The camera pans around the stadium, fans on their feet as Telos stands in the center of the ring. He takes a deep breath and lowers the microphone, scanning the sea of faces while letting the energy of the crowd cascade around him. Finally, he motions to stop the music.
Telos: So….I was in the neighborhood and……
The crowd erupts as Telos smirks, pacing around the ring before continuing.
Telos: I’ve never gotten this type of reception from the OCW universe. Let me say, it’s a nice change of pace, and it’s definitely appreciated.
Telos: I’ve been away for some time. Done a lot of soul searching, a lot of self reflection, but that’s not what yall wanna hear. Ya know, while a lot of things have changed, some things stay the same….. And ‘Los still got a flair for the dramatic.
Telos: For the uninitiated, I made my OCW debut at RIOT 500. Green as grass, no idea what I was getting myself into. But I kept working, against some of the best OCW has to offer, and in 2018 I got the opportunity to put on a gotdamn banger at Savage Lands. I built myself into a contender, and got looks that some rookies could only dream of.
Telos: I would talk about the battle I had at Clash, but I just saw that greaseball Dillinger scarfing all the honeydew melon in catering, and I don’t want his ass getting any ideas about a reunion!
Telos: I say all this to say, I’ve had my moments here in OCW…..but there ain’t nothing like being here right now, in this ring, for the biggest gotdamn show of the year!
The crowd pops, while a section of the stadium begins the chant, “OCDub! OCDub! OCDub!”
Telos: Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, let’s get down to business. I know the fans here at Wrestlution, and the fans sitting at home, hell even the people in the locker room are all wondering the same thing: Why are you back?
Telos: Well, there are a few reasons. One, OCW is home. Whether you’re a rookie working on building your resume from the janitor’s closet or a vet making Cobra get off the sticks, this roster, this organization, this community…..I’ve experienced nothing like it in this world.
Telos: But I’d be lying to myself if I said that was the main reason for me being in this ring right now. The truth of the matter is, I feel a little left out. Once upon a time, I entered OCW with ambitions, aspirations, achievements in mind. And I wasn’t the only one.
Telos: There were guys working their way up the ladder as well. I’m talking guys like OCW Light Heavyweight Champion Doc…guys like OCW Pride Champion Rust Cohle….even someone like OCW Champion Ijitu Quartz.
The OCW universe cheers at the mention of all 3 champions. Telos continues to move around the ring, an intense expression crossing his face as he gathers his thoughts.
Telos: Now, I’m happy for each and every one of those gentlemen. Truly, I am. There’s no envy in my heart whatsoever, because their success is the catalyst for the journey I’m preparing myself to take.
Telos: If there’s one thing I know about OCW, you are never GIVEN a place in this company. You are never HANDED anything. And in most cases, it’s even difficult to TAKE something that you’re chasing after.
Telos: But I’m not here to give some kind of ominous warning about what I bring to the table, been there, done that. And I’m not here to stake some claim about a proverbial spot in OCW among the veterans, or tell you all that I deserve anything. There ain’t some mythical vacant place where I just fit in. I know better than that.
Telos: What I AM here to do, is to let each and every person listening to me right now know this: Los ain’t looking to be GIVEN a match. Los ain’t looking to be HANDED any opportunities. Los ain’t looking to TAKE anything from anyone. So hear me when I say this….when nothing is given, nothing is handed, and nothing can be taken, Telos is gonna MAKE it happen. Bet that.
Telos walks to the announcer’s table and drops the microphone. As the crowd digests his words, he walks up the ramp with only the sound of chatter in the background. The cameras follow him to the stage as we move to the next segment...
Jim: Ahaha...Wow! (Jim sees lotus in another cosplay)
Jim: Ladies and gentlemen I'm joined once again by the OCW resident weeb-ish enigma, Purple Lotus. Can I even call you that at this point?
Jim: Lotus you were so close in capturing the briefcase, what's the House of faith gonna think?
Lotus: Maaaan, I don't care right now. They should be thankful that I was able to participate in the ladder match. Fugg it.
Lotus: It's funny. No matter the alignment. I'm still in the same place. Yeah.
Jim: Is that a bad thing...?
Lotus: Depends I guess. I main evented a PPV, I picked a fight with Marisa and won. But I didn't win the FI match...Darn.
Jim: You're not gonna mope about it?
Lotus: Nah. Wanna know what else is funny? Frenchy. Hon hon hon. I always come up short against her. Beat me at cide, took me out of the chamber match and because I was power bombed off the ladder, she saw an opportunity and won.
Jim: You know, you could always challenge for the championship in a traditional way?
Lotus nods: I want to launch a surprise attack. Then, I want the ring lady to say that I won...(Lotus looks at Jim expectingly)
Jim:...And your winner and Neeeew World's women's wrestling Champion; Purple Lotus!
Lotus pulls out her cellphone and starts playing her theme
Lotus: Yeeeees!
Lotus: And I'll be in the ring happy as all hell then the next thing I hear is some shitty violin.
Lotus boos
Lotus: And La Mushy onion rings cash it in and rolls my ass up and wins. Again.
Lotus: I can't be havin' that shit, Jim.
Lotus: Anyways, gonna see what's next with the H.O.F. Ugh.
The scene fades to black.
John walks through the backstage area clutching the Light Heavyweight championship in his hands still riding that "First Title In OCW High" he falls to the ground. He gets up to a seated position and looks at the championship starting to cry not seeing the camera on him
John: I actually did it I… I won it I beat Doc I just became a champion. Chris and Dylan will be proud this is going to be amazing for all of us.
As John finishes his sentence he gets to his feet and notices the camera. He walks up getting close to the camera
John: You just see that? You all doubted me and look at this
John points at the Light Heavyweight Championship
John: All you people thought The Wrestling Club was a joke, you thought I was a coward, well guess what now I’m your champion.
This is the beginning of something great I will not waste this opportunity because trust me I know it doesn’t come often. I know I wasn’t the favorite to win but I beat the odds and I promise I will continue to do that.
This championship means a lot many legends and future legends have held it Antonio Everrett, Drago Cesar, Solomon Caine, A.C. Cobra, Ryu Matsumoto, Tiberius Dupree, The Jamacian Guy, T.Y. Sparks, Paul Pugh, and the man I just beat Doc.
I am now added onto this legendary list and I will defend this championship with everything I got. As for Doc, you showed me what it takes to be champion.
You lit a fire under me so thank you for that, but take that for what it is because I’ll never respect an old washed up shell of his former self like yourself. The old chapter is over we’re on the next page now Doc and I just scimmed through and you aren’t on it.
As John walks to his lockeroom he notices a replay the replay about Tiberius Dupree's announcement regarding the Pride & LHW Championships moments ago. John looks as though he has seen a ghost as he quickly scurries into his lockeroom!
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