Valkyrie can be seen standing in the interview area, backstage, but oddly enough there's no Stacy Clark nor Jim Black next to her, rather a new interviewer never seen before.
???: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Valkyrie.
Valkyrie: Who are you? Where is Stacy?
???: I'm the new interviewer, but my name is irrelevant. Stacy is enjoying her well deserved vacation, here in Honolulu.
Valkyrie: I could've sworn I saw her in the backstage not a long time ago…
???: Speaking of Honolulu, it is hot as hell in here! Summercide is the hottest party of the summer and it's very important to stay hydrated, we all know that right?
Valkyrie: Yeah, I guess?
The mysterious man gives her a bottle of water, as she looks at it with a puzzled expression.
???: Here. A bottle of ice cold water just for you.
Valkyrie takes the bottle and reluctantly drinks from it, since it is in fact very hot backstage
???: Great! Now that you are hydrated again, you can finally answer my questions…
???: Any comments on your match tonight?
Valkyrie now looks at him with a disgusted expression as if the water he gave her was dirty and muddy.
Valkyrie: Where did you get this water from? It tastes funny.
Valkyrie: Anyway, what happened tonight wasn't a victory at all. This war just began: I lose every time someone buys a Kasstianity t-shirt, every time someone clicks on their videos, every time…
Valkyrie is now holding her head
Valkyrie: Damn. I don't feel so good.
???: It's ok, my child. You are feeling lost and confused, maybe because you don't have a true God to worship in your life…
Valkyrie is now staggering and her eyes are about to close completely
Valkyrie: You poisoned me, you bastard!
As she falls on the floor, unconscious, the mysterious interviewer quickly catches her and holds her under his arm.
Then a couple of hooded figures with Ghoul masks can be seen approaching from the background, accompanied by what appears to be Heather Angelo.
She whispers in Valkyrie's ear as if she could actually hear her, despite being completely unconscious.
Heather: Tonight, you showed me that you can be a valiant warrior. You displayed no fear and impressed our Savior.
Heather: Up and until now you have been completely wasting your career, but fear not, little one…
She signals the Ghoul Priests to pick her up and drag her away.
Heather: will be soon reborn under Kasstianity.
The camera then fades!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This is probably for the best! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
#Austin lays the CCW title down at his feet as he awaits a microphone, his eyes scanning the sold out crowd taking in the hatred from the crowd for his lack or dedication of being their champion.
#Austin Lee: Well well well…
#Austin pauses as the crowd starts to drown out the CCW Champion.
#Austin Lee just smirks as he walks towards the ropes, leaning down over the top rope as he just hangs his head waiting for the crowd to quiet down.
#Austin Lee: Now I was saying….
The crowd erupts again, frustrating #Austin Lee who responds by kicking the bottom rope. The CCW champion throwing a tantrum inside the ring as the crowd continues to disrespect him.
#Austin Lee: #Screw it. That’s how it’s going to be?
#Austin yells into the microphone so he is heard over the crowd.
#Austin Lee: You all think you are pissed off now just wait till the nights over when I walk out of the arena with this title over my shoulder.
#Austin Lee:
Take my ass out to my new home in California and continue living my best life as the rest of you all suffer till you can find a challenger who deserves to be in the ring with me.
#Austin Lee: That sure as hell isn't Jacob Trance’s fat ass, as I proved last month that people like him just do not amount to anything in life.
#Austin Lee:
Hell fat boy couldn’t even bring himself to fly down here for me to embarrass him again.
#Austin Lee: So ring the bell and let’s get this over with so I can take my Championship back home and enjoy my summer vacation….
#Austin Lee throws the microphone out of the ring as the bell rings and the referee begins his count.
The referee: 5….
The official shakes his head in disbelief that this is actually happening.
#Austin Lee walking around the rings his arms raised in the air taunting the crowd when suddenly….
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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We pan into the final confrontation between the Neo-Trash-Splitters and the Sensational Splitters.
Mr.Mugen and and Mugen are exchanging blows back and forth, Mugen using every weapon in his Pine arsenal to maim his villainous alter-ego, Mr.Mugen manages to slip each blow quite safely while keeping a big smile on his face.
Tiberius Ortiz and the Betterness are locked in a grappling match, Ortiz attempting to overpower his counterpart while Dupree slips each attempt with his superior dexterity.
Sensational Spider unleashes a barrage of faster than light punches at the Scarlet Spider, who weaves through each one and attempts to deliver an ATOMIC POWERED punch.
The battle between these time traveling paragons shakes the very foundations of the timespace continuum.
Just as the battle is about to reach its head, Sensational Spider backs away from Scarlet Spider. He looks to Mr.Mugen and Tiberius Ortiz.
