The Scene Opens inside a limousine where Sammy sits with his arms spread
Sammy: Ladies and Gentlemen I have arrived! And I’m arriving in style! Style suiting the greatest wrestler of all time! I would tell you all how much this delightful automobile costs but let’s be honest you peasants wouldn’t be able to afford it anywa-
The Limo suddenly jolts as it stops causing Sammy to look towards the driver angrily
Sammy: Hey! Why are we stopping you idiot we haven’t reached my red carpet yet!
Driver: I..I’m sorry sir it’s just there’s an obstruction in the way-
Sammy: It better be a good one!
Sammy quickly exits the Limo and marches to the front of the limousine
Sammy: Unbelievable you get the best wrestler of all time and you can’t even give his Limousine a clear path-...
Sammy’s voice dies out as the camera slowly pans to Valkyrie’s white motorcycle parked in the road, the camera pans back to Sammy as he looks around in confusion and shouts
Sammy: Hey! Who’s parked their stupid overgrown tricycle in my way!
Valkyrie: Tricycle you say?
Valkyrie shows up, still wearing the Riot 500 Backstage Axxess t-shirt
Valkyrie: This is a Harley Davidson XLCH Ironhead, you know. It’s way faster than your shining limo.
Sammy: This rusty old tricycle is a joke! Get this piece of trash out of my way, now.
Valkyrie: Yes sir, mister limo.
Valkyrie hops on her bike and starts the engine
Sammy shakes his head at her as she sits on the bike wiping his hands in disgust before waving her away
Sammy: Well what are you waiting for? Get out of here quickly and I might not make you carry my bags!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well thats not nice! |
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No it aint! |
H2O sits in his new comfy locker room that looks more of a lounge. That’s the kind of reward you get when you’re a champion. H2O sits there in shock of the outcome of a brutal match.
There’s a knock at the door.
H2O: Who’s it now?
Harvey rolls his and gets up from the couch to answer the door.
As he draws near he hears someone singing on the other side of the door….
Wrists, dancing, sink your ship, Titanic
My clique full of bandits, grind for that lettuce sandwich...
H2O quickly opens the door and it’s…
H2O: Dude! H2O is so glad to see you! Come in! Have a seat, a drink, some cigars. Make yourself at home.
H2O: Are you coming back? B2O needs you, Best Friend.
Before Baker could even answer, Baker looks towards the doorway. He signals Harvey with a head motion to also look that way.
Harvey’s body language turn from happy to ready for combat.
Kassidy Hayes stands in the doorway hauntingly while locking eyes at BOTH Baker and H2O.
Kassidy: What do we have here?
Kassidy takes a step inside the locker room,
Kassidy: A sub par locker room for a sub par Champion, not only are we better than both of you but our locker room is as well but that isn’t surprising.
H2O steps forward towards THEE OCW World Heavyweight Champion.
H2O: H2O could care less about his locker or even your locker room, “Big Match” Kass. haven’t had a “Big Match” since yours truly.
Kassidy: I….
H2O: Before you say something. I know you’ve beaten Harvey. Even injured my leg. But there’s something you still haven’t done.
H2O: You never had The Good Light…..Since you’re….
H2O looks Kass up and down. He puts his finger over his nose as if he stinks.
H2O: ...vampin’ these days. Trying to obtain H2O’s Good Light would be hazardous to your health. Wouldn’t you say, Best Friend?
Baker steps up side by side with H2O. Kassidy is met by B2O face to face now. Kass is still unwavered from either of them.
Baker: ….
Before Baker can say anything Kass jimmy taps Baker and proceeds to laugh as Baker lets out a squeal,
Kassidy: We can not be intimidated by what was once a little brother to us and as for your “Good Light”, sounds like one of the fake artifacts our fasha has told us about.
Kass smirks,
Kassidy: We don’t need any “Good Light”, we possess something stronger, a real artifact,
H2O: The only art that’s a fact is Harvey’s ability to fly. You’re the only thing that’s fake around here.
