---Care to speak to those doubters?
#Austin: Doubters will never go away, the more success you have the more that will show up.
Capo: Any other matches you are checking for tonight?
#Austin: I'm only here to find out who I defend my title against.
I have no intrest in anything else on this show.
I don't care Riot has been 500 episodes, nor do I care for my match. This title is my only care in the world
#Austin: Day in and day out this is what I focus on. Keeping this where it belongs and the Dreams of all these people alive.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Looks like Austin has his priorities in order! |
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You damn right! |
Jim: We are live for Riot 500! We’re inside OCW Studios and we have The Harbinger of Death Heather Angelo scheduled for an interview via satellite for our safety purposes.
A split screen shot of Heather and Jim appears. It shows Heather stroking her fingers thru her hair.
Jim: Good evening, Heather!
Heather: Jim. Pleasure to hear you.
Jim: Likewise! Now you finally get to square off against Rose Tyler; a new OCW Bombshell with attitude. For some strange and unknown reason she picked a fight with you in a hair vs hair match?!
Jim: Now why on earth would she want to do that?
Heather: Everyone wants to make a name for themselves. She called me out and I answered by almost taking her head off on the last Riot and she was never seen again.
Heather: I made plans on doing the same thing time. This time these hands will not miss.
There seems to be some feedback and static coming from Heather’s end of line.
Jim: Hey Heather? We seem to be losing connection. Can you hear us?
Heather is rolling her shoulders back a snapping her neck from side to side. She then stops and stares into the camera.
The feed comes in and out of fuzziness and Heather breathes. Heather seems to be different as she seem to be transforming before our very eyes.
Heather: She can’t hear you right now?
Jim: What do you mean, She?
Heather laughs demonically.
Heather: Rose Tyler….you’re mine!
Heather rips out the earpiece and and walks off the set. The feed comes back in crystal clear after she leaves.
Jim: Well folks as you can see it’s always difficult to get and interview in with Ms. Angelo...or...whoever that was we were talking to.
Jim: Ladies and gentleman stay tuned for the hair vs hair match between Rose Tyler and Heather Angelo….and Rose Tyler...
Jim: God bless….
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This ones gonna be brutal! |
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I can't wait! |
Crowd roars can be heard very audibly over Capo...
Capo: Tonight we are backstage and gonna get up close and live with your favorite wrestlers from around OCW. OH WAIT, HURRY--IT’S KASSIDAY HAYES!!
Kassidy stops making his way to gorilla, turns to Capo and adjusts his OCW World Heavyweight Championship, tucking his cut shirt under it.
Capo: Kass, you have a very big match tonight, How do you feel about your opponent?
Kassidy: This isn’t a big match, contrary to everyone’s belief, this is just another match.
Austin may have jumped brands and became Champion but he hasn’t ever pinned our shoulders to the mat and that won’t change tonight.
Capo: OOF!! Spoken like a World Heavyweight Champion!!! Are you sure you are ready for this match against the well trained, and conservative opponent in Austin Lee?
Kassidy: We are and always have been Better than Austin and without either Championship on the line, this is more of a sparring session out there.
We will get a sweat going at Austin’s expense and show everyone why Our Hero and staff kept us out of the Road 2 Gold tournament.
They don’t want TTT to run this place.
Capo: What does it mean to be a champion?
Kassidy: It means one thing, That we are Better than everyone in the locker room; We don’t care if you are a Legend, Hall of Famer, or your name is Ortiz, We are Better than you.
We represent OCW while we wear this title and we show OCW that we are dominant.
No one has been able to step to us since we won this championship and no one will be able to because we are just that god damn Better.
Capo: Any other matches you are watching tonight? Predictions?
Kassidy: There is only one match we care about beyond our own, I will watch Ryu trash who ever steps up to his open challenge.
Kassidy hears his music and continues to gorilla..
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He did it! |
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That's how you send a message! |
2 weeks ago...
...The staff slap his face in an attempt to check on him, with more people coming into the room to check on him as the news spreads. Chaos erupts in the backroom as Quartz is unresponsive and beaten.
RIOT Staff member, nearest Quartz: "Can we get some help in here? This guy needs some help in here!!!"
The man leaps from his position and shouts out of the door, revealing a crew of medical staff rushing down the west side hallway.
As shouting from the medical staff continue down the hall, many OCW stars pass by and peer into the locker room, confused about the commotion.
After several minutes of no response from Quartz, a crew hastily enter the locker room area with a yellow stretcher.
RIOT Staff member: "Can you two stop gaping? Worry about helping him!"
Their response to the surrounding room is one of confusion and angst, as lockers lie on their sides, equipment and chairs thrown about the room and mirrors hang above shattered glass on the floor.
The staff lift the lifeless Quartz onto the stretcher and begin rolling him out of the destroyed and eerie locker room.
As they leave, the wheels slowly roll over a torn piece of white clothing, a sleeveless hooded jacket, donning half of a familiar logo and the word "LEGENDARY" cut off at the tear.
