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OCWFED.com Presents Riot |
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The scene cuts to ringside, which cues The Glitch Mob’s “Can’t Kill Us” playing over the PA. The C4 entrance video plays across the OrtizTron as Kid Ego himself, Paul Pugh, lead the new look C4 out to the ring. On Pugh’s left flank, the underboss of C4, Mugen, walks beside the newest member of the group, Bobby Minio, who follows on Pugh’s right flank. The OMG and Dimsmore faithful boo the absolute hell out of C4, some fans even leaning over the barrier to spit forth as much venom as possible. Bobby Minio: “If you will kindly shut your cakehorns I’d like to speak…” While the crowd continues to boo Minio for his heelish reply, the man in the front row looks quietly dejected as he slumps back into his chair, lifting a bucket of popcorn to his face to begin eating away his shame and embarrassment. Bobby Minio: “That’s right piggy, stick to your day job of sprinting your way to the finish line, or as you’ll come to understand it, a triple bypass. Now, since I was so rudely interrupted by the reanimated corpse of Oliver Hardy, give me a second to regain my train of thought here.” Bobby Minio: “I remember. You wanted to know WHY. ‘Why oh why did Minio turn his back on the sixteen loyal fans who still cheered him? Why did Bobby join those ruffians in C4? Why did Bobby assist in the abduction and violent assault of our beloved Dimsmore? Why have you left Luke hanging? Why have you abandoned the revolution? Why why why why’ … Let me ask some questions now. How the hell did you not see this coming? Why do you think? Oh, and most importantly… Why do you think you’re entitled to an answer?!” The final question proved too much for the audience to bear, as they once again explode into a sea of boos and angry shouting. An “asshole!” chant breaks out prominently, which brings Minio to speak again. He pauses, grinning as the fans send more unadulterated hatred toward the ring. Bobby Minio: “Don’t worry baby birds, Bobby is gonna feed you right now.” Bobby Minio: “The Revolution continues. The only thing that has drastically changed is that I’m making more progress. You see, I was spinning my tires out there, with just Luke at my side. Luke and I… our friendship and our relationship as a tag team, that’s it’s own thing, and that’s something that we’ll deal with when we get there, but the truth is. I was tired of fighting a losing battle. I was sick of having to operate in the shadow of OMG. Now? With C4? With Kid Ego and The Undisputed Lord of the Lariat at my side, WE ARE THE LIGHT THAT CASTS OMG’S SHADOW. THEY bask in OUR glow.” Bobby Minio: “The C4 Movement has evolved yet again. They approached me because they saw I had… similiar interests. Ever since I arrived, I’ve watched C4 try to rid the OCW of this uncomfortable tumor that plagues the ring, the locker room, and the whole damned OCW Galaxy. I’ve watched these privileged hipsters turn every Riot into a celebration of their own obnoxious egos, and like C4, I’M SICK OF IT.” Bobby Minio: “You see, OMG is a volatile growth, like too much sun can corrupt your body and give you skin cancer, this celebration of self absorbed metrosexual over-rewarded underachievers has grown out of control and it’s a cancer on everything that OCW, and WRESTLING, represents. We’re here to remove that growth… and as I’ve always said, when it’s done, you will thank us. You will drop to your hands and knees, and you will thank us. You will beg for forgiveness for every fountain drink you’ve thrown, every insult you’ve shouted, and every boo you’ve foregone a second helping of sugary death to join in on, because you will know that this, the C4 Revolution, was a necessary evil to making the OCW healthy again.” Minio turns, grinning despite the vicious booing that follows his every statement, as he looks to Pugh and Mugen, who gesture to him to continue. Bobby Minio: “I know that the critics will talk about my recent history in the ring, the fact that I ‘needed C4 to finally put Dimsmore down’, all of that garbage. You sit here and boo me for what I did to Dimsmore, when absolutely NO ONE points out that Dismore was CHEATING. Do you know why he was able to stand up after riding the Deadly Rhythm THREE TIMES? He’s wearing a protective mask! He’s wearing armor!” He pauses to let the last statement sink in while the fans react as they have been the entire time, by booing heartily. Bobby Minio: “The truth is, my opponents know what a threat I am. Do you think Dimsmore questioned my ability while he was eating TDR’s left and right? Do you think Tobin Frost has any doubts about my drive or my determination? Does Matsuda have any questions about my ability to keep getting up no matter what he throws at me… or… throws me through? What about Tibby, the man living his life as Liberace’s