Spider: I have to retreat, if I can obtain the OCW Championship they can’t stop us.
Mr.Mugen: You make a fine point there Spidridley-doo. We’ll take care of these rabblerousers and clear a path to victory.
Tiberius Ortiz: Sigh.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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ENOUGH!! (Spikes his headset and walks off) |
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Well then! |
The scene cuts to the arena where we see the ring covered in red carpet. There are display pieces for the now 0.5% film, ‘Bang Bang Brazil’, placed on the back side of the ring opposite the hard camera, including a framed movie poster, some prop Brazilian foliage over the turnbuckles and in front of the corner posts, and some semi-automatic prop guns propped (lol) up against the corner posts as well.
As the camera angles change we get a shot of the ramp and the sound of rolling film begins to emanate through the arena.
The crowd get to their feet and begin cheering as the music of Justin Jehst finally hits and he makes his way onto the entrance ramp dressed in his formal attire.
He is slow to move, one arm on a crutch, and he is hindered by his new forced footwear; a moon boot on his damaged leg. Behind him is Elsa, helping him along with his other arm over her shoulder.
As they make their way down the ramp, there is a clear look of disappointment on Justin’s face, in a moment where he should be so happy and proud. Everyone in attendance and watching at home can tell that his loss to Archer was just another knockback to add to his list.
The pair eventually get to ringside and Jehst hobbles up the steps, entering through the ropes gingerly, trying not to put pressure on his leg. After both Jehst and Elsa have entered the ring, the music fades out and Elsa goes to the ropes on the other side of the ring to get a microphone from the ringside crew.
She takes it and hands it to Jehst who seems to be staring down at the mat. The crowd try to encourage him by cheering. He looks up and gives a half smile to acknowledge them.
Jehst: *sigh* I couldn’t get the job done against Archer. I’m still under his contract; I’m still a slave to the 0.5%.
The crowd boos for the 0.5% comment and Jehst nods his head in agreeance.
Jehst: I let my anger get the best of me and it cost me the match, and put my right leg in a boot.
Jehst: But that’s not the reason I’m out here right now. Ya see there’s been a movie I’ve been making over the last while of which I am so proud of. The team, the director, my co-stars have all been amazing over this whole process.
Parts of the crowd begin clapping and cheering and Jehst looks around, again nodding in agreeance.
Jehst: I also want to thank, Elsa, here, who has organised all of this amazing set up, and a special surprise for you all for after the announcement.
Jehst: It’s been a hell of a journey to get to this point, but we’re finally ready…
Justin lifts his arm in the arm as a way to silence any sounds from the crowd.
Jehst: …ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…I, Justin Jehst, am proud to announce - - -
At that moment the X-Tron flickers on to reveal Thomas Archer smirking, sitting in a fine leather chair. Behind him is a library bookcase filled with financial and business literature as well as expensive looking antiques acting as display pieces.
The crowd erupts in boos, showing their vehement disapproval for the 0.5% member.
Archer: - - - Ladies and gentlemen!
The booing becomes louder. Jehst whips off his shades and stares at the X-Tron, shouting inaudibly at the screen.
Archer: - - - we at 0.5% Studios are proud to announce, our feature film ‘Bang Bang Brazil’ is out in theatres, NEXT WEEKEND!
Jehst is visibly pissed, kicking the bottom rope with his good leg as Elsa tries to calm him down. The camera switches back to the tron.
Archer: So we welcome you all to go out and watch the film! It’s an amazing piece of cinematic brilliance!
The camera switches back to Jehst who is leaning over the ropes pointing and yelling at the X-Tron.
Archer: But just to give you a little something to entertain you before you go and see our film, I’ve organised something for you all here in attendance; cue the lights!
The lights in the arena go out except for the emergency lights in the aisles. Suddenly fireworks explode from the ramp and a light show with music begins playing in the sky as an almost “A-Ha – Take on Me” style video, with scenes from the trailer being re-enacted by laser beams in the sky.
Archer remains on the tron smiling, proud of his ‘effort’ for the announcement. The show continues for about a minute before a grand finale scene and big final blast of pyrotechnics.
Archer: Thank you ladies and gentlemen, and remember to flood your local cinema next weekend for ‘BANG BANG BRAZIL’!!! Thank you, goodnight and appreciate my hard work in all of its glory!
The crowd boos as the tron flickers off, and the lights come on to show an extremely pissed off Justin Jehst standing and staring intently at the X-Tron. Elsa is tugging at his sleeve trying to get his attention, but he doesn’t budge. Not even one bit.
As he remains focused on the screen in front of him the scene fades to the next segment.
The Camera pans to the announce person!
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This is far from over! |