Previously Recorded Thursday March 23, 2017
Our Heroes are seen in a singular jail cell 4 cots, in the sherriffs office. A horrible storm is brewing they have been transported to a sea side town in middle of no where America.
Having laid a mega smackdown on the locals of another town in Church no less Our Heroes waste away on poorly wrapped sandwiches and quarter waters.
It's been a few days since the brawl that found Our Heroes in duress! Even now Civil Rights are being Violated Our Heroes haven't been graced so much as a phone call as they sit.
The Rain has been coming down pretty badly since Monday. The crappy local radio station has mentioned that the small town has all but been evacuated, all attempts to sway these podunk key stone cops has fallen on deaf ears. Our Trio of Heroes is simply awaiting transport.
The Cell holding Our Heroes begins to leak...
Mugen: DUMMY, Hello DUMMY this water is up to our ankles, where the hell is the transport!
Deputy Dermeh: It's coming you shutup and wait!
Drago: Bubbah we gonna be flooded you don't hurry!!!
Deputy Dermeh: LOOK MAN, Sheriff said he would be right back, so when he comes back we will go ok!
Our Hero: Papa, that was about 4 hours ago. This town is empty except for us 3 and probably you so lets hustle, before we turn into 3 dead fish and 1 dummy!
Deputy Dermeh strikes the cell with his baton!
Deputy Dermeh: I said SHUT UP!
The Deputy's radio begins to blare about someone trying to break into the local pottery store! The Debuty springs to action because the lives of 3 prisoners is not as important as home made vases! Our Trio collectevly sighs as they notice the water level in the cell starting to rise. A few moments pass and the entire office starts to flood. Panic begins to set in.
Mugen: Shit, shit, shit. I don't want to drown. I drowned once in 4th grade it was awful!
Mugen: Quick I got an Idea!
Mugen takes off his shirt and well turns to the side and pees on it!
Drago: What the FACK!
Our Hero: DUDE!!!, you are RIGHT NEXT TO A TOILET!!!
Mugen: FOOLS, pee on my shirt!, it's an ancient chinese trick! We can bend the bars enough to squeeze through!
Our Hero: I'm not pissing on your shirt Mugen.
Drago: Sorry Bubbah, no peepee.
Mugen decides to pee into action and wraps his shirt around 2 of the bars he begins to wrench his shirt in an effort to bend the bars...they do not move an inch!
Drago: That's not how that.....
Our Hero: Waters rising!!!!!
The Camera pans to the towns dam which has ruptured thousands of gallons begins to flood the town. In an instant the office is engulfed in water! Our Heros begins to swim about. With the end coming amends are to be made!
Mugen: These past few weeks have shown me something different. I think you both are still dummies but I hate you much less. If we make it out of this, we should fight!
Drago: In old country fight then friends!
Our Hero: I mean it is the Old Country way.... But I think it's curtains for us. Drago you alright... Mugen......I still hate have an excellent lariat!
As the water nearly reaches the ceiling Our Heroes are now submerged under water. They all nod at each other and float in place looking for a way out but finding non!
Just then a loud crash is heard as the ceiling in front of the cells comes undone! A few seconds later a huge splash is seen! Something is in the water!!! As the bubbles settle its BUBBAH!!!!!!!!!!! He is dog lion paddling with keys in his jaw! Drago quicky snatches the keys and opens the lock! Our Heros make way for the huge hole in the ceiling.
Drago: Good Bubba!
Mugen: Holy shit that Lion is excellent!
Our Hero: WEPAAAAAAAAAA for Bubba!
Our Heroes notice an APC within eye shot.
Our Hero: REALLY, ITS RIGHT THERE these asshole's couldn't just.....
Drago: No worry, cops stupid!
Our Heroes make way fighting the water and in record time climb in the APC. Mugen searches for keys, Our Hero checks for Supplies and Drago looks for any fuel! Talk about luck couple tanks of fuel, and a pack of MRE's and keys in the visor!
Drago: Not home?
Our Hero: Hit it!
Our Trio rides off against all odds.... will they make it in time to do battle?
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Unreal what a grand adventure! |
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But will they make it? |
Molly is standing in OUR OVERLORD’s office, pensively.
MOLLY: Shit, shit, SHIT!
MOLLY: Mugen is missing(she didnt see the promo), Dimsmore is injured, Baker has gone rogue and Tobin is dealing with that, Kassidy has gone crazy, Bertha and Amazing Pine are awol and Ligermask is… well he’s Ligermask.
Molly strokes her chin as she considers her options. She pulls out a tablet and begins flipping through it, stopping sporadically to type things in.
MOLLY: Hmmmm… that just leaves me with Kass… and I think I have just the solution for him…
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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It ain't easy running things eh! |
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Shes the OVERLADY show respect! |
Stacy Clark came bustling down the hallway after a disheveled Loki.
Loki obliged by turning around and tripping over his own two feet. He popped back up with a sheepish look on his face.
Clark: You just beat Jacob Trance, and now you own his contract, what’s next for you?
Loki tilted his head and contemplated his words.
Loki: Well...I’ve thought long and hard about this...I will be...going back to Disney World!
Clark:--Wait, what?
Loki: Back to Disney World! I didn’t get a chance to go to Space Mountain!
Clark: hold Jacob Trance’s contract now! What about that?