ghost! Would that sissy doubt my ability to rock a mic?! Has anyone heard Cherese running around backstage questioning my virility? Oh course not, she’s got an upset stomach while she struggles to digest a belly full of my unborn children!” While the fans react to his taunts, Minio stretches his arms out, gesturing for the fans to keep piling it on. A huge grin plays across his face as he turns, holding the mic out towards Mugen. Mugen takes the mic as he saunters around the ring taking in the boos. A feminine looking male or masculine looking female at ringside yells "You aren't even Japanese" at Mugen to which Mugen gives a big grin and looks at him/her. Mugen: And I don’t even know what you are! Are you a man? Are you a woman?! Are you of the same half assed carny gender that Tiberius Dupree is? Sit your fat ass down. Mugen: Ha ha ha, keep it coming. You know what, it takes a real man to accept the fact that he lost a bet. It also takes a real man to do what I did in a dress. May I remind you what I did in a dress? I defeated, no excuse me, DOMINATED that second rate rip off of Michael Hollywood. Tonight the domination continues with the paper champion Cody Storm. Mugen looks at Minio and Pugh as he gestures to them. Mugen: I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. Don’t get it twisted just because theres three of us. We still one of the most dominant forces in OCW. C4 Over Everything. Mugen stylishly flips the microphone in the air towards Pugh. The Boss looks pleased with the work of his charges as the fans continue with their boo-age. Pugh: OCW this is your Champion speaking… A grin cracks Pugh’s face as Mugen and Minio applaud. The fans spit all manners of verbal bile in the direction of the three as Pugh laps it up. Pugh: ...This is your last legitimate OCW Champion speaking. More boos for the former World Champion. Pugh: What is there to say now? Wow right? My boys are all grown up. Now - ONTO BUSINESS. OMG… We told you. We told you what was going to happen and we did it and there wasn’t a thing you could do about it. Now Dimsmore is dead. Soak that in for a moment. We - C4 - killed one quarter of the golden generation. In one single night. One quarter of “the best”... and let me tell you. It feels fantastic. Pugh spreads his arms and closes his eyes, soaking in the distain of the electric Riot crowd. Mugen has taken up residence HBK style on the top right turnbuckle as Bobby Minio is keeping watch in the direction of the X-Tron. Pugh: What all of you in the back fail to understand is that you exist only as long as we let you. Mediocrity is no longer going to be tolerated in our ring. We are the chosen children. The men who hold all of the power with none of the restrictions that hold other men back. We are agents of chaos. Whatever we want, to whoever we want, whenever we want. We are above rules and we are most certainly above every single one of you. We are hard hitting, arse kicking, loud and proud in our belief that OCW needs to be killed to rise again. One cannot achieve greatness without embracing Heart, Honor and Respect for this business. For everything, a reason. Its why we exist. We are a cancer, fighting the good fight, proving that being exceptional is no longer desired, but is now required - and Minio’s actions last week show that we are spreading. If you’re not along for the ride then you had better be ready... More booing from the capacity crowd as Pugh raises three fingers into the air and bows his head. The lights in the arena all drop as a single spotlight illuminates Kid Ego. Pugh: OCW this is your final warning. The sky is falling, the wind is calling. Stand for something - stand with us… or die in the morning. C4 over EVERYTHING.
Dr. Lindsay Rothschild Esq. M.D. is sitting at her desk looking over documents and signing her elegant signature where needed. A decent sized office space was reserved for overseer of The Bombshell Initiative here in the Hartman Arena.
Justin Raze vs King Tyga The camera pans backstage where one super agent Lexington Walker is power walking down the halls of the Hartman Arena. He books it down the hallway knocking on a door, but the camera didn't catch the nameplate on the door prior to it opening. When it does open Your World Heavyweight Champion is standing behind it.
We cut backstage where we find ourselves with Dimsmore’s betrothed Lacey Love. She’s covered in sweat after a hard fought match earlier in the night, and she seems to be preparing to take a shower. She pats her forehead dry with a towel and goes to open a mirrored locker. She quickly opens it and throws towel inside before closing it. As she does so, the camera catches the mirrored reflection of a figure who wasn’t there when she opened it. She gasps and almost jumps out of her skin. Pugh: We need a word don’t we flower?
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