*Camera opens up to the parking lot as cannon sounds can be heard as a boatmobile approaches*
Baxter: Damn You good for nothing scallywags .. you dont know how to tie a ship knot from the knots in your hair. prepare to dock
*the ship stops as it finds a spot and drops anchor into someone's SUV*
Baxter: You salty sea idiots, look what you've done. now weigh anchor and drop it somewhere else*
*suddenly a rope appears and Baxter jumps in the now totaled car and drops some gold coins in the ash tray*
Baxter: That should take care of it
Stacy Clark comes forward to ask Baxter some questions
Stacy: Baxter, it is your first wrestlution back in years, how do you feel
Baxter: I feel the tides, are changing. you see the Baxter of old has grown since he last appeared. he has sailed the seas and seen the trails of hell. and from that, something was born. and he will reveal himself to the world later tonight. *looks dead into the camera* And i Promise, the 7 seas will never be the same again
Stacy: *concerned* Are.. are you okay ..
Baxter: Never better puppet .. now run along .. i have some crew members that need attention
*Camera pans away as Baxter is yelling obscenities at his crew trying to dock the boatmobile*
The scene opens in the backstage area. Valkyrie is standing right next to the designated OCW interviewer Stacy Clark and is waiting to respond to the questions she is going to ask her.
Stacy Clark: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time… Valkyrie.
Stacy Clark: Valkyrie… this is it. After months and months of back and forth, you and Terra will finally clash once and for all. You claimed this is “just another match” for you… but is it really?
Valkyrie looks cold and emotionless.
Valkyrie: It is. It absolutely is “just another match” to me but not for the reasons you may think. See, Terra did this. Terra made this “just another match”. She did it.
Valkyrie: She made this “just another match” when she made it personal back on Riot and refused to listen to me… just like everyone else before her did.
Valkyrie: She made this “just another match” when she decided to make this a life or death scenario, a career ending match… just like everyone else before her did.
Valkyrie: She made this “just another match” when she looked me in the eyes and I saw… nothing, just pure hatred and grudge… just like what I saw when I looked in the eyes of everyone else before her.
Valkyrie: So yes, Stacy. This is, indeed, “just another match” to me because I don’t feel anything for her anymore. It’s done, that part of me is dead inside.
Valkyrie: I did everything in my power to make sure we were not going to reach this point… I got on my knees and BEGGED for forgiveness. How many people in this industry have done something like this? I've been around for a while and never seen it before.
Valkyrie: Tonight there will be no second chances. No feelings, no “we can’t still be frands”. No nothing, no mercy, nothing. NOTHING. Nothing, Stacy. I will go out there and do what I have to do, in front of a sold out crowd made of actual FRIENDS of mine who have come all the way down here to support me. That’s the bottom line.
Valkyrie turns around and leaves the interview as Stacy Clark looks on flabbergasted. .
The scene opens in the backstage area at Wrestlution, with The Last Blacksmith and The Mantis watching the show from the locker room.
While The Mantis follows the show with interest, Blacksmith, leaning with one shoulder on the wall smoking a cigarette, looks into the void thinking about what happened the night before when, after his win against Solomon Caine, he saw H2O save him from the attack on his rival.
The Mantis: You're not still thinking about what happened last night, right?
The Last Blacksmith takes a drag on his cigarette.
TLB: This world is strange, Mantis...you kick their ass, and they save yours.
The Mantis: Sorta like what happened to you at Summercide last year, huh…? Why would he do that?
The Last Blacksmith slowly shakes his head while continuing to stare into space.
TLB: I don’t know...I really don’t know…Stockholm syndrome, perhaps?
The Last Blacksmith now rests his eyes on the television.
The Mantis: I was really hoping to get out there myself, you know. Be on that big stage where the whole world can see me...fat chance of that now, huh?
Meanwhile, Nate Mac is making his entrance for the Triple Threat match for the OCW Pride Championship.
TLB: Who says you can't still get on it?
The Mantis: I know, just gotta wait til' next year...
TLB: I was talking about tonight…
The Mantis: Yeah...wait, what? W-what do you mean?
The Last Blacksmith snuffs out his cigarette.
TLB: What do you think about The Iceman, Nate Mac? A good opponent, no? Dangerous. Fearless. I think he is perfect for you.
The Mantis: Are you sure? That bloke's a ruddy giant. And even that considered, how am I gonna convince him to challenge me? He's rather...discerning when it comes to opponents.
TLB: A good old-fashioned call-out. Here, on the greatest stage of them all.
The Mantis: W-what?! Are you mental? What would I say?
TLB: Watch the match, see what happens, and use a little imagination. Besides, Iceman is a great fighter, and he's not afraid. But he's not very smart. Which is why it will be easy to call him out and fall into your trap.
The Mantis: Honestly mate, I'm really not sure this is very wise...
TLB: Do you want to stay locked in a dressing room all the time without doing anything, Mantis? Just do what I tell you, and don't worry about the rest. If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it. It's time to bring some chaos to this fucking show…and above all, time to turn you into a man...
Emp is seen walking toward the locker room with a towering plate of food in her arms. She has a huge smile on her face like she just won the lottery knowing she just grabbed the last of the cupcakes from the catering table. She opens the locker room door to find Joanna standing in the way.
Emp: Excuse me. Can I get through? Some of us have to get prepared for a match.
Joanna cracking a sinister smile doesn’t move a muscle.
Joanna: No, I don’t think I’d want to do that “champ” beside we all know that tonight is the night we see the fraud you are inside when Holly defeats you. Maybe then you’ll start to take the word of Lady Caleigh seriously.
Joanna still stands in the middle of the doorway not moving.
Emp looks around then back at Joanna.
Emp: The only fraud I see is you and your little make a wish foundation of idiots. Your little scooby Roo crew can’t manage to pull off a single goal. Your biggest achievement was getting flojo.
Emp gives her best attempt at a slow clap due to her arms being filled with food.
Joanna:You ever see a repeating pattern? It’s Morgan or Flojo that are being put into positions of success. I was put in matches and what happened each time? I won.
Joanna:You sit here and say we are frauds? You should do a reality check you hide behind these fickle fans, this bias management, but I promise you.. One day you will meet our wrath and I promise when that happens.
Joanna abruptly stops and smacks all of the cupcakes out of Emps arms watching them collapse to the floor. Joanna, smiling as she finally steps out of the way.
Joanna:When that finally happens Emp? I promise I will make your life a living nightmare.
Emp looks down at the cupcakes on the floor and balls up her fist in rage.
Emp: You want to see what I’m made of you’ll see when I put Holly down once and for all. As for you and your little group of Hot Topic rejects. Stay the hell out of my way before I finished what I started with with Morgan Blacktrash.
Emp shoves Joanna out of the way and storms into the locker room.
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