Loki: I don’t have Fat Owl God’s Contract! I have a metal box! Huge difference Stacy!
Loki wasn’t paying attention. Instead he tried to balance the “metal box” on his head.
Loki: I wonder if I can use it as a hat in Disney World?
Clark: YOU---thank you for your time, Loki.
Loki: Off to Neverland!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a stange young man! |
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What does this mean for Jacob? |
Joe Zhivago VS Seb Abott
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He did it! |
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Gnarly! |
Previously Recorded
The cameras take us outside onto the streets of the nation’s capital Washington, D.C., where a mini montage of some of the local food trucks begin to play on screen. The camera then cuts to OCW’s beloved Hardcore champion, Bill Ding.
Bill Ding: Why HELLO all y’all lovely people of OCW universe! This is your big daddeh, Bill Ding.
Bill Ding: In honor of Washington D.C. hostin’ our Road to Glory pay per view event, I thought it'd be a great chance to hit the streets of this fine place and see what lovely eats they've got to offah.
Bill Ding: I’d like to call this segment, “Dinin’ with Ding!”
Ding leads the camera crew down the sidewalk until they reach a food truck advertising some of “D.C.’s famous dogs”. He walks up to the ordering window and rests his arm on the mini steel counter, where he is happily greeted by the owner.
Bill Ding: Well hiya sir! Now, we are here today in search of the signature food for folks here in DC. What can ya recommend for a fella like me with a healthy appetite?
George the Sausage Man: Well Bill, one of the things our food trucks here are known for is our “half-smokes”.
Bill Ding: Half-smokes??? Oh lordy I ain't a smokin’ man but I ‘am’ a man who likes his smoked meats! Tell us all about these here half-smokes.
Sausage Man: A half-smoke is our own "local sausage delicacy", a traditional snack found here in DC. It’s similar to a hot dog, but larger, spicier, and with more coarsely-ground meat.
Bill Ding: Oooh daddeh, a lil’ bit biiiig and a lil’ bit sassayyyy, just like yours truly, mmmph!!
The sausage man demonstrates how they are cooked and puts one in a bun along with the toppings before showing the camera the final product. He hands the steaming hot sausage to Ding who happily accepts it.
Bill Ding: Hoooo-wee! Mm mm mm just SMELL that deliciousness. Let's have a taste here, shall we?
Ding takes a big bite and grins in approval. He chews steadily as he gives George and the camera crew the thumbs up.
Bill Ding: Mmm yes, now this… This is good eats! For the big man on the go, pressed for time but not for quality, THIS is where you gots ta go if you evah travelin’ in the area.
Ding finishes up the half-smoke and wipes his mouth with a napkin. He poses in front of the ordering window with George the Sausage Man as he closes the segment.
Bill Ding: Well there ya have it folks! This has been your friend, Bill Ding in “Dinin’ With Ding!” featuring DC’s infamous half smokes.
Bill Ding: Cuz remembah folks, ‘Sometimes 8 inches just ain't enough!’
Ding flashes his smile and thumbs up as the scene ends.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Hhahaha! |
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This is a childrens show dammit! |
Unseen Footage from Riot 463
After the heinous attack from Kassidy Hayes; Heather, referees and EMTs are rushing ringside to assist H2O. It's real quiet in the arena. As The OCW Universe are all wondering if this is the end of the career already for this talented individual.
H2O face shows he's really in pain this time. Much more worse than when Ligermask attacked it. H2O backs everyone away as he tries to lift himself up by the ring apron. Everyone backs away except Heather. He reassures her that he can do this on his own. He lifts himself up successfully as he hobbles and gives high fives to the fans at ringside.
Next scene shows him trying to put pressure on his leg going up the ramp as he falls down chest first. He catches his own fall as the EMTs rush back to his aid. He shakes his head…
H2O: NO!
Last scene shows Heather’s face worried.
HEATHER: You did it, Harvey. You made it to the ambulance on your own.
H2O waits for the one EMT to hop into the back of the ambulance first then Heather. He pulls himself up with all he has left into the ambulance and finally the EMT just grabbed and assisted him onto the stretcher.
The other EMT quickly closed the doors and rushed to the driver's seat. OCW’s cameraman quickly looks inside the little window and see H2O hands over his face as Heather rubs her fingers through his hair.
You hear the sirens echo thru the parking garage of Madison Square Garden as the driver takes off quickly down Penn Plaza as the scene fades.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh no! |
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Welcome to the big leagues kid! |
Cactus arrives at the arena early that afternoon to prepare for his match with Bray. Walking towards the locker room, he noticed several people whispering and looking at Cactus. After passing several groups, Cactus losses it.
Cactus: What the hell is going on!
Random Intern: Have you not heard?
Cactus: With all due respect.... I don't even know who you are much less what you're talking about.
Random Intern: Bray isn't here.
Cactus: It's early. Why is this news?
Random Intern: No sir, Mr. Gauge. He's not here.
Cactus: Am I drunk? I know that. You just said those same words to me.
Random Intern, looking nervous: I mean, he's not showing up tonight. No one has seen or heard from him in a few days.
Cactus: What do you mean he's not showing up tonight? We have a match. He's been attacking me for weeks. He HAS to be here tonight.
Random Intern: I am sorry Mr. Gauge, but he won't be showing up tonight at all.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Disappointing |
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Oooooof |