Kassidy: No the only thing fake around here is you holding a championship but Boberto Minioso will likely fix this glitch in reality.
Baker: Dingleberry. You’re faker than Nicki Minaj’s booty cheeks. In my heart that title is still my fathers.
Kassidy: I hope your father got you a decent seat in the crowd for Wrestlution so you can watch him lose to my Fasha and watch us defend this title against any poor sap that gets placed in front of us.
Kassidy turns around and walks out of the B20 locker room,
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Is he just gonna wander around and trash everyone? |
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It the TRASH WAY! |
* Kat pulls up with the wheels screeching. She jumps out of the car looking for someone. Stacey Clark runs up.*
Stacey: Oh my God , Kat who are you looking for?
* Kat strikes two of the ring crew. Stacey backs up*
Kat : Who am I looking for !
Kat: Who am I looking for?
Kat: I've given management 3 weeks to rectify the mistake they made.
Kat: Her foot was not on the rope.
Kat: So somebody needs to fix this or the thots in this company are going to get ripped apart.
Kat: First I get shafted by a dope head.
Kat: Now this mess.
Kat: If they don't fix it , I will!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Kat's back! |
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And boy is she pissed! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Holy crap! |
Many wrestlers, managers and the like have performed for the masses that have watched Riot over the years. Here are a few of their words and thoughts about the milestone that is Riot 500.
“500 beers, 500 joints, 500 ways to catch these hands but 500 episodes of Riot?!…. Gottdam!” - Eerie Sunshine
“Riot is the Masta of Mastas, was my honar to serve.” - Rufus Ruckingston the THUD
“Riot’s mustache is 500 episodes long?! Even I’m impressed..” - Natoli Joe
“I remember when Mr. Sensation first welcomed me to Riot, he told me I was just paying rent.” - Jessica Jessie
“Mo...Mo….Mo...RIOT! Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm” - Mo’ Cream
“500 shows of botching every variation of the Pepperton Plunge and Pepperton Sleeper imaginable. My father, his father and his father’s father are turning in their graves right now.” - Wes Pepperton
“Rock on Rock on Riot” - The Estate of Ace Angel
“With all the state laws, federal regulations and constitutional rights that have been violated in just the few years I was employed, surprised they reach it this far. Extraordinary to say the least.” - Odessa Ebony
“That gold at the end of the rainbow, that’s Riot.” - Lucky O’Donnell
“Everything was always great about Riot, except Lotus, **** Lotus man.” - Chuck the cameraman
“It hits hard and never stays down, that’s the way of the Old Country” - Ox Nelson Jr.
“Only thing bigger than Riot 500 is DEEEEEEEEEEEZ NUTZ!” - Buddy Burns
After those choice words Riot 500 logo appears across the screen as we fade to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Round IV
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Another Classic! |
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Time Capsule Style! |
AC is standing outside in an empty parking lot. A silver Honda can be seen pulling up near AC. He waves his right hand signaling the driver to stop.
Driving Instructor-(rolls window down) Hey, AC! I’ll be your instructor today, my name is Alexis.
The driver gets out & enters the passenger seat as AC gets in the driver seat. He places the big box on his thigh as he enters the car.
Alexis- Cobra, I’m afraid that box won’t be able to be....
Before she can finish, AC begins to rip open the box.
AC quickly dismantles the car steering wheel & places the video game simulator wheel in its place. A big grin and excitement can be seen on AC face.
AC- This is going to be a piece of cake. You might want to buckle up, this is going to be just like Forza.
The instructor nervously puts her seat belt on & begins to pray. AC snatches the car in drive and he begins to lose control of the car.
AC- Ugh.... do you have reset button for this?!
Alexis-Slow down!!! You’re going to hit....
The car crashes into a light pole that’s in the parking lot. AC puts the car in park.
