Jackman: What you people don’t understand is nothing fazes me anymore. I know I lost my match tonight but that is ok.
The crowd begins to chant Box-Man
Jackman: I might have lived in a box v 30 days and took out the trash with my old tag partner.
Jackman: There is still one thing going for me though at the moment. I have, I have…
The Crowd cuts of Jackman from there booing.
Jackman begins to reach under his shirt to pull something out.
Jackman: I have the WIG! to Mr. Bingo himself. There is no way he will ever be back in OCW. B 17 is trapped in the 80s along with those crappy movies he is trying to star in.
Thank you Jack-Man *clap clap clap-clap-clap*
Jackman: Even though one movie might have been a little questionable on the release date but I will let that one slide since it was actually a great movie.
Jackman: I have his wig because I completely despise him. I want him to suffer. It all started when I came into OCW back in November.
Jackman looks at the crowd as if they don’t deserve him in the ring.
Jackman: I have been in the ring with Bingo on 2 separate occasions and 2 altercations backstage. He beat me in my second singles match here in OCW. He got a lucky pin back at Certified Greatness back in February.
He begins to pull on his dreads and pulls one off his head where he begins to bleed from his head.
Jackman: A while back I took out Bingo backstage a few weeks before Certified Greatness because of a Rookie Hazing.
The blood begins to cover the left side of his face.
Jackman: There was the one time in the boiler room at Nassau Coliseum... It was the most humiliating thing I have ever done so I want retribution.
Jackman begins to whip the blood off his face with Bingos wig. So Bingo I know you are watching. Here is your Wig and here is a piece of my hair so you know what that means.
Jackman begins to laugh in the ring. The crowd doesn’t know what to do either cheer or boo Jackman.
Jackman: I will come back to get…
The arena goes black and the X-Tron Flickers On!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I mean.....this isn't even the wierdest thing tonight! |
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The Neo-Trash-Splitters have prepared for their confrontation against the Sensational Splitters.
Mugen and Dupree are relatively unchanged, but Liger-Ryu is now wearing a red head band, belt, wrist and kick pads along with white pants.
Mugen: Wow, you look like some sort of SCARLET SPIDER tm
Dupree: That sounds stupid and mediogre.
RYU: I dunno, I think I like the sound of it
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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(Starts to shake in anger) |
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Oh calm down AHAHA! |
C.Q.C vs A.W.O.L*
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Hmmmmm |
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Well they say controversy creates cash! |
We transition over to the backstage area, where we find Dragana sitting at a corner staring at the OCW Women's Championship. The face paint that was on her eyes has been mostly worn off by the previous battle.
Her eyes are also gleaming with excitement and her mouth is slightly agape, probably surprised that she managed to retain the championship. The cameraman walks closer to her and crouches down to her level.
Cameraman: Dragana, you just finished what looked to be a heated match against Aerith, managing to retain your cha-
Dragana doesn't seem to move, still staring at the championship like an excited child. She's unable to take her eyes off of the gold.
Cameraman: Um.....Dragana?
The cameraman extends his arm and nudges the Women's Champion.
Dragana: Aah!
She shakes her head and snaps out of her trance. She looks at the cameraman, noticing that she's being recorded live. Her face turns a slight red out of embarrassment.
Cameraman: Are you all right?
Dragana anxiously nods, being caught off guard by the situation.
Cameraman: What I was trying to ask you was, how do you feel after your match against Aerith? Do you have any....um, statements? For your opponent?
Dragana: ...
She nods a few times, holding a thumbs up.
Cameraman: Excuse me, it's a little difficult to conduct an interview when the interviewee.....isn't exactly talkative.
She lets out a smile and nods at the cameraman, motioning for him to proceed.
Cameraman: What's next for the OCW Women's Championship? Who are you looking forward to facing in the near future?
Dragana: ...
Cameraman: Lotus FloJo?
She raises both her hands slightly as though she is trying to simulate a scale that is going back and forth.
Cameraman: Cheryl Stixx?
Dragana's eyes squint in interest.
Cameraman: How about Valkyrie?
Her gaze drifts off as she thinks about all the possibilities.
Cameraman: Maybe you'd be willing to extend your championship matches to the male competitors as well?
Dragana: Eh?
Dragana looks at him in confusion.
Cameraman: Just a thought.....trying to promote equality and progressiveness and...
Dragana is interrupted by the sound of her phone vibrating. She pulls the phone out of her bag and looks at the screen. The camera turns over to get a glimpse; it's a picture of Drago passed out on a park bench with a neck brace on him and the Lightheavyweight Championship draped across his face.
The text below the photo says "I don't think he's following the doctor's orders." Dragana scoffs, quickly stands up and walks off as we fade to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Like Sister, like Brother! |
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