The image is zoomed into before we cut back to Quartz being rushed into the back of an ambulance, still unconscious.
As the camera slowly zooms from the backstage area into Quartz face... His eyes are shut, mouth just open, breathing heavily in his unconscious state.
The loud noise of an ambulance siren jerk up as the staff work to treat the bruises and use smelling salts just left of view. Quartz' eye is blackened, bruised and swollen. His hair is torn on the right side, above the ear and his lip busted, bleeding slightly.
Background shouting: "We've got a head wound! Multiple abrasions! Get me..."
The voice and clamoring from the back of the ambulance cab fade out, leaving only the sounds of a very loud siren playing over the shot of Quartz face, gently rolling and bouncing around.
Quartz eyes suddenly pop open and he lets out a massive gasp. The sound of the siren suddenly stops as he jerks into consciousness.
We zoom out to find RIOT 500 logos on the chest of a man tending to Quartz on a bench. Quartz looks around suddenly, seemingly regaining his mental faculties.
The RIOT 500 staff member snaps up at this sudden movement, we now see him holding a large roll of bandages in one hand and Quartz signature PRISTINE SUNGLASSES in the other.
RIOT 500 Staff: "You okay, pal? Did I getcha'?"
Quartz: "Wha -- No. No, it's fine. Sorry 'bout that."
The man continues to patch up Quartz, who is shown to have many large bruises on his torso and arms. His left hand and knuckles badly bruised and his eye still swollen and purple.
Staff: "You sure you want to do this? You're really not in any shape to fo--"
Quartz: "I don't need the lecture, Tom. Just bandage me, please."
Tom, Staff member: "Look, Quartz. I get what you're trying to do, but this macho man attitude isn't going to win you over."
Quartz: "This is RIOT 500, Tom. Do you understand that? Can you even fathom the stage I made it to, here?"
Tom: "Yeah yeah, saving OCW and all. This would be the stage. Is that what you want me to tell you? Well, I still think it's reckless. You're lucky I'm even doing this. You know if the guys upstairs knew what shape you were in, you'd never get cleared."
Tom: "... I'm shocked they bought that terrible impression over the phone of the doctor."
Quartz: "I'm fine... and yes Tom, I do appreciate it.. I know you could get in trouble and I promise I will make it up to you as soon as I can."
Tom: "Hey man, I only do it because I love you. You know I do right? I just care about your well being."
Quartz: "Jesus, Tom. What's with the cheesy crap? You done already? Hurry it up. My fans are waiting on me."
Tom leans away from the beaten OCW rookie and stands up. He checks the remaining areas before shaking his head in disbelief.
Quartz: "Don't criticize me, Tom. I need to do this. There are people counting on me to put on the greatest show in the world tonight and I won't disappoint those same fans I came here for in the first place.... Thank you for this. I will not forget it."
Tom: "Ijitu..."
Tom's voice changes drastically, now sounding deeper and raspier than before.
Tom: "You impress me more and more every single day, you know that? Every single time I watch you come down to the ring. I know you don't like to hear it, but I am so proud of you and what you have become."
Quartz stands up and begins putting on his elbow pads and wrist bands over top of the padded bandages and bruises. He fastens his tights and clamps on a massive knee brace over his left knee.
Tom: "Because no matter what, I will always be here for you, whether you want me to or not..."
Tom's hand can be seen touching Quartz shoulder. Quartz, seeming annoyed, jerks around to snap at his friend. As he snaps his head around, he sees Tom briefly, now taller and wearing a blue mask with a large overcoat.
Quartz slams his eyes shut, re-opening them after a few seconds and putting his hands up towards Tom.
Quartz: "What are...!"
Quartz eyes open quickly and he finds the room completely empty, with Tom and his voice completely disappearing.
He looks around the room, seeing and hearing nothing but the roar of the crowd as they prepare for RIOT 500.
Quartz looks up at his hands and sees that he is holding a large roll of bandages in one hand and his PRISTINE SUNGLASSES in the other.
He frantically throws the bandages away from himself and looks around the room paranoid, before looking down at his glasses and slowly putting them on his face.
His usual smug grin is now replaced with an angered, determined glare as he storms out of the locker room, leaving the empty bench behind.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Hmm... |
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This don't feel right! |
Captain walks into the back of the arena. There is a lot of hustle and bustle going on with people every where. There's more activity and production in this one night than most pay-per-views.
Captain takes in the scene and finds himself filled with awe and respect for what the OCW and Riot has accomplished in the Wrestling Entertainment Industry. Then it hits him.
Why he's here. He has a mission and tonight might be the night that he can complete it. As Captain ponders his mission, a production assistant for Riot walks by.
Captain: Excuse me, but have you seen B-17?
Assistant takes off his headset looking frustrated: Who?
Captain: Turmoil Superstar - B17.
Assistant: I have no clue what you're talking about. I don't even know who you are.
That assistant quickly walks off to finish his job, leaving Captain Alex left to continue his search.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Search. |
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The Saga Continues. |