AC- So... Ugh... How I do?
The instructor face instantly turns red & she pulls a red market out her back pocket.She writes “Game Over” on AC score sheet & his head drops.
AC- Is it too late to ask for a hard reset?
The instructor face palms
Scene Fades
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Man you need to get it together! |
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Captain Alex walks out of the locker room after searching for B17 and coming up empty. He finds one of the Riot workers to see if they have seen B17.
Captain: B17.
Worker: I am sorry?
Captain: B17, have you seen him tonight?
Worker: Wait, I know who you are. Ya, you're Captain Alex.
Captain: Yes, I am, now have you seen B17?
Worker: Wait, didn't you retire or something?
Captain: Like every good entertainer before me and every good entertainer after me, retirement only means I don't travel to house shows.
Captain: Listen, you are distracting me from my course. I am looking for B17.
Worker: I haven't seen him, I am sorry.
Captain: I have a message for him.
Woker looks around, wondering why this conversation is still continuing.
Worker: I am sorry, I haven't seen him. I know he has a ma...
Captain: He needs to know that I still haven't forgotten about what he did to Cacti Gauge at the Clash 17.
Worker: Ohhhhk...
Captain: It may not be tonight.
Worker: Surly it won't be tonight, you're not bo...
Captain: It may not be next week, or even next year.
Captain is now in the face of the worker, pointing his very long and boney finger right in his face.
Captain: But one day, I will pay him back and redeem the honor of my fallen friend and Club member.
Captain walks off leaving the worker stunned by what just happened.
Worker: What the...
Captain steps right back in his face abruptly.
Captain: Enjoy the show!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well then! |
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Vengence is his! |
Harvey is seen walking briskly down the main corridor backstage with all his personal belongings and The Good Light STILL in his possession strapped around across his chest.
You can hear someone crying from a distance. As he continues to walk the crying gets louder and louder and….
Heather: Harvey?
Heather is wearing a hoodie to cover her horrific haircut. She places her hands over her face and lunges into Harvey.
H2O doesn’t know what to do. Either hug her or move along. So he just stands there showing no emotion.
Heather: Harvey, look at me?
Heather removes her hood and reveals her new look. H2O face is still neutral as it can be.
H2O: What is there to look at?
Heather steps back with a shocked look on his face. Harvey just raises an eyebrow and stares into her eyes.
Heather: Harvey, please just talk to me? Ple-
Harvey steps in close to The Harbinger of Death and stares into her eyes like she does her victims.
Heather looks back with hurt and tears in her eyes. Something we don’t EVER see from her.
H2O: Now you want to talk? When I’m making a name for myself you want to talk? You didn’t want to talk back then. You left me to be with not one but TWO champions that despised me!
H2O steps back to wipe his hand over his mouth just to take a moment to calm himself down.
H2O: They’re gone now cause of enhancements they took. You fell for guys who weren’t even real, authentic or even genuine as H2O.
H2O: You’re just realizing it now? You didn’t realize it when I was in pain though. You only care about yourself and your success when I LOST A FRIEND OUT THERE TONIGHT!!!!
H2O closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath and exhales.
H2O: You know what, Heather? I know you don’t even care. But you want my sympathy for your loss tonight?
Heather: Harvey, I just want us to be friends ag-
H2O: You look good! It fits you. I like how ugly it looks. It fits the person who’s wearing it. NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE!!!!
You can hear the arena boo Harvey as he walks away from Heather leaving her there in her feelings.
Harvey walks to a nearby exit. It’s a stairway leading to a private exit out of the arena. He stops midway down the stairs and checks his pockets as if he almost forgot something.
He pulls Bobby Minio’s bandana out of his pocket. He attaches his newly acquired souvenir to his jacket like he did Blackbeard’s bandana.
H2O pulls his shades down and continues down the flight of stairs; exiting the arena as the scene fades.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Conduct unbecoming! |
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How dare you! |