Seb Abbott sat in the locker rooms downing whiskey and pain killers following his victory over Joe Zhivago.
Seb: Ah that's the good stuff. Thank you Jackson Montgomery.
The locker room door opened Ginger the intern walked in followed by a camera man.
Ginger: Seb, you finally got a win at a pay per view and you've levelled your feud with Joe Zhivago. What with him winning back at Devil's Night off the Single Malt.
Abbott grimaced and rubbed his jaw, it was slightly bruised from the two Single Malt's he kicked out of earlier.
Seb: That was then Red, tonight saw me claw my way back to the winners circle. At the expense of Joe.
Ginger: Can you tell us if that woman from last week was Joe's sister?
Seb: That woman was a backpacker I paid to bang.. Could've been an Australian, she tasted like vegemite.
He pulled a face as if he'd eaten a bunch of sour warheads.
Seb: Of course it was her you daft f**ker, Scottish woman taste like flat Irn Bru by the way.
Ginger winced and shook his head: What are your plans for the rest of the evening?
Seb: Sink piss and get f**ked up, possibly bang a couple fine young ladies... You know that sort of thing.
Ginger looked at the camera and shuddered at the thought of Seb's sexual exploitations.
Ginger: Yea I don't know. We will let you get back to your celebratio--
The intern and his camera guy were shoved to the side as a harum of young eastern European women clambered through, their broken English clearly shouted Black King Black King.
Seb: The king is spoken for ladies, how about one or three of you gals follow me out the back there for a bit of a Tim Tam Slam. Ginger leave, it's about to get stickaaay.
Ginger turned and beckoned for the camera guy to follow, as the feed was getting cut the camera reluctantly turned to follow Ginger along with four of the woman adamant on meeting their sexually frustrated humble hero Dennis Black....
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Drink it in man! |
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Joy! |
Ace VS Sophia

The Camera pans to the announce team!
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SHE DID IT!!!! |
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JIM BLACK: Heeeey folks! I'm back here tonight talking to the OCW Universe on social media. Fans are in a frenzy saying this PPV is better than the last one so far and we haven't even gotten to the Main Event matches!
JIM B: Wait a minute.
You can hear a truck rumbling and screeching into the parking area of the arena. Jim Black stops to go take of look to see who's coming. The all white with black racing stripes Nissan Titan pulls up right in front of Black.
H2O pokes his head out the window and gives Black a nod and a smile. You can hear the fans erupt.
H2O: What's up, Jimmy Boy? Looks like you've seen a ghost!
Heather hops out of the passenger side while H2O takes his time getting out the driver’s seat. Jim Black can't hide the excitement. Heather walks up to Black.
HEATHER: What? You thought this hard headed guy wasn't going to make it here tonight?
H2O: Pun intended?
Heather just stares at him. Jim Black is looking at Heather and just backs away from the situation for a moment.
H2O: Rhetorical, babe. Rhetoricaalllll.
HEATHER: HAMILTON, now is not the time to play.
H2O: No sweat. I'll meet up with you in the dressing room. Jimmy B, what's on your mind?
JIM B: H2O, we just saw footage of you in the hospital not too long ago. Are you ready for tonight's meeting with Pugh?
H2O: I'm ready as I'll ever be. My leg isn't a concern to me at all. Nor should be anyone else's. Now c’mon, Jimmy. What would this PPV be without the Aerial Assassin?
A long pause between the two as the camera man goes back and forth looking at their face to see who's going to say something.
JIM B: I'm sorry. You want me to answer that. (Laughs). I thought that would be rhetorical.
H2O: No go ahead. Answer that.
JIM B: We would be...
H2O: On second thought, that was rhetorical.
JIM B: Ugh... Dammit.
H2O: C'mon Jimmy B. Hold that mic up. I want the little boys in the back to hear this.
H2O: I can't be derailed. Kassidy is a forgotten pawn of The Purge. So that's what little boys do when they don't get what everyone else is getting. They throw tantrums.
H2O: So when I win the Light Heavyweight title tonight Daddy is going back to Madison Square to teach these kids a lesson.
H2O: My spirit cannot and will not be broken. Otherwise, I wouldn't be Hard to Obtain or High Octane.
JIM B: That's all well and good, H2O. But aren't you at least concerned to further injure that leg? Even IF you win you may have to forfeit the belt so it can be defended at Lution.
H2O: (Chuckles) Do you suffer from anxiety, Jimmy?
JIM B: Well no I….
H2O: Listen, my job tonight as well as every night is to get The OCW Universe on their feet. To make them ask, “What is he going to do next?” I tend to steal the show. I take full responsibility to make sure YOU the fans REMEMBER THE NAME…H2O.
H2O: So… you can love me or hate on me all you want. I'm not going ANYWHERE no time soon. Now if you would excuse me, Jimmy B. I gotta go do my job.
JIM B: There you have it folks. The Aerial Assassin is here tonight to do his job! I'm sending it back to you guys!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Our Hero: .....That hurt b.
Drago Cesar: Sorry. It was necessary.
Our Hero: Where are you taking me?
Drago Cesar: You need to reconnect with Goat.
The former CEO groans.
Our Hero: Do I really wanna see him like this though? Look at me. I'm a mess.
Drago stops and holds Our Hero by the shoulders.
Drago Cesar: He be worried sick about you!
Drago helps walk Our Hero to the Rev Inc locker room.
Our Hero: I just really.....
Drago opens the door and sees that everyone in the Rev Inc locker room is glaring at them both, with Nate standing up from his chair. Drago tries walking Our Hero inside but he refuses to budge. Drago, tired from all the fights and the traveling he's gotten into over the past few weeks, just shoves Our Hero inside and quietly shuts the door.
Drago turns around and has himself a seat next to the locker room. He takes a deep breath and sighs. He rests his head against the wall and closes his eyes. After a few seconds, he opens his eyes and something across from him catches his eye. He stands up and walks up to the wall.
The camera pans over to reveal what caught his attention; the poster for Wrestlution. Drago looks around. Bubba grunts and Drago looks at him.
Drago Cesar: Is time.
Drago starts walking down the hallway with a determined look in his eye, with Bubba in tow. The feed fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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It's finally over! |
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Finally! |
As the combatants of the previous match leave the ringside area, the ring announcer and the next match’s ref are making their way in the ring. The ref is in the ring first and holds the ropes open for the ring announcer. Just as she is about to announce the next match, a hooded man hops over the guard rail, grabs the ref by the ankles and drags him out to the floor. Before the ref can even react, he receives an elbow strike to his head. He is out cold. The hooded man removes his sweatshirt and it is Dimsmore.
Dimsmore still seems to be favoring his injured torso. He has no shirt on and his midsection is heavily taped. He slides in the ring and snatches the mic away from the ring announcer. She then scurries out of the ring. Dimsmore begins to pace wildly around the ring.
Dimsmore: So, truth be told, I wasn’t supposed to be here tonight. Let me give you a little run down.
Dimsmore: At Certified Greatness, due to the bush league spear thru the barricade from one Jackson Montgomery, I was diagnosed with a grade 2 lacerated spleen and cracked ribs. And unfortunately, the OCW team of doctors would not clear me for competition tonight.
A small smattering of boos is heard in the distance.
Dimsmore: So, Jackson life has been spared for tonight…… Or so they thought.
Dimsmore: I’m not leaving this arena until I find and handle Jackson Montgomery whether OCW officials allow me or not. I will force Jackson to feel the same pain that he caused me at CG. Cause deep down inside his soul, he knows that he can’t stand toe to toe with him in this very ring without the actions he resorted to.
Dimsmore: So screw OCW doctors, screw clearance from competition and screw anyone who wants to stand in my way.
Dimsmore tosses the mic outside the ring and storms out of the ring and up the entrance way. Once he is out of sight, we pan back to ringside.