Over a year of blood, sweat, and tears had finally paid off. Their goal was met, the record he so desperately wanted had been claimed. Matsuda’s theme continued to play throughout the arena as a constant reminder.
His moment was tainted.
Though his music continued to play, the Hall of Famer had yet to make an appearance. At this point, Dennis was shaking visibly, not with fear, but with rage.
With a mic in hand, Madison eagerly bounced on the apron and demanded to have the bottom rope lowered for her. The referee complied, and Madison sauntered around the ring. It wasn't until she stopped in the center of the ring that the music finally started to die down.
Madison: And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the Madison Effect. From the very moment I got here, I've bestowed upon you a glimpse of a bright future for OCW. A future that many of you have taken for granted.
Madison: I came here expecting twenty defenses...but once again, Dennis Black has left me in awe. Twenty one ‘successful’ defenses in a single reign. A moment that not even our biggest doubters can take away.
Dennis looked down at the Television Championship in his hands, and then up to the Wrestlution banner hanging from the ceiling.
Madison: Interesting fact, there are many people that have been here as long as us that don't even have twenty one wins tied to their career, period. Hell, there are people in this company that won't reach twenty one wins in the entirety of their career.
Madison: Now then! The moment you've all been waiting for, some words from the man who just made history. He is your reigning…
Madison: Defending…
Madison: Undisputed…
Madison: OCW Television Champion. He’s a 2016 S - Cup winner, 2016 King of OCW and your Turmoil Heavyweight Champion...
Msdison: He is your Ruler, He is your Better. Ladies and Gent-
Dennis snatches the mic from Madison and mouths ‘that's enough’. The audience immediately begins to shower him with thanks.
Dennis: Days like this are a once in a lifetime achievement. Will something like this ever happen again? Possible…
Dennis shakes his head at the camera.
Dennis: But..probably not. Because I'll be there around defense fifteen or so to snatch that dream away. Because I'm more talented than any guy Riot and Turmoil have ‘attempted’ to put on a pedestal in the last three years.
Dennis: I've got more drive than anyone that's ever come through OCW’s doors. I'm not like anyone in that locker room.
Dennis points to the ramp, eliciting a mixed reaction from the audience.
Dennis: And recently, i’ve had to face the fact that I'm certainly not like any of you. Buuuuut, I sweat for you. I bleed for you. I wrestle for you each and every night to the best of my abilities.
Dennis: So Turmoil...Riot, please do continue trying to trot out the next Dennis Black - lite, because they'll keep coming up short. Let's not pretend both brands have made failed attempts. I'll leave it at that. I'm a once in a lifetime kind of talent, and you're lucky to have me.
The audience claps loudly, but none louder than Madison. The cheering even continued after she stopped, which annoyed her. Dennis limped around the ring, lightly tapping the mic against his Television title.
Dennis: So much love and support from the fans…
Dennis: Thing is, The longer Dupree and I fought, I started to notice a change. A disturbance in the force, if you will. A change in the way you lovely hard working people felt about me, and a change in the way I started to feel about each and every single one of you.
Dennis: Much like the Turmoil locker room and our usual Barclays Center crowd, you turned on me tonight when I needed you the most.
Dennis: They cheered Malu! A member of the Skwad, a group that has gone on record trying to destroy Turmoil. That's who they cheered for.
Dennis: And you? Tonight? You cheered for Dupree…
Dennis: A man who insults your wives, your children, your loved ones and your eating habits each and every time he's given a mic. Why?!
Dennis spat at the ground and looked around to the many faces in the front row. Madison placed a hand on his shoulder, only to have it shrugged away.
Dennis: In the off season I was committed to bettering myself. Season twelve, I dug trenches and fought the good fight along side Revolution inc... Yet you boo me. I fought corruption and damn near killed it...you still boo me.
Dennis: I defended Turmoil and they boo me. I tried to elevate a locker room, change their culture, and set a new standard there, and instead they pray for
chances to pick up scraps like malnourished dogs instead of standing tall against tough opponents like the forces they claim to be...or is it pretend to be?
The audience was growing restless.
Dennis: Don't be mistaken people, it's no different on Riot. You all allowed this company to get soft, not me. So I ask myself…
Dennis looks to the Wrestlution banner once more.
Dennis: Why do I fight for you? Why did I ever fight for Turmoil?
Dennis: Love. I’ve spent all my energy entertaining you. The entrances, the style of combat, diving at the expense of my health. It's been all for you. Look at me. I can barely walk...
Dennis: I wanted to entertain you all, desperately. The love for Turmoil and what I had hoped it could become. The love for Riot, and her rich history. My love for OCW, and the platform it has given me to showcase my talent runs deep.
Dennis raises his hand to settle down the clapping. After turning to Madison, he approached her and continued to speak.
Dennis: But a man can only give love for so long...and not receive it back before he begins to grow bitter.
He then turns to face the camera again.
Dennis: I'm bitter with OCW. So...I will put everything on the line, one more time. One more time, I will fight for you. To entertain you while forging my name on the stone slab this company is built upon.
Dennis: My belts and his coveted EX title...all or nothing. Winner take all.
Dennis: In forty two days, by all means, betray me for the final time and cheer for Matsuda. Cheer for Matsuda as loud as you possibly can! I'm begging you to!
The Turmoil Champion winces in pain and drops the Television title. He places the now free hand against his temples. Concerned, Madison rushes over to him and ducks under his arm to keep him from falling. With his arm draped around her neck, she supported the man’s weight as best she could.
Dennis: Before I make my trip to Osaka, I'll leave you with this. You have every right to cheer for the Final Boss. But...If I was a gambling man looking to make a fortune on May 7th, I’d bet on Black.
Dennis handed the referee his mic and gingerly exited the ring with the help of Madison Cox.