* Kat walks in the back and comes upon security and they stop her *
Security 1: Uhm ma'am we are going to need to your pass.
Kat: Boy stop playing!
Security 2: No ma'am we take our job very seriously. So if you please step back or let us see your pass.
* Kat takes a step back and brushes a braid back then smiles. *
Kat: I am so sorry, I think I left it in my car. I'll be right back.
* Kat takes a few steps away, drops her purse and looks back *
Kat: Oh my goodness here it is!
* Kat shoulder blocks the first security guard through door and grabs other guard by the throat. *
Kat: Now do you know who I am? I am the longest ever reigning bombshell champion, I have more title defenses than KD has bodies in the garden.
Kat: I am someone you don't want to ever piss off! I'm Kat!
* She loosens the grip from his throat *
Kat: Now if you will be so kind as to show me to the ladies locker room I would be much appreciative.
* The security points to the way and Kat kisses them both on the forehead *
Kat: Thanks boys and keep up the good work.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
Well thats one way to get your point across! |
Yikes! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
Current timeline Mugen and Dupree are walking through the backstage area, Mugen looks concerned, Dupree looks outrageously annoyed.
Mugen: I sense an imbalance in the Timelines! We need to hurry to the council meeting!
Dupree: The only thing freaking here that’s imbalanced is your face.
With that said Dupree opens the doors to the assembly hall holding the council only to find what can only be described as a warzone.
There are Duprees, Mugens and Ryus strewn everywhere. Some hanging off upturned tables, others laid out in the remains of broken tables and chairs.
Dupree: Holy Betterness-Kneesus Christ! It's only been a year since I lost my damn Summer and everything is falling apart!
We hear a commotion from the center if the hall, a sockless mustachioed Ryu is dragging himself through the debris towards our heroes.
Mugen and Dupree make their way towards him as the battered Ryu falls to the ground..
Mugen: Are you all right?!
The Ryu motions them to come closer.
The two of them crouch closer.
The Ryu makes the same motion, this time more encouraging.
Mugen lifts him and cradles him in his arms, Dupree leans in closer, the three of them looking like a much goofier version of Michelangelo's Pietá.
The Ryu struggles to lift his body closer to Mugen and Dupree.
RYU: deez… nutz…
We hear a very faint injured Mugen in the background respond.
Background Mugen: b-boom… goteem.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
..................... |
(Laughs loudly and accidentally